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Everything posted by powergov

  1. Hi,If have unimdbtreemenu,we can create menu from database with "id","parid", This is a great help to us!
  2. not need testcase,you can put two unimpanel to your form test
  3. Hi, Delphi Developer I see you are online,come here,help me!
  4. I want to use unimtreemenu to display products,products maybe Dynamic change,and have more level! How to do ,where is the demo? Thanks!
  5. The unipanel can set collpesd:true,but unimpanel have not set unimpanel collpsed is very very need! because,The mobile's screen is so small,for example ,put a memo in a unimpanel,if not need input ,I hope it display only title.
  6. if my delphi form name is mainmform,my unimdblistgrid name is lst1 in lst1 unievents's beforeinit i write function beforeInit(sender, config) { config.itemTpl='<table style="width:100%;white-space: nowrap;vertical-align:middle;">'+ '<tr>'+ '<td >{0}</td>'+ '<td >{1}<input type="button" id="btn1" name="btn1" value="ClickMe" onclick="myFunction()"></td>'+ '<td >{2}</td>'+ '</tr></table>' } How to write the CustomFiles in the ServerModule ??? ==================== function myFunction(){ ajaxRequest(??????.????,"ExcluirItem",[]); } ======================= my form name is mainmform my unimdblistgrid name is lst1
  7. how to know "MyForm.form" ? my unigui form's name? example mainmform.listgrid1 ?
  8. 1424 and .x-tool-type-disclosure:before { font-size: 32px !important; } not working
  9. The disclosureicon too small,I want to set it bigger,thank you!
  10. Hi How to run mobile?
  11. Hi,Delphi Developer , Can you test: uni-mac too. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8840-i-dont-know-whether-its-a-unidntreegrid-bug-or-a-firedac-bug/
  12. if have column A,column B,column C,When I modified column B or column C,I want to automatically write the current system time to column A, and I don't allow keyboard input. I will use the beforepost to set value to column A, but it will automatically set column A value to all the rows in the unidbtreegrid
  13. procedure Tmd01.FDM_Shangpin_jiageBeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet); var s :string; begin if md01.FDM_Shangpin_jiage.FieldByName('sonnum').AsInteger = 0 then begin s := 'Do nothing' ; s := md01.FDM_Shangpin_jiage.FieldByName('typeid').AsString.Trim; md01.FDC_OneUpdate_price.ParamByName('pm2').AsFloat := md01.FDM_Shangpin_jiage.FieldByName('PreSalePrice1').AsFloat ; md01.FDC_OneUpdate_price.ParamByName('pm3').AsFloat := md01.FDM_Shangpin_jiage.FieldByName('PreSalePrice2').AsFloat ; md01.FDC_OneUpdate_price.ParamByName('pm4').AsFloat := md01.FDM_Shangpin_jiage.FieldByName('PreSalePrice3').AsFloat ; md01.FDC_OneUpdate_price.ParamByName('pm5').AsString := md01.FDQ_sysdate.FieldByName('实时').AsString.Trim + ' By ' + md01.username ; md01.FDC_OneUpdate_price.ParamByName('pm1').AsString := s ; md01.FDC_OneUpdate_price.Execute() ; end; end; When I modified one record in unidntreegrid, I was hoping to execute a TFDCommand only for the current record,but TFDCommand run (the rows count in unidntreegrid) times,I think It should be traversal all records in unidntreegrid!
  14. Hi,Delphi Developer,where are you ? I need you help
  15. Hi, I try it,but unidbgrid not refresh,must repaint ?? md01.FDQ_jiageZB.edit; md01.FDQ_jiageZB.FieldByName('grp_par_parname').AsString := trim(UniComboBox1.Text); md01.FDQ_jiageZB.FieldByName('grp_parname').AsString := trim(UniComboBox2.Text) ; md01.FDQ_jiageZB.FieldByName('grp_name').AsString := trim(Uniedit1.Text); md01.FDQ_jiageZB.FieldByName('grp_price01').AsFloat := strtofloat(Uniedit2.Text) ; md01.FDQ_jiageZB.FieldByName('grp_price02').AsFloat := strtofloat(Uniedit3.Text) ; md01.FDQ_jiageZB.FieldByName('grp_price03').AsFloat := strtofloat(Uniedit4.Text) ; md01.FDQ_jiageZB.post ; //UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid2.JSName + '.view.beforeInit();'); //UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid2.JSName + '.view.repaint();'); UniSession.AddJS(UniDBGrid2.JSName + '.view.refresh();');
  16. Hi,Delphi Developer if change dataset,for example:append record or delete record ,the unidbgrid is wrong! There are more perfect way? thank you
  17. I want to change the English on above image into Chinese “Your browser ...", where is the string?
  18. I have not find the string
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