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Everything posted by Volk65

  1. Volk65


    Всё верно. Общим для всех сессий является только UniServerModule и глобальные переменные (без которых лучше обойтись). И да, мануал почитать полезно надо. Там много чего интересного.
  2. Установите у формы Align=alClient
  3. +1. При работе с большими базами никто не использует динамические запросы создаваемые на клиенте. При таком подходе сплошные минусы. Практически всё что вы делаете на клиенте можно (и нужно) делать на сервере.
  4. In the first DataSet create the AfterScroll event, which is open the second (child) DataSet.
  5. Is it possible to know the height of HTML content in UniHTMLMemo?
  6. Need clarification. When you click on the icon, two events are called sequentially: Button.AjaxEvent then Button.OnClick. And in the OnClick event I can't understand what was pressed, the button or the icon. Or I need two events in AjaxEvent, separately for the button and for the icon: JSConfigObject('listeners','btnIconEl', [JSObject(['click', JSFunction('sender','ajaxRequest('+JSName+', "iconClick");')])]); JSConfigObject('listeners','Button????', [JSObject(['click', JSFunction('sender','ajaxRequest('+JSName+', "buttonClick");')])]);
  7. Shaytan! It works! Thank you!
  8. Thanks, I will try What is btnIconEl, and where is it defined?
  9. How to make a list of "buttons" (as in the picture)? So that it was a button + delete button (with a cross). To get a reaction to two events: 1. Pressed the main button, 2. Pressed the cross. The list will be created dynamically at run time. Is that possible?
  10. Hi all! How can I change the background color in UniHTMLMemo (dynamically created memo) ?
  11. Thanks Sherzod! I will try
  12. Auto increase height of the panel which has UniMemo. Up to a certain limit of course.
  13. Hi! How in UniMemo to know the number of rows (not Lines.Count) with account transfers. For example: there is one line in the memo, but because of the wordwrap property it was split into several lines. How do I know the number of these lines?
  14. Volk65

    Global variable

    Yeah, that's a good option. A few tweaks to get rid of the dependency in uses on a particular project. Be so: uses UniGUIVars, uniGUIMainModule, MainModule; function DM_tmp: TDM_tmp; begin Result := TDM_tmp(UniMainModule.GetModuleInstance(TDM_tmp)); end; Become so: uses UniGUIVars, uniGUIApplication; function DataModule1: TDataModule1; begin Result := TDM_tmp(UniApplication.UniMainModule.GetModuleInstance(TDM_tmp)); end; Thanks for the idea.
  15. Volk65

    Global variable

    Thanks! that's what I wanted to hear. You can (in the future) create a custom property in the session object: "UserObj: TObject" (or something) that can be assigned by the developer. For example, as the Tag property.
  16. Volk65

    Global variable

    As an instance of form where to store? In the global variable? in another form? I want to get away from storing a variable in MainForm. To create an instance of a class I need to store it somewhere but not in the form of a project. That's why I want to use ThreadVar. I need an answer to the question: Is it possible to use a global variable declared as Threadvar (so that each session sees its own variable) ?
  17. Volk65

    Global variable

    I need a (thread)variable for each session. Now I have a variable in the MainModule. But I need to take it outside the project in common for all projects units.
  18. Volk65

    Global variable

    Is it possible to use a global variable declared as: threadvar SomeVar: ISomeInterface; From the description of Delphi it follows that for each thread the value will be different. Will it work in UniGui?
  19. Maybe I misunderstood, but why such difficulties? Why not?: procedure TMainForm.Btn1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ShowPsw:=not ShowPsw; if ShowPsw then UniEdit1.PasswordChar:=#0 else UniEdit1.PasswordChar:='*'; end;
  20. Solved. It was a mistake not of the form I "tortured", and in the parent form. In TAction (ActionList1) found property AutoCheck=True. Apparently I accidentally once included. When I switched the TAction.AutoCheck=False-everything worked.
  21. wprins: Ctrl-Shift-Del - not help, incognito window - not help. Sherzod: In this form no UniPopupMenu: uses Windows, Messages, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Forms, Dialogs, uniGUIForm, uniGUIBaseClasses, uniGUIClasses, uniPanel, uniButton;
  22. 1) Google Chrome 71.0.3578.98 2) 3) Not possible. How to delete cache? If Ctrl+F5, it didn't help. The form is empty, two buttons and a panel. And still: on other forms (20-30) everything is normal, including where there is a UniCheckBox.
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