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Everything posted by mikromundo

  1. You're right @Freeman35 Excuse me. Eduardo Belo is a personal friend and I didn't pay attention to that.
  2. obrigado belo... mas consegui aqui...era isso que queria: UniSession.AddJS('$(''.x-treelist-nav .x-treelist-item-text'').css({ ''color'': ''' + ( ColorToHtml( btnSelColor_MenuFont.Color ) ) + ''' })' ); deu certinho !!! Mas muito obrigado mesmo assim !!!
  3. Hi, in UniTreeMenu I have a CSS. In RunTime I want to change the background-color: .x-treelist-nav { /* Aqui ira determina a COR DE Fundo do menu */ background-color: [[MENU_COLOR]] !important; //<------ I want to change here } thanks for help !!!
  4. Why does this border appear? I searched but could not identify. TestCase_BORDER.rar
  5. Thanks @sherzod and @farshad and @belo... just really lack attention !!!
  6. I Try all this: UniSession.AddJS( //'<script type="text/javascript">'+ '$(document).ready(function()'+ '{'+ 'var toast = new Toasty();' + 'toast.info("Here is some information!");' + 'toast.success("You did something good!");' + 'toast.warning("Warning! Do not proceed any further!");' + 'toast.error("Something terrible happened!");' + '})' ); // '</script>' ); // UniSession.AddJS( 'toast.info("Here is some information!");' + // // 'toast.success("You did something good!");' + // // 'toast.warning("Warning! Do not proceed any further!");' + // // 'toast.error("Something terrible happened!");' ); Toasty.rar
  7. I Try all this: UniSession.AddJS( //'<script type="text/javascript">'+ '$(document).ready(function()'+ '{'+ 'var toast = new Toasty();' + 'toast.info("Here is some information!");' + 'toast.success("You did something good!");' + 'toast.warning("Warning! Do not proceed any further!");' + 'toast.error("Something terrible happened!");' + '})' ); // '</script>' ); // UniSession.AddJS( 'toast.info("Here is some information!");' + // // 'toast.success("You did something good!");' + // // 'toast.warning("Warning! Do not proceed any further!");' + // // 'toast.error("Something terrible happened!");' );
  8. Do you can put the sample ? I miss something, but i don´t see what !
  9. A friend said was runnit but not for me.
  10. Hi, I tried to use toasty.js but i don´t have success. In CustomFiles: files\js\toasty\dist\toasty.css files\js\toasty\dist\toasty.js and in the delphi code: procedure TMainForm.htmlGruposAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); begin if EventName = '_GrupoClique' then begin UniSession.AddJS( 'var toast = new Toasty();' + 'toast.info("Here is some information!");' + 'toast.success("You did something good!");' + 'toast.warning("Warning! Do not proceed any further!");' + 'toast.error("Something terrible happened!");' ); end; end; Somebody help me ?
  11. I found this, but I don´t know how apply in Delphi: https://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?136582-Need-to-know-the-absolute-position-of-a-component
  12. He couldn't do what he wanted. Well, I may not have received the correct information, but I am trying to return to the ABSOLUTE position of the element (top and left -- X and Y ). O193 = new Ext.form.Label({ id: "O193_id", text: "Reprovados", style: "font-size:13px;font-family:Calibri;color:#FFFFFF", x: 10, y: 78 });
  13. Exemplo de recuperação de senha com RadCORE( recurso vinculado ao projeto )


  14. Thanks a lot Sherzod, I will test.
  15. For me, it's not important where, I just want to get this information. Since every uniGUI component gets a different "DATA-REF", I want to get it to assemble its ID (O87-id, O88-id-inputEl, O89-id-btnEl ...)
  16. I think something like this... UniSession.AddJS( '$(#' + TUniControl(btnObjTour).JSName + ').attr( ''data-ref'', '''')' ); but I can´t READ this value
  17. Resolved !!! But It´s strange. I have put a SCROLLBOX like a CONTAINER..
  18. Hi, How can I REMOVE this 'SPACE' ? *** I´m using theme TRITON.MODIFIED
  19. Hi, @Sherzod Sorry, but does it need a purpose for that? I am just in doubt and need help.
  20. How can I get data-ref attribute dinamically from a component ?
  21. thanks @Sherzod i´m trying to do something like this: http://linkedin.github.io/hopscotch/#tour-example but only with delphi and unigui.
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