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Fred Montier

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Posts posted by Fred Montier

  1. Login Form with a Background video

    Project Repository for a Initial Login Screen for desktop projects with background video and informative DIV and pause / play button. Adapted example from W3School (http://wwww.w3schools.com).

    Panel with Gradient in two colors and centralized shade to facilitate the definition of your login controls. Note that it is a borderless LoginForm and properly configured to work.


    Future versions like this example and others you will find easily in the portal http://www.unigui.com.br

    Source code right below... have fun.



    Project available for purchase at https://www.uniguiexpress.com

    • Like 4
  2. Another example from the "All about..." series. This time, about user's session info.


    Some information is a little harder to find like your real IP. I´m note talking here about the IP address between client/server session but you Internet real IP. If you´re running your server and client in the same machine it will only result to localhost/ Here (look at the image provided) the IP is my real connection to the public Internet and the local IP is my Network local IP. They are both different from uniSession.remoteIP info.


    Another useful information is Geolocation that you can get a relative position via IP connection in most browsers device even without GPS available. This example shows how to do it and how to locate in Google maps (the easy part...). It's not precise as GPS is but you can easily resolve to the Country and and City by that retrieved info (coming soon in next version).


    Have fun

    Project available at https://www.unigui.express


    • Like 3
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  3. Works perfectly... thanks.

    { Você poderia escrever um manual/livro para nós sobre a integração do Ext.JS  com o uniGUI pois ando apanhando muito nisso ainda. Não especificamente no  JavaScript mas no Ext.JS para o uniGUI. E como parece que é a maior autoridade sobre o assunto com os seus componentes, seria muito útil e certamente teria muita procura. Este é o calcanhar de Aquiles do framework: falta de documentação.

    Eu e um monte de gente...


  4. Hi there...


    Using XXX.1463 / Tokyo and noticed that in this particular example using your plug-in for a badge effect the button is cutting off the off-set badge's area as shown in the image.


    It used to work in prior versions. Somthing due to the sencha Ex.JS version upgrade ?

    Any tip or work around it ?

  5. Since when writing a book about it is illegal ? not in Brazil.


    Grow up..

    There is no one promoting this framework more in Brazil than me.

    That´s it is my 6º on Delphi subject and more are coming...

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