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Everything posted by FlavioMacedo

  1. Come on. I have a first program (prog1.dll) and after the user clicks an existing button on the screen of this prog1 the system should call a second DLL (prog2.dll). The system should open a new tab in the browser and run this second program on the second tab. Anything else you can kindly tell me. I'm using version 1.0.1393
  2. Can someone help me with this question? I still can not solve the problem
  3. Como a partir de um programa unigui posso fazer a chamada de um segundo programa tambem desenvolvido em unigui?
  4. how from a unigui program can I make the call of a second program also developed in unigui?
  5. I need to display the contents of a directory in a frame for the user to choose the file and save the path in an edit. Does anyone have any ideas or examples of how to do this?
  6. I need to mount a page with carousel with unigui. Is there any way to do it?
  7. Is there any way to load an xls or cvs file directly into a stringgrid?
  8. Has anyone been able to view this topic to give me some help? I thank everyone.
  9. Thank you for your help. There goes the link as my example. http://uploadboy.me/xabmx1vc30o7/Main.zip.html
  10. When I use the fields: Inputmask.mask = '99/99/9999 '; Inputmask.maskchar: = '9'; Inputmask.unmasktext: = true; The form simply does not open.
  11. System goes into looping. In delphi debugging I verify that the system goes into looping presenting the numerous messages of: Thread start ...... Thread stop ...... How to solve this? What can it be? Thank you all.
  12. Someone has been able to replicate the error so I can get an idea of what is happening. I had to stop all testing because of this problem.
  13. Good morning friends. I am using the latest evaluation version downloaded by the site. Go onchange code. If there is a simpler way to use Treeview I am totally open to suggestions as this is the first time I use this type of component. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Thanks
  14. Good morning everyone. I'm facing a problem with unitreeview which consists of the following: I mount a treeview with 6 levels with only 20 records. He assembles the tree perfectly, but when I randomly click on the tree it will simply freeze after a few clicks (usually around 12 clicks). What can I be doing wrong? The encedeamento is by a text field of up to 20 characters. Thank you all.
  15. Estou montando uma utilitário parecido com o dropbox e o usuário precisa acompanhar o progresso do download (principalmente de arquivos grandes) por que se não for visual ele acaba fechando o browse e fala que não esta funcionando. Estou utilizando o comando abaixo porem quando chega no comando o computador parece ficar congelado até terminar o download. UniSession.SendFile(DestName, OriName); Preciso acompanhar o status do download e apresentar para o usuário e estou travado nisto.
  16. How to know the progress of downloading the downloaded file with the UniSession.SendFile () command
  17. Ainda não consegui mostrar ao usuário o progresso do download. Tenho um arquivo com mais de 50Mb para fazer download e preciso mostrar o progresso se não o usuário simplesmente acha que a maquina esta travada. Se alguém tiver algum exemplo por favor me ajude. Nos exemplos do unigui não encontrei nenhum que mostra o progresso. Obrigado
  18. I have not been able to show the user the download progress yet. My idea would be a ProgressBar of the type used by downloading the dropbox for example. I have a file with more than 50Mb to download and I need to show the progress if not the user simply thinks the machine is locked. If anyone has an example please help me. In the unigui examples I found none that shows progress. My comand is: UniSession.SendFile(DestName, OriName); Thank you
  19. How to know the progress of downloading the downloaded file with the UniSession.SendFile () command
  20. Good afternoon friends. I do not know any website that does this but would only drag the file from the site to the local machine to start downloading. This would be the need. Make something very easy for the user as if he were on his own windows (local environment)
  21. The above example works perfect for dragging files from the user's desktop to the application server. Is there an example of the function doing the opposite way, or is it dragging from the application server to the user's machine? Thank you all for your help.
  22. bom dia. existe alguma forma de se editar um nó diretamente no treeview
  23. Good Morning. Is there any way to edit a node directly in the treeview
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