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Everything posted by Volk65

  1. Hi. I need to remove the border from the form. I read the forum and found: function window.afterrender(sender, eOpts) { Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("padding", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("border-width", 1); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("-webkit-border-radius", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("-moz-border-radius", 0); Ext.get(sender.id).el.setStyle("border-radius", 0); } It works, but the top of the form there is panel: Align:=alTop. And I have the effect - the panel is not realigned. See the attachment how to fix it?
  2. OK. Maybe I can track that started download?
  3. Hi There is a line: UniSession.SendFile(FName); The user dialog box appears to download the file. How to understand that the user pressed cancel?
  4. Great! The first option didn't work. Maybe the fact that the align=alclient. But the second option works! Just in case here is the code for creating buttons: procedure TMainForm.CreateButton(DClass, FrameDesc: String; MenuIndex: Integer); var MainPan: TUniPanel; Image: TUniImage; Lbl: TUniLabel; begin // Creating PseudoButton (UniPanel) MainPan:=TUniPanel.Create(Self); with MainPan do begin Align:=alTop; Parent:=panMenu; BorderStyle:=ubsOutset; Color:=clSkyBlue; Cursor:=crHandPoint; AlignWithMargins:=True; Margins.Bottom:=1; Margins.Left:=1; Margins.Right:=1; Margins.Top:=0; Height:=73; Top:=999; Tag:=MenuIndex; OnClick:=OnMenuClick; OnMouseEnter:=OnMenuMouseEnter; OnMouseLeave:=OnMenuMouseLeave; OnMouseDown:=OnMenuMouseDown; OnMouseUp:=OnMenuMouseUp; end; // Creating Image (leftAligned) Image:=TUniImage.Create(Self); with Image do begin AutoSize:=False; Align:=alLeft; AlignWithMargins:=True; Cursor:=crHandPoint; Parent:=MainPan; Margins.Bottom:=6; Margins.Left:=6; Margins.Right:=0; Width:=64; Transparent:=True; // URL:='files\FrameIcons\'+DClass+'.png'; OnMouseEnter:=OnMenuMouseEnter; OnMouseDown:=OnMenuMouseDown; OnMouseUp:=OnMenuMouseUp; end; // Creating Label (clientAligned) Lbl:=TUniLabel.Create(Self); with Lbl do begin AutoSize:=False; Align:=alClient; ClientEvents.Enabled:=true; AlignWithMargins:=True; Parent:=MainPan; Caption:=FrameDesc; Cursor:=crHandPoint; Margins.Left:=5; Margins.Right:=6; JSInterface.JSCall('addCls', ['myCls']); OnMouseEnter:=OnMenuMouseEnter; OnMouseDown:=OnMenuMouseDown; OnMouseUp:=OnMenuMouseUp; end; end;
  5. Hi When a label is created at Runtime, as in this case, set the vertical alignment? As I understand it in this case, beforeInit will no longer work?
  6. I want: - Monocolor button - Left aligned image - Client aligned label (text) I'm sorry, maybe the question should ask like this: is it Possible to create such button
  7. Hi all! Special thanks to the developers and those who answer the questions for your work and your patience. Tell me how to create a button (not sure what will appear, so give reference): http://prntscr.com/hhri8r - Monocolor button - Left aligned image - Client aligned label (text) Now at runtime, I create the panel and put on it the image and the label. But there are problems. For example, ugly displays button lights at the entrance and exit of the mouse cursor. Tell me how to do it correctly.
  8. Hi! I need to track the closing/termination of the session. As I understand the session can be closed: 1) timeout 2) if the user closed the browser 3) if the "Close;" in the main window 4) other... Where better to catch the event "Session closed" (before closing the session) to record information in the database?
  9. Yes!!!! This is that!
  10. Thank you. And from "TImageList" in any way it is impossible to take an image and deduce, for example through Canvas?
  11. Very often I need to display a column with a pictogram in the grid. The icon is not stored in the database, but in the program. I create an empty column and on the "OnDrawColumnCell" event I display the required icon, depending on the conditions. How do I properly draw a pictogram in "UniDbgrid"? If I add an empty column to "UniDbgrid", then the "OnDrawColumnCell" event is not called on this column.
  12. Hi all! I'm downloading from DB into TUniHTMLMemo saved web page. Page in Russian. Inside page has a tag <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">. But the page displayed this: What is necessary to make page display right?
  13. I have such task: To load a WEB page (for example http://somesite.com/...)in any (not visible) component and to obtain the text on this page. Which component it is better to use?
  14. If I write in the title '\': pan1.Caption:='\'; then at runtime I see '\\' what am I doing wrong?
  15. Tell me. I need to enable and disable "Mask". as in the example: try >> Show mask "Export data...." { some process....} finally >> Hide mask end;
  16. Of course. I understand what the problem is. After I have set the Grid.Columns[x].CheckBoxField.Enabled:=False; the picture appeared. Default property =True
  17. I want to show image in UniDBGrid. The picture is stored in UniImageList. I watched the examples. I tried to do so: procedure Tfr_ADM_UserList.dbgPrivsFieldImage(const Column: TUniDBGridColumn; const AField: TField; var OutImage: TGraphic; var DoNotDispose: Boolean; var ATransparent: TUniTransparentOption); var BMP: TBitmap; begin if Column.FieldName='USED' then begin BMP:=TBitmap.Create; try UniImageList1.GetBitmap(4, BMP); OutImage:=BMP; finally end; end; Does not work. Nothing is displayed. (sorry for my Yandex-translate
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