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Everything posted by RobYost

  1. RobYost

    Set style

    I have a test case that will fail, and I will upload it if you want. But it turns out the problem is that I am adding UniSession.AddJS(' document.getElementById("'+ MainmForm.framEntity.lblCompanyName.JSName+'_id").style.fontSize = "12px";'); During the create of the frame. If I add a button to set the style after it is created it works. If I add a timer after the frame is created to set the style that also works. I don't like either of these options, is there a better event I should use?
  2. I'm sorry, I don't know how to use addstyle()
  3. Thank you UnimLabel1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents -> ... function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.style = "text-align:center; color:green;"; } This works. How would I add this to a component? So it could be set from properties within the component.
  4. Mobile Edit and Lable are missing the Font property. I am not very familiar with writing components, but if someone could give me direction on how to do it, I would like to try to make a descendant of TunimEdit that has a font, etc. I am also thinking of starting a group wiki where we could collaborate by adding properties to existing controls. For example, I have done something very simple; add a Dirty flag to TUnimEdit. unit mUniRyEdit; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, unimEdit; type TmUniRyEdit = class(TUnimEdit) private FDirty: Boolean; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published property Dirty: Boolean read FDirty write FDirty default False; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('UniYostPak', [TmUniRyEdit]); end; end. But I would like to learn to do more. Any help would be appreciated. -Rob
  5. RobYost

    Set style

    I have a form and can change the style of labels on it with: UniSession.AddJS(' document.getElementById(' + aForm.Name + '.' + TUnimEdit(aForm.Components[i]).Name + '.getId( )).style.fontSize = "14px";'); But now I have a frame on a form and I have tried several things UniSession.AddJS(' document.getElementById("'+ MainmForm.framEntity.lblCompanyName.JSName+'_id").style.fontSize = "12px";'); Yields: Cannot read property 'style' of Null UniSession.AddJS(' document.getElementById(MainmForm.framEntity.lblCompanyName.getId( )).style.fontSize = "12px";'); Yields: Cannot read property 'lblCompanyName' of undefined
  6. I have it working with https: Thanks for your help. But it does not work with http: Should I write a little program that listens to port 80 and redirects to 443 Like this example: http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/5709-redirect-and-close-session/ PS - To clarify. If I type in the address without any http at the begining just demo.simple-landlord.com it does not work. I have to explicitly type https://demo.simple-landlord.com I have used other sites that automatically redirect it to https Is this something I can do on the server? (windows server 2016)
  7. Thanks I got it working. Is it possible to know how they got to my server? For example did they type in demo.simple-landlord.com or login.simple-landlord.com These are set to two different ip addresses, but alias to the same one.
  8. I have simple-landlord.com with GoDaddy. I have demo.simple-landlord.com forwarded to a dedicated server on OVH myIP:8000/?demo=true I have login.simple-landlord.com forwarded to a dedicated server on OVH myIP:8000 I bought a SSL Certificate from SSLPoint which resells Comodo certificates (89 per year) The certificate is labeled: Positive SSL WildCard *.simple-landlord.com 1 year Expiry Date 05.06.2018 I downloaded the certificates and received: AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt STAR_simple-landlord_com.crt I have no idea what to do. One of the options when I right click on these files is Install Certificate. I looked at the configure SSL Parameters in the UniGui help, but it references: cert.pem key.pem root.pem I also have Private key, this starts with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ends with -----END PRIVATE KEY----- and has a bunch of gibberish in between. Can anyone help me?
  9. Yes this has happened to me. I have had to re-add the service module to the project.
  10. I think I figured it out. Add to the Uses {$IFDEF RELEASE} SvcMgr, ServiceModule in 'Service\ServiceModule.pas' {SimpleLandlordService: TUniGUIService}, {$ELSE} Forms, {$ENDIF } Below the begin: {$IFDEF RELEASE} if not Application.DelayInitialize or Application.Installing then Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TSimpleLandlordService, SimpleLandlordService); Application.Run; {$ELSE} //WHAT EVER YOU CURRENTY HAVE BELOW Application.Initialize; Tsm.Create(Application); Application.Run; {$ENDIF} I still need to do more testing. But it looks like my logging to CodeSite doesn't work when I run it as a service. -UPDATE: it works to my logfile, but not to the live viewer. But that is a codesite limitation
  11. I have a project that is a stand alone exe. I would like to keep it that way for debugging, but I would like to set an $DEFINE to build it as a service. Is there something written up that would help me do this?
  12. RobYost

    Server Logs

    If you are talking about my demo; go to login.simple-landlord.com I made you a login U: irwan P: irwan
  13. RobYost

    Server Logs

    I put my demo up on a remote server today. 14 of you logged in. Thank you for that. Twice it crashed. I looked at the server logs but they didn't help me. SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001D34: 14:43:50 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001D34: 14:43:50 [Tsm]:Server First Init. SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001D34: 14:43:50 [Tsm]:Erasing Cache Folder... SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001D34: 14:43:50 [Tsm]:Cache Folder Erased. <0> Files deleted. SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001D34: 14:43:51 [Tsm]:Starting HTTP Server... SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001D34: 14:43:51 [Tsm]:HTTP Server Started. Port: 8000 SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001A54: 14:43:51 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $0000000000A2560A SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001A54: 14:43:51 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $0000000000A2560A SimpleLandlord.exe: 00000E88: 14:45:13 []:EStringListError : List index out of bounds (-1) : Addr: $0000000000000001 SimpleLandlord.exe: 00000E88: 14:46:08 []:EStringListError : List index out of bounds (-1) : Addr: $0000000000000001 SimpleLandlord.exe: 00001140: 15:16:20 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $0000000000A2560A SimpleLandlord.exe: 00000DA0: 16:41:54 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $0000000000A2560A SimpleLandlord.exe: 000015E8: 17:40:25 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $0000000000A2560A SimpleLandlord.exe: 00000258: 19:23:45 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $0000000000A2560A SimpleLandlord.exe: 000023E8: 21:16:10 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< I think this is when it happened. Can someone explain this to me? Or is there a way to turn extra logging? Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Thanks that works, is there a way to pass the date format as an option? Depending on the local format I would like this to change.
  15. I am trying to use the keypress event to disallow some keys in a TUniDateTimePicker. But even if I use: procedure TfraTIncome.edtDatePaidKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin Key := 0; end; procedure TfraTIncome.edtDatePaidKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin Key := #0; end; It still lets me type anything.
  16. I saw three people log on, thanks. Let me know how you liked it.
  17. Thanks, in between installing the new version on my development machine and the server it went from 1393 to 1394 http://demo.simple-landlord.com give it a try. It's not done yet, but if you see any security issues let me know. The data is reset each time you run it so you can't hurt anything (I hope)
  18. When I try to connect (locally) localhost:8000 (I changed the port) the browser clears and just shows: Loading... This works on my development computer, so there must be something I need to move to this new server. Also I get the same message for: http://localhost:8000/server
  19. I just purchased a dedicated server and am trying to deploy my program. I installed the latest runtime Copied over my release folder double clicked my program. The UniGui server icon come up. When I try to connect to it I get: Error loading MIDAS.DLL This is a just installed Windows Server 2016, with nothing else installed except Filezilla and Firefox. What else needs to be done?
  20. RobYost

    Fast Reports

    I got the latest version of UniGui and saw the new component. Switched it out and it works perfectly. Thanks!
  21. RobYost

    Fast Reports

    Yes the demo does the same thing. But after further testing it is only happening on one of my PC's. A laptop running windows 10. Firefox 52.0.2 It shows a blank UrlFrame. Then downloads the pdf. If you click on the PDF it looks correct.
  22. RobYost

    Fast Reports

    I just purchased Fast Reports. I am able to create a report and put it in a UniURLFrame. On Chrome this pops up a window with the report and the option to download or print. But on FireFox it just downloads the report (pdf file). Is there any way to override Firefox's default functionality and have it display the window with the report? BTW I bought the enterprise version version because it asked if I needed to do web printing, but this seems to work without using any of the web printing functionality. Did I only need the Standard or Professional version?
  23. I found the problem. BorderStyle has to be ubsDefault for the border color to take affect. Is there a way to determine what the border color should be for a particular theme?
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