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Georges Soares

uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Georges Soares

  1. Hey guys! From the Menu Series, follow one more. Now a Native Side Menu, only with uniGUI components, using client and frame layout. Video lessons: Attached Source Code: Hope you like it! [PT_BR] Fala galera! Da Série Menu, segue mais um. Agora um Menu Lateral Nativo, somente com componentes uniGUI, usando layout client e frame. Vídeo Aula: Código Fonte anexo: Espero que curtem! MenuLateralNativo.zip
  2. Hello, I understand, but it is not easy, because I have several applications running on the same server, some already finished and others in development, then when I need to upgrade the server to the new ones, I need to remember to recompile all the other old applications. But the post was more to inform the community even if to happen to someone, already know what to do. Thank you Farshad.
  3. I believe that due to adjustments to the date components in 1413, it causes a filter error if the application is compiled in the previous version. My application is compiled in 1410, and I updated the server with Runtime 1413, the filters in the database that uses date as parameter was fetching date totally out of the requested. just recompiled the application in 1413 and post to the server and everything went ok. this is only an information post in case the same error occurs with your application.
  4. In Brazil is growing strongly the restdatawere, free, to replace the datasnap, see https://sourceforge.net/projects/rest-dataware-componentes/
  5. Maiores informações : http://unigui.angeltecnologia.com.br
  6. boa noite, o erro não é na chamada mesmo, eu dei uma olhada, ali tem vários JS, alguns deles pode estar dando o conflito, terá que analisar com calma item a item, e ver os conflitos. good night, the error is not in the call itself, I took a look, there are several JS, some of them may be giving the conflict, will have to analyze the item calmly, and see the conflicts.
  7. Parece que faltou aspa simples no comando AJAX na palavra sistema, teste e me fala, se não der certo manda um demo. It looks like I missed a single quote in the AJAX command in the word system, test it and tell me, if it does not work send a demo.
  8. Personal follow Free Class with fonts, today we send of uniGUI + jQuery Slider Shock, check there it was worth! Pessoal segue Aula Free com fonts, hoje mandamos de uniGUI + jQuery Slider Shock, confere lá valeu! Vídeo Links: https://imasters.com.br/front-end/jquery/os-14-melhores-plugins-de-image-slider-em-jquery/?trace=1519021197&source=single http://www.jqueryslidershock.com/ GaleriaJquery.rar
  9. Hello everyone, we are going to uniGUI in vein, so come on, this post is attached to the source code and a video showing how I did it. I hope you enjoy it, thanks. HTML Menu: https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/yplrV Olá pessoal, Bora de uniGUI na veia, então bora, neste post vai em anexo do codigo fonte e um vídeo mostrando como fiz. Espero que gostem, valeu. Menu HTML: https://bootsnipp.com/snippets/yplrV Video lessons (Vídeo Aula) MenuTreeHtml.rar
  10. Hello world uniGUI community, I recently launched the uniGUI Brazil course and I received questions from other countries, I would like to know if there is this worldwide demand, if so please comment on this post if you have interest. The proposal for the Brazil course was as follows: Basic to Advanced Course on how to create WEB and Mobile applications with Delphi and the uniGUI Framework. • Course Level 1 - Basic 1. Basic structure of uniGUI and its Components - Introduction 2.Working with Forms and Frames 3.Creating the first application 4.Using Parameters in the URL for in-app access 5. Creating Data Module and Accessing Database 6. Creating a Simple CRUD 7. Generating a Report and Viewing the PDF in the Browser 8.Customizing style in application and Windows / Page mode 9. Configure the webserver - Installing IIS and configuring IIS for uniGUI 10.Hosting the application on IIS - ISAPI • Course Level 2 - Advanced 1. Creating a Login Screen and Setting Security Controls 2. Start screen with Collapse side menu (Bonus show HTML menu) 3.Configuring the Data Module and Firebird 3.0 Database 4.Table of accounts payable 5. Reporting with Filter 6. Working in stateless mode 7. Uploading txt file and reading in application and image upload and saving on server 8. Working with Cache / Storage and Creating a FileExplorer 9. Generating Graphs 10.Using a single DLL for multiple clients with and without parameters in the URL • Course Level 3 - Basic and Advanced Mobile 1. Knowing the Mobile Components 2. Creating a Hibrid Application (Desktop / Mobile) 3.Creating a 100% Mobile Application Product List 4.Part 1 - Login and Home Screen and Menu 5. Part 2 - CRUD no mobile 6.Part 3 - Reports 7.Part 4 - Creating an APK to run as an app on android 8. Part 5 - Interaction between the uniGUI application and the device 9.Part 6 - Interaction between the device and the uniGUI application Thank you.
  11. Good morning, I'm posting in Portuguese because the topic is geared towards Brazil, it's a course I'm promoting to uniGUI Brasil community, thank you.
  12. Preparando os Bastidores: http://forum.angeltecnologia.com.br/ Se ainda não fez, da tempo de se inscrever, não esqueça a promoção vai até o lançamento do primeiro vídeo previsto para 11/09, porem pela grande procura é provável já lançar em 04/09, e ai os valores já sobem também.
  13. Boa Tarde, Segue abaixo o link para a Compra do Curso uniGUI, desde já obrigado. Nível 1 - R$ 100,00 https://eduzz.com/curso/anYw/.html?d=999710 Nível 2 - R$ 150,00 https://eduzz.com/curso/anZy/.html?d=999710 Nível 3 - R$ 200,00 https://eduzz.com/curso/anZ0/.html?d=999710 Pacote Nível 1 e 2 - 200,00 (20% desc.) https://eduzz.com/curso/anY1/.html?d=999710 Pacote Nível 2 e 3 - 280,00 (20% desc.) https://eduzz.com/curso/anY3/.html?d=999710 Pacote Completo Nível 1,2,3 - 315,00 (30% desc.) https://eduzz.com/curso/anYx/.html?d=999710 * Valores com prazo de validade, consulte data de Expiração; * Os 10 primeiros poderão sugerir aula extra, conforme informado no vídeo de apresentação, consulte; * Se puder divulque nos grupos que você já garantiu a sua vaga no curso, isso estimula outros a comprar e ai agilizo mais ainda as aulas.
  14. Segue o link do post aqui no Forum, estou a disposição para maiores informações. http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9042-curso-unigui-brasil/
  15. Olá Edmar, obrigado pelo interesse, vou colocar seu nome la pre-lista, liberando a venda já te aviso.
  16. Olá comunidade uniGUI Brasil, venho divulgar o lançamento do curso uniGUI, obrigado. Descontos exclusivos para quem comprar os Cursos Pacote Fenix http://app.fenixerp.com.br/unigui/ * Pacote uniSF - 115,00 (20% desconto para quem fizer o curso) * Pacote Gráficos - 100,00 (obrigatório ter o uniSF) os dois pacotes ai tem 25% desconto no total (Desconto válido para pgto no Itau, compra via mercado pago/pagseguro será acrescido os custos) Pacote Falcon https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/ Descontos de 10, 15, 20 e 30% de desconto dependendo do componente ou da quantidade de componente adquirido (consultar). Atenciosamente, Georges Soares
  17. This news has warmed the uniGUI Groups in Brazil, all worried about the future of the product, if it will be acquired by idera, if idera will not hinder the improvement of the framework, it would be a good word for your Farshad to give us more security than it can Change, thank you.
  18. Mohammad, you are a show, your shared projects are very cool, thank you
  19. After a few tests and adjustments it seems to work, but I noticed that any errors that happen during insert ai affect Synchronize.
  20. Why does executing UniSession.Synchronize () cause error in procedure below? For example if the XTelephone contains 1000 registers, the loop passes from 1000 and continues execution without end while not XTelefone.eof do begin inc(vCommit); HideMask; ShowMask('Importando Telefone: ' + vCommit.ToString + ' de ' + XTelefone.RecordCount.ToString); UniSession.Synchronize(); Tabela.append; ... Tabela.Post; XTelefone.Next; end;
  21. I did not test on mobile, because mobile already have some of them, but if you put a htmlresponsivo menu it will work on mobile sim. See in the image a mobile menu that I tweaks with CSS
  22. Here's a simple example of how a html + css menu can be created and used in uniGUI by calling server procedures. MenuHtml.zip
  23. Unfortunately the UniCalendarPanel component needs to evolve a bit more to accept the customizations needed for day to day. In this case I have chosen to be removing it from my project, and the above solution does not work at all. Thankfully, uniGUI brings other options that we can use for our needs, so I put the Grid with HTML generated in SQL so that I can set up my agenda in the way that I think is best. Follow the image of the solution that I did, I am available.
  24. Truth, you were quick and you figured out that there would be a problem, and you really have it, I still have to break my head and if I can help, thank you.
  25. // private applyTemplate : function(o){ this.today = Ext.calendar.util.Date.today(); this.dayCount = this.dayCount || 1; var i =0, days = [], dt = Ext.Date.clone(o.viewStart), times = []; for(; i<this.dayCount; i++){ days[i] = Ext.calendar.util.Date.add(dt, {days: i}); } // use a fixed DST-safe date so times don't get skipped on DST boundaries dt = new Date('5/26/1972 08:00:00'); for(i=0; i<7; i++){ times.push(Ext.Date.format(dt, 'G:i')); dt = Ext.calendar.util.Date.add(dt, {hours: 0.5}); } dt = new Date('5/26/1972 13:00:00'); for(i=0; i<11; i++){ times.push(Ext.Date.format(dt, 'G:i')); dt = Ext.calendar.util.Date.add(dt, {hours: 0.5}); } return this.applyOut({ days: days, dayCount: days.length, times: times }, []).join(''); }
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