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Everything posted by Ario.Paxaz

  1. Hi I set SessionRestrict=srOnePerPC , But any user can open my application by two or more tab. How to can control it? How to close a user's session after a certain hour that did not work with the application? Regards.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowruz Happy Nowruz. I wish all the people of the world first health and then peace.
  3. Hi Are you check it. I need it very much. Best Regards.
  4. Hi Happy New Nowruz 1398(2019-2020). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowruz Best Regards.
  5. Hi How to can access to message text by code in Delphi? and How to can set address in this line socket = new sgcWebSocket("ws://"); by Delphi ? I want set my server IP and read it from file. Best Regards.
  6. Hi Please share it.I don't find it on the package or internet. Best Regards.
  7. Hi I use the publicando_sua_aplicacao_no_IIS_ISAPI_Module.pdf and set my address to https://x.x.com. Now how to I can access ServerModule ControlPanel ? I want see my server ControlPanel in https://x.x.com/server Best Regards.
  8. Hi Each report has an internal query that has difficulty accessing its data, and the result is empty. I wanted to know if you could understand how to create it in the following directory before reporting it. (lPDFDevice.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', Result, True) How to understand If Report Builder do not create the file in the top folder I use this command if Not(lPDFDevice.FileName<>'') then But It don't work correctly. Best Regards.
  9. Hi I use Demo function and don't have any problem.My problem is: If the query of related report is empty ,how to can you find out? And show message? Best Regards.
  10. Hi I use Report Builder for preview my report. If the query don't answer the report file don't created in UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl folder . I checked every time, no files created. And I want to not open the preview form if it is not answered, and the message of ( Not Found ) is displayed. How should I do this? function TrepDataModule.GenRep(const InvN: string): string; var lPDFDevice: TppPDFDevice; begin InvNum := InvN; OpenDS(); lPDFDevice := TppPDFDevice.Create(nil); try lPDFDevice.PDFSettings := ppReport1.PDFSettings; lPDFDevice.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', Result, True); lPDFDevice.Publisher := ppReport1.Publisher; // generate the report ppReport1.PrintToDevices; finally lPDFDevice.Free; CloseDS; end; end; I Insert if Not(lPDFDevice.FileName<>'') then Begin Showmessage('Not Found...'); Exit End; But all of time message showed. Best Regards.
  11. I use it,but when a user 3 time Mistakes in login credentials I block its IP,But all domain computers are locked. I want recognize Which computer in domain caused this mistake,and lock it. Notice that I use my Web application On internet.
  12. I want lock its IP that computer don't execute my web application. I want to get access to that computer from the application.
  13. Hi How to can lock IP of user in remote IP that Its computer located in domain,that domain have a valid IP. When I lock a IP ,all computer that locate in domain (valid IP) are locked. Best Regards.
  14. Hi How to I can check Control Key (Ctrl , Alt , Shift ) in OnColumnSort Event? I want do job 1 in OnColumnSort Event and when user press Ctrl and click on column do another job. Best Regards.
  15. Hi Please guide me for one solution way to convert UniCalendar to Jalai Calendar. Best Regards.
  16. Hi I clear my cache by Ctrl+F5 and it works correctly. Thanks.
  17. I change files by old files ,but don't fixed. Best Regards.
  18. I use the below plugin. https://github.com/Behrang/Ext.ux.JalaliDatePlugin But how to can fix it? Best Regards.
  19. The calendar don't displayed after click on unidatetimepicker.
  20. Hi This is test case. Best Regards. calender.rar
  21. Hi I use UniDateTimePicker and change it to Jalai ,But in 1461 The following is displayed. Best Regards.
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