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Everything posted by RobYost

  1. I did it by just dropping an image on it. There might be a more elegant way to do it.
  2. The code below only gives me an error if I have more than one session that uses the same frame fraTenantDetails. Do I have something declared that is used in multiple sessions? If so, where would I look? if (fraTenantDetails = nil) then fraTenantDetails := TfraTenantDetails.Create(self); fraTenantDetails.Align := alClient; fraTenantDetails.Parent := tsTenant; <===This line fails tsTenant is a TUniTabSheet fraTenantDetails is a TUniFrame Project raised exception class EAssertionFailed with message 'TUniSimplePanel.SetParent(): Parent.OwnerForm must be same as Self.OwnerForm (H:\Framework\uniGUI\Source\Core\uniGUIClasses.pas, line 4837)'.
  3. RobYost

    LMD Controls

    https://www.lmd.de/products/vcl/ngconnection/ This is a non visual control that connects to google drive/drop box/etc and lets you iterate through the files. Would this work in a UniGui program? Since it is non-visual I was hoping it would as it is only €79.
  4. RobYost


    Thanks. I made a new control that uses the system configuration of currency if anyone is interested. I'm new to controls, so if you see a problem with this let me know. unit UniCurrencyEdit; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniEdit; type TUniCurrencyEdit = class(TUniFormattedNumberEdit) private protected { Protected declarations } public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TUniCurrencyEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; case (formatsettings.CurrencyFormat) of 0: begin FormattedInput.CurrencySignPos := cpsLeft; FormattedInput.CurrencySignSpace := crsNone; end; 1: begin FormattedInput.CurrencySignPos := cpsRight; FormattedInput.CurrencySignSpace := crsNone; end; 2: begin FormattedInput.CurrencySignPos := cpsLeft; FormattedInput.CurrencySignSpace := crsAvailable; end; 3: begin FormattedInput.CurrencySignPos := cpsRight; FormattedInput.CurrencySignSpace := crsAvailable; end; end; FormattedInput.ShowCurrencySign := True; FormattedInput.CurrencySign := FormatSettings.CurrencyString; ThousandSeparator := FormatSettings.ThousandSeparator; DecimalSeparator := FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator; Alignment := taRightJustify; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('UniAddOns', [TUniCurrencyEdit]); end; end.
  5. RobYost


    It looks like it has to be a real form. And The code must be in that form. If I move that code to a different unit it fails.
  6. RobYost


    --------------------------- Debugger Exception Notification --------------------------- Project -.exe raised exception class EAssertionFailed with message 'TUniSimplePanel.SetParent(): Parent.OwnerForm must be same as Self.OwnerForm (H:\Framework\uniGUI\Source\Core\uniGUIClasses.pas, line 4837)'. --------------------------- Break Continue Help --------------------------- I reduced it down to this. procedure TfraTIncome.btnNewChargeClick(Sender: TObject); var aFrame: TUniFrame; aTempModalForm: TUniForm; begin aTempModalForm := TUniForm.Create(UniApplication); aFrame := TUniFrameClass(TUniFrame1).Create(self); aFrame.Parent := aTempModalForm ; end;
  7. RobYost


    Yes, it shows. Thanks. Any chance this might get changed to show at design time?
  8. RobYost


    Does anyone know how to have a edit field only accept currency? I currently use TcxCurrencyEdit, (DevExpress) but obviously that wont work.
  9. RobYost


    I created a demo project with only a TUniImageList and at TUniBitBtn In UniImageList1 I added a bmp I set the images to UniImageList1 and the index to 0 nothing shows up on the button. If I use the Glymph property and select the same bmp file it works.
  10. How do you know which node has been selected on a right click? This is the code I was using in VCL procedure TfrmMain.treeBuildingMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var aNode: TUniTreeNode; P: TPoint; begin if (Button = mbRight) then begin aNode := treeBuilding.GetNodeAt(X, Y); if (aNode <> nil) then begin treeBuilding.Selected := aNode; P.X := X; P.Y := Y; P := treeBuilding.ClientToScreen(P); popNewEntity.Popup(P.X, P.Y); end; end; end;
  11. I don't know how to select a node in TUnimNestedList. When you touch a node it shows the nodes under it. Sometimes you might want to get to those nodes, but sometimes you may want to select it. a b c d e f when you click on c it displays d, e, f I may want to select c or I may want to select e
  12. RobYost


    Thanks, I just figured out that I was clicking the run button which was run without debugging. Sorry for the long useless posts.
  13. RobYost


    I have found a more simple way: CTRL-F9 (compile project) Run->Load Process (select run at the bottom) This starts the exe and connects the debugger to it. The added bonus if it is connected to the debugger is that when I close the program it stops the exe, so when I recompile it doesn't say it is in use. Down to just 2 steps. If anyone knows how to set a shortcut key to the "load process..." that would help.
  14. Thanks, I see now. mm puts in minute.
  15. If you change the DateFormat to mm/dd/yyyy then month field show '00' The DateTime property has the right value, but it show 00 in the editbox Am I doing something wrong?
  16. RobYost


    I created a new project and selected 'Stand Alone Server' When I click run, it compiles and starts an executable. I then have to click Run ...Attach to process Then it opens the CPU file And I have to click run (continue) again. This works fine. I just wanted to know if this is how everyone debugs or maybe there is a better way to do this. Thanks
  17. RobYost


    Yes, I think that is what I chose when I created the program. Is there a way to turn it to standalone for testing, then switch it to Service or ISAPI when it is ready to deploy?
  18. Is there any plan to create a mobile UniTreeView component? If not, what do you recommend to use as a replacement?
  19. RobYost


    I am new to UniGui, just started using the trial. I can debug the program, but I must click run, then run->attach to process. Is there a way to run and get it to attach to a process automatically?
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