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Posts posted by Tokay

  1. 10 hours ago, Dinkin said:


    А могу лия таким образом обращаться с TUniMainModule одной сессии к другим TUniMainModule ? или всё-таки луче это делать через TUniServerModule ?

    Пробуй. Скорее всего будет работать.

    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    The main logic of these things is done on the server side and stored in the database. Do you have server side logic using DB?

    There is no problem to make the base side: just change one, node root, id. But graphical interface of drag-drop is ugly as in UniDbTreeView as in UniTreeView. And it's important for us.

  3. 15 hours ago, luapfr said:

    Yes I know I have to remove all the errors but is there any configuration to make Unigui not be so sensitive to errors?

    Because as I'm starting, I have several issues that I would like to solve so that I can acquire a license, but I can't keep a session open for more than 5 minutes and that scares me

    What you are asking has nothing to do with UniGUI. In such way works any native application. After AV crash ususally any native application will work unstable or does not work at all. Only app with managed memory like .net or java has more protection from such errors.

    You must fix AV in any native application, VCL, UniGUI, C++, there is not the difference. Licensed or trial, Delphi, C++, or any other one native language.

  4. I've continue to find soultions for other Jpeg/Bitmap issues.

    This is converting function that works with UniGui, FMX:

    procedure ConvertJpgDoBmpStream(FileName: string; Stream: TMemoryStream);
     Bitmap: TBitmap;
     bs: TBitmapSurface;
     Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
      bs := TBitmapSurface.Create;
       TBitmapCodecManager.SaveToStream(Stream, bs, 'bmp');
       Stream.Position := 0;

    It works fine, returns BMP, but UniCanvas couldnot load the BMP from the stream. Actually nothing just happens. I also check with loading BMP into the stream from the file and after try to open it UniCanvas1.LoadFromStream(Stream) but without success too. Linux, Ubuntu.

    Unfortunately we still does not have all the runtime UniGui code, TBitmap code does not exists in the installator and I could not find what is wrong.

    Farshad please fix the LoadFromStream!

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