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  1. Olá Pessoal, Alguém já fez gráficos trazendo dados do banco de dados?
  2. Hello, I have an application. When I call the frame it presents the error: Privileged Instruction Below my code: var Nd : TUniTreeNode; Ts : TUniTabSheet; FrC : TUniFrameClass; Fr : TUniFrame; FClassName, iconfile, Path: string; index: Integer; begin Nd := NavTree.Selected; if Nd.Count = 0 then begin Ts := Nd.Data; if not Assigned(Ts) then begin Ts := TUniTabSheet.Create(Self); Ts.PageControl := UniPageControl1; Ts.Closable := True; Ts.OnClose := TabSheetClose; Ts.Tag := NativeInt(Nd); Ts.Caption := Nd.Text; Ts.ImageIndex := Nd.ImageIndex; if Nd.Text = 'Cadastro de Fornecedor' then FrC := TUniFrameClass(TFrameFornecedor); if Nd.Text = 'Cadastro de Prefeitura' then FrC := TUniFrameClass(TfrmPrefeitura); Fr := FrC.Create(Self); Fr.Align := alClient; Fr.Parent := Ts; Nd.Data := Ts; end; UniPageControl1.ActivePage := Ts; end;
  3. Thanks!! VAR URL:String; URL:='/files/PDFs/'+FormatDateTime('ddmmyyyyhhmm', Now)+'myfirstrel.pdf'; UniSession.AddJS('window.open("'+URL+'")'); Only
  4. Hi, I need to open a pdf in another browser tab. How do I do? Use like that! UniURLFrame2.URL:='/files/PDFs/'+FormatDateTime('ddmmyyyyhhmm', Now)+'myfirstrel.pdf'; but opens on the same tab.
  5. How to decrease font on mobile. Two unidbgrid components, uniEdit, uniDbEdit. at mobile. Thanks!
  6. valramosr

    Ajax Error

    But, which version?
  7. valramosr

    Ajax Error

    Ok! Thanks for you reply!
  8. valramosr

    Ajax Error

    Hi guys, When I try load my application mobile. Show this error: "_hdmask_is not defined". But opens the application. my version is Only mobile!! Thaks!!!
  9. I can use this at DbGridMobile? I need change my DBGrid, to use order style.
  10. Where can I find this example?
  11. I have a big problem! When I generate a report and load it into the application it always accumulates memory. How do I load the pdf from the memory of the application? Running application without reporting: 9.9MB With the first Report: 12.7MB With the second Report: 13.5MB Releasing memory space in the application? Thanks!!
  12. Hi Friend, I use Whenever I call the application open the session, when I close it still continues the session.
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