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Everything posted by jahlxx

  1. Hi. I've updated, from version 1495, to version 1506. When run applications from web browser in a mobile device, I can't do zoom in the applications (only zoom in), and they are unusables. I had this problem long time ago, and solved setting desktopviewport property in UniMainModule (viewport = 0.1). Now, after update, this seems that is not working properly, and applications are unusables in mobile devices. I need to solve this as soon as posible. Thanks.
  2. jahlxx

    urlframe size

    Hi. Can I force to allways show scrollbar for URLFrame? Solving this, I'll have what I need. Thanks.
  3. jahlxx

    urlframe size

    Hi. I almost have. Doing this: UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('el.setStyle', ['transform', 'scale(1.3)']); UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('el.setStyle', ['transform-origin', 'top center']); I thnik this is easyest than proposed solutions before. The zoom is OK, and the position is OK, but the right scrollbar of the frame disappears, and the report is cut in bottom. Any idea? Thanks.
  4. jahlxx

    urlframe size

    ok. I'll try. I was trying to do: UniURLFrame1.JSInterface.JSCall('el.setStyle', ['transform', 'scale(1.1)']); The zoom is OK, but the report is shown with bad position, cut in top - left.
  5. jahlxx

    toast message

    Hi. I do this (taken from some post): UniSession.AddJS('Ext.toast({html: "Hello!!", header: false, autoCloseDelay: 2000});'); I cant find any sample about toast, and I need: - how to change position? I need to set top/left corner and / or set screencenter - how to change background and border color? Thanks.
  6. jahlxx


    Well, tried, some days ago, but no success. I need some sample if possible. Thanks.
  7. jahlxx

    urlframe size

    Hi. I try to explain what I need. I have a URLFrame, align=alclient. I generate a report in HTML, with FR, , in A4 page size, and show that report in the URLFrame. Everything is OK, but I need to show the report with its width equal to the width of the frame. I can't find any option about zoom or similar. Any Idea? Thanks.
  8. jahlxx


    Hi. Is there some component to have something similar to touchkeyboard in vcl applications? Thanks.
  9. jahlxx


    Hi. Thanks. Have you tested cloudpack? Works Ok with a unigui app?
  10. jahlxx


    Hi. Really, this is not a UniGUI question, but ask here. Perhaps someone has done or knows how to do. How can I access a server via webdav? For example nextcloud? Thanks.
  11. jahlxx

    Mobile App APK

    ok. that's what I tried, but always see a blankpage. Is there any prop. and / or option that I have to set in my unigui app to work inside a twebbrowser component? Or any prop. in webbrowser component? If I put www.google.com, works, but if I put the url of my app, shows a blank page. THanks.
  12. jahlxx

    Mobile App APK

    Thanks. How? Any sample?
  13. jahlxx

    Mobile App APK

    Hi. First of all, sorry for my ignorance in this. Is possible to create a mobile applicacion, using unigui mobile components, for android and /or iOS? I'd like to get an apk file, but I don't know if it's possible. Thanks.
  14. jahlxx

    ceate form.

    I am trying to create a form with the name stored in a table. Perhaps the sintax in wrong, that's my question.
  15. jahlxx

    ceate form.

    Hi. Is this possible? qo.close; qo.sql.clear; qo.sql.add('select formname from options_t where idop = 255'); qo.open; qo.first; xf := TUniForm(f.qo.fieldbyname('formulario').asstring); xf.parent := UniPanel1; xf.align := alclient; xf.borderstyle := bsnone; xf.layout := 'fit'; xf.Show(); xf is defined as: xf: TUniForm; application raises an error in line: xf.parent := UniPanel1; The error is access violation. Any idea? Thanks.
  16. I have events stored in database. I need to check when date in calendarpanel changes, to load data from database, and could be optimal to load only data between start and end dates, and need to check when that interval of dates changes, to load data or not when it's needed. Are viewstart and viewend dates accesibles? Are they properties of calendarpanel? Thanks.
  17. hi. some help for the other points? thanks.
  18. And what about unicalendar?
  19. Ok. Thanks. I update ,y first post with more questions.
  20. Hi, I've some things about calendarpanel that I don't know how to do them. I need some help. 1. How can I give a customized tooltip for one event?. Now, as I can see, the tooltip is the title, but I need to show more info. 2. I have day, week, and month view, and when I show the form that contains the calendarpanel, allway show month view by default. Can I show week view by default? 3. In week view and day view, in the info shown in the events, only title is shown. I need to see event notes too. 4. dayclick event only works in month view. Is possible that it work in week and day view? 5. is possible to color one day, in month view, when some event is in that day? 6. can I access viewstart and viewend dates? 7. How to change month and days titles? This is needed for unicalendar too. Thanks.
  21. Hi. How to detect month change in calendar panel? THanks.
  22. I use in dbgrids, and I'd like to use un treedbgrids. In dbgrids, users can, for example, press <enter> to show a custom secondary form to edit and modify one row. I'd like to do the same for treegrids. Thanks.
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