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gatosoft last won the day on June 27 2016

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  1. Hola A todos desde Bucaramanga (Colombia).. ----------------- Gatosoft
  2. Hi ElGringo, Firts to all, sorry for my english, i'll try to explain me. 1) You have a component into your Test Program... this INSTANCE is named SomeComponent1 and his SomeValue property its set to "123" 2) When you call the CreateAdditionalForm Method, you delcare a new variable of TSomecomponent class, and you INSTANCES A NEW OBJECT 3) When you call ShowMessage, you pass the New INSTANCE recently created, which SomeValue property is empty. I suggest: 1) Delete the OnCreate Method from your TAdditional Form 2) Create a New Private variable FSomeComponent 3) Create a overload constructor for this form,like this: TfAdditional = class(TForm) private { Private declarations } FSomeComponent: TSomeComponent; public { Public declarations } Constructor Create(aSomeComponent: TSomeComponent); end; 4) Implement it, like this: constructor TfAdditional.Create(aSomeComponent: TSomeComponent); begin inherited Create(Application); FSomeComponent:= aSomeComponent; ShowMessage(FSomeComponent.SomeField); end; In this way, when you creates this Form, pass the Component "parent" 5) Finally, into the CreateAdditionalForm method write this: procedure TSomeComponent.CreateAdditionalForm; var AdditionalForm:TfAdditional; begin AdditionalForm:=TfAdditional.Create(Self); end; I hope I have understood and solved your problem, (again, sorry for my english) Bye Gatosoft
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