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Fred Montier

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Posts posted by Fred Montier

  1. A very simple and tiny code to get digital signatures at desktop/mobile.
    Adapted to save at Temp Folder. Easy to modify and adapt to any project. No external JS, simple JS code and using only uniHTMLFrame.



    Silver Package - 89 Projects
    Just $99,00 USD

    This project/source-code is free to uniGUI subscriber and wiill be available here to download for the next few day. After that, only for sale. Link Above.

    Don't DM me about it !

    Visite http://www.unigui.com.br/
    Nosso grupo no Telegram:
    Livros, packs de projetos, cursos, serviços, consultoria e tudo sobre unigui !
    https://t.me/uniguiBrazil - Conteúdo em português

    See more and get this pack at http://www.unigui.com.br/democetera
    Our group at Telegram:
    Content in English


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  2. Really not blaming uniGUI , "au contraire, monsieur", but if you want to do really advanced stuff, got a lot of wall to break thru.

    That's why I always advocated for a "bared naked to the bones" uniGUI with just the basic to session management that will easily allow binding to DMs (aka connect to DB and vcl components). That is the same problem that all other frameworks for Delphi fail, I mean, Intraweb and TMS Webcore. The first, became a old and crippled monster with a lot of nonsensical lose ends , the other is an uniGUI in steroids: get things done with tons of comps and a huge bill. 

    • Upvote 1
  3. On ajaxRequest and similar subject, this is the main problem:
    And I said it many times. Syntax, scope , using in uniurlframe, unihtmlframe, reference  parent window, just window, calling from external js file, inside html code, header or foot at the html, main form script, inframe inside another inframe... very annoying. 
    And more, inject in pascal to convert to client or server side. A lot of function/lib/jscode I got, with exactly the same syntax does not work. Further more, JS is really a shit language, no wonder, so many "versions", frameworks, jquery, messed up scopes, var "inferno", type casting inferno, hard to debug code and every day some one come up with the "new holly solution" that nobody, but nobody came up about it the last 15 years or so. Not even talk about Ext.JS huge learning curve. 

    And above all, the "browser cache devil" that I really never heard of it before play with JS...  and no documentation of the above topics.

  4. uniGUI/VCL Face Recognition based on Luxand FaceSDK library.Recognition/Face Features/Expressions and more..
    Projects For Sale

    Download Demos
    With examples ported/adapted and updated to Delphi VCL and uniGUI.

    info.pngBrief Introduction

    Luxand is one of the oldest and well tailored libs for facial recognition for different programming languages and development environments (Windows, Web (python and .net), Android and iOS). Since 2010, I have been following this material and used it for several simpler projects and tests, just curiosity.
    It has evolved a lot over the years, going from just a simple comparison of images to very sophisticated things like easy recognition in a video feed, real-time tracking of people in a video feed, facial expressions, facial features and much more.

    However, its best examples were never properly adapted to Delphi/Pascal after the String/Ansi/unicode changes introduced in version 2010 onwards. Even the examples you can download today from the official website will not work correctly or will have pascal code primitive errors. You can test it ! Some of them won't even work for Delphi/Pascal at all.

    Despite being a very cheap and practical lib, they now seem to only focus on their online Cloud API service and, in the last version, they didn't even update or make exampled for Delphi/Pascal. So you will find new examples for other languages but not for Delphi/Pascal since 2010 in their own package.

    I spent weeks studying and correcting the examples shown here and adapting them when possible to uniGUI and code to Pascal. All the basic functions of the lib I managed to adapt to VCL and uniGUI completely. The examples prove this! Watch the video demos.
    I highly recommend this lib for facial recognition and many other features it has. Even more so, it is the only one that does not require an hardcore dedicated video card or suffer from the slowdowns that OpenCV has.
    Features and Characteristics
      check.pngDetects Age, Gender, Facial expressions such as smile, closed eyes, angle of the face in relation to the photo.
      check.pngDetects facial elements such as eyes, mouth, entire face, face position, face angle in relation to the photo plane.
      check.pngEasily detects and identifies multiple faces in the same image with all the elements described above (see Face_SDK Mega demo).
      check.pngDetects people (up to 256 on-the-fly) in a video feed (webcam or IPCam), with support for identification tracking (See the LiveRecognition demo).
      check.pngDetects people in live video feed and their elements such as Age, Gender, Facial expression etc. (for unigui too) see example uniGUIFaceDetectionCircle.
      check.pngCompare images by template (one image in relation to another) or group of images against one. Good for security authorization/access walls. See LookAlike Example.ce Command example show how to integrate with a lot os commands.
      check.pngEasy to modify and adapt to your needs
      check.pngNo third party components. All fonts included for Delphi/Pascal.
      check.pngNo hidden costs or fees.
      info.pngYes, we offer advice on adapting any of these examples to your systems. Contact us to receive a quote.
    Try before buy it
    1- Download functional Demos Examples


      info.pngList of Examples with Source Code Adapted/Updated by me for Delphi/uniGUI:

    -AgeGenderRecognition - VCL - Find Age and Gender on Live feed from Webcam and subtitle on-the-fly the subject (the person detected) with that information.

    -ExpressionRecognition - VCL - Find if subject is Smiling and its age on Live Feed from Webcam

    -FaceSDK- VCL - Detects Face(s), Extracts Face and Facial Features, Face Expressions (smile, Eyes Open), Age and Gender from image, One Face only (the first detect) or Muultiple Faces (ALL detected in a image). Extract faces to files. This is a mega demo with all the basics image features I made. You don't have this in the original package. See demo video ou download demo package. You can adapt this to uniGUI easy. This code is completly compatible with uniGUI since is just replace all components.

    -FaceTracking - VCL - Tracking face from a Live feed from Webcam (plot rectangle over face)
    -FacialFeatures - VCL - Plot face features from an image (face, eyes, mouth, eyes etc)

    -LiveFacialFeatures - VCL Tracking face from a Live feed from Webcam (plot retangle over face and face elements: face, eyes, mouth etc)

      info.png Live Recognition from feed
      LiveRecognition - VCL - Tracking face from a Live feed from Webcam , identify subjects and add to tracket table to future track. Support 256 face tracking and identificiation at the same time.

    IPCamera - VCL - Tracking face from a Live feed from Webcam , identify subjects and add to tracket table to future track. Support 256 face tracking and identificiation at the same time.

    uniGUIFaceDetection - uniGUI - MegaDemo for uniGUI: Tracking face from a Live feed from Webcam. Upon face detection, Get elements, facial expression and facial features with discritive text (gender, age, facial expression etc). This is a mega demos I made to unigui with all basic features.
    2- Video Samples
      FaceRecognition.png FaceRecognitionFacialExpressions.png
      Live Feed Face Recognition with ID track
    (aka name of subject)
    Live Feed Face Expressions
      FaceRecognitionAgeGender.png FaceRecognitionLookAlike.png
      Live Feed Face Reecognition Gender, Age and Facial Expressions detection Photo LookAlike (batch)








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  5. Father of All Toast/Notify
    Bootstrap, JQuery and Delphi/Pascal
    (click over image above to see animation)


    Feature List:
      check.pngBased on Bootstrap Toast and works on Desktop and Mobile without any problems.
      check.pngAdapted to easily include any FontAwesome icon.
      check.pngBased on Bootstrap Toast and works on Desktop and Mobile without any problems.
      check.pngAdapted to easily include any FontAwesome icon.
      check.pngEasily embed special images via SVG or upload from external files and sources.
      check.pngTimed and auto-hide (default in Bootstrap).
      check.png Badges support in messages and with standard backgrounds (info, success, warning, error), giving your system a more professional appearance.
    - assign default sounds for error, info, warning as I did in the examples or anything else you want to add. -
      check.pngDirect callback integration for uniGUI.
      check.pngEverything transformed into functions/procedures in pascal to call directly from uniGUI. No JS to get in the way.
      check.pngSome predefined background themes that are easy to modify.
      check.pngEasy to include logos of real or famous companies via font or your own images.
      check.pngDefinable positioning on the screen (6 basic positions).
      check.pngGUID ticket support via toast. It is a technique to control whether a message was displayed and when it is closed it returns the value to the uniGUI of the toast that was just displayed on the client. Great for reliable notifications.
      check.pngSupport for sound alerts along with Toast. You can easily include other sounds for interactions
      check.pngModularity of the Pascal code: just declare the unit, initialize the pattern you want and use it as simply as a "showtoast".
      check.pngIt is not an IDE "to-install" component ! Declaring the unit you´re ready to use on desktop and mobile. Use the same code for both.
      check.pngOverlays both uniGUI forms (some don't do this due to Z-index) and the normal web interface. No obstructions like other Notify/Toast examples that gives problems when not designed/adapted for uniGUI.
      check.pngBy reading the html/CSS/JS code, it is easy to create new themes that blend better with your interface.
      check.pngAll source code included.

    Project for sale !
    More info at
    You can download a completely functional (but no source code) from here.
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  6. With a few code you can attach popups to any uniGUI control. But to make works exactly as Windows, you must walk a little more.
    Here is a simple example to attach context menu (mouse  right-click) to any uniGUI control and create as you wish 'on- the-fly'. Very simple to use and customize.
    * Tiny library. Only dependency is jQuery.
    * Simple API.
    * Looks good out of the box, with no additional tweaking.
    * Designed to look and behave like a standard Windows context menu.
    * There's so little code, it should be easy to add your own custom features.





    Silver Package - 89 Projects
    Just $99,00 USD

    This project/source-code is free to uniGUI subscriber and will be available here to download for the next few days. After that, only for sale. Link below.

    Don't DM me about it !

    Visite http://www.unigui.com.br/
    Nosso grupo no Telegram:
    Livros, packs de projetos, cursos, serviços, consultoria e tudo sobre unigui !
    https://t.me/uniguiBrazil - Conteúdo em português

    See more and get this pack at http://www.unigui.com.br/democetera
    Our group at Telegram:
    Content in English


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  7. This is really a very silly project since uniGUI has tons of nice themes and a very versatile "ready made" interface. But, any way... community or trash bin.

    a- Enabled time mode and automatically adapts to night/day mode
    b- This is the nice trick: you can define the uniGUI form  container (unipanel, unisimplepanel, unipagecontrol etc) that will be effected by the night mode. This makes all very flexible and interesting.
    c- Works in windows/page interface. I liked Windows and using a large container over the main form.
    d- Note that the footpanel is not effected by the dark mode.
    e- Very easy to change and  adapt the CSS code to your project scheme.





    This project/source-code is free to uniGUI subscriber. Don't DM me !

    Visite http://www.unigui.com.br/
    Nosso grupo no Telegram:
    Livros, packs de projetos, cursos, serviços, consultoria e tudo sobre unigui !
    https://t.me/uniguiBrazil - Conteúdo em português

    See more and get this pack at http://www.unigui.com.br/democetera
    Our group at Telegram:
    Content in English


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  8. Sorry if this seems pedantic of me. But some programmers don't know about this service and there are simple ways to find out what it is and the importance of these resources for the cloud storage environment and  data sharing in a large company. It's not useful for a small biz, or private/personal.

    If you don't need this, ignore it. This is a paid service from Amazon and it is not cheap.

    AWS Video

    WebClass about S3 PT-BR

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  9.  Amazon (AWS) S3 File / Bucket Manager and  Pre-Signed URL generator
    Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is a scalable, high-speed, web-based cloud storage service.
    The service is designed for online backup and archiving of data and applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

    Don't know s%#* about S3 ? See here: https://www.techtarget.com/searchaws/definition/AWS-bucket

    Features list and specs:
    - Create, Delete and Retrieve Bucket List.
    - uniGUI Server is just perfect to this kind of application. You can also turn into a service and work like a bridge between your end users and your storage service at AWS.
    - Upload files to buckets, download files directly, download link etc...
    - All operations can be done in one single step.
    - A client (your end-user) could upload files using this uniGUI server (this very program) and, from there, this (same) uniGUI APP upload to Amazon S3 on the fly and could generate a pre-signed download url for sharing.
    - Retrieve bucket's content list at start-up.
    - Delete items (files) at bucket.
    - Generates pre-signed download link.
    - Configures pre-signed validation period  limits for download URLs links (ideal for security on files publishing in a enterprise environment) per file .
    - Save configs and preferences.
    - This project is ideal for distributing and manager files and logical buckets using Amazon S3 service (AWS3).
    - Good for sharing docs, files, contracts, resources with security, download link with expiration time  etc.
    - You need a Amazon Account with S3 enabled.
    - Get your AccessKey and SecretKey in AWS Console/Dashboard, configure your storage service, use the config tab and you are good to go.

    - Also, coming soon Mega.nz S3 Service. https://mega.io/pt-br/objectstorage

    Get in touch for more info at  WA/TG 55 11-98620-7676.



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  10. Nop. Of course it won't pack win binaries in Cordova. That is not the point in my question. Cordova is not for UI. Never was. You can pack a simple start page and call it a PWA-ish , just joking, with it.  But I was thinking as an entry point to uniGUI backend.

    Using uniGUI as a backend to a start page is more likely as many packaging tool are doing this to deliver "fake" PWAs. The problem is a stateful x stateless using Cordova, if there is any issue, on that delivery "phase" towards the stores.

    OnsenUI  (only) is long gone. Dead end. Is a nice UI pack and very light but not more than that. I'm more in love with Webix. Like that UI  pack, there are dozens.

    By the way, I'm working in 3 projects using Onsen right now. I loved how light-weight and easy to use it is. But more like a bag of UI Comps than the whole revamp Webix does to UI. And they are more focusing in the Monaca cloud solution. Something that Embarcadero should had a whole cycle solution working by now based in pascal only, to not alienate the "old-timers" like me.

    But they are shutting down now for almost a year (not much improvement in UI area). I tried and works like a charm to uniGUI front end replacing ext.js comps and no problems in Apple "eco", that you can find using Ext.JS by uniGUI. Many users had complains about it in theirs IPhones. Some times load the uniGUI app, and others don't. So, we change all UI for Onsen and using uniGUI as back end. Light and fast. And funny thing, really looks like an Apple native app in iPhone.

    Anyways, Onsen: old and broken examples (like the Youtube API)  and no community around it. 

    But thanks anyway for your words. I found weird that nobody here at the forum  never try it with uniGUI as back end solution , of course , it never will be full flagged pwa.


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