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Everything posted by SayeyeZohor

  1. hi, text conversion property is not exist to unimenubutton how i fix that? @Sherzod
  2. yes i remove all of them and not fix that
  3. i remove which piece of code?
  4. yes this test case is testCase.rar
  5. you're welcome It comes ِDebug.rar included 2 execute file 1- OK project Without Code 2- Not OK project With Code Debug.rar testCase.rar
  6. i Found that error @Sherzod This Error For under code while form is start after mainForm Show ... function window.afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me = sender; me.dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(me, { delegate: me.id }); me.dd.disable = function() { // }; me.dd.enable = function() { // }; me.dd.afterDrag = (function() { me.updateLayout() }); Ext.onReady(function() { me.dd.setHandleElId(sender.owner.UCP_Header.id); }); } old function is not this problam function window.afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me = sender; me.dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(me, { delegate: me.id }); me.dd.afterDrag = (function() { me.updateLayout() }); Ext.onReady(function() { me.dd.setHandleElId(sender.owner.UCP_Header.id); }); } 
  7. NO, but now i did it to no avail and the program stays in the login section and does nothing
  8. hi This Error can sometimes happen When I click on the login button
  9. Hi i have encountered this error please help me fast because my server is completely disabled Please Refer me Soonnnnnn. @Sherzod @Farshad Mohajeri @erich.wanker
  10. I don't want to allow the user to upload any file
  11. i will seprate package suffix with this type: Image: jpeg,jpg,gif,png,bmp,ico,tif,tiff Text: ppt,pdf,txt,rtf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,acs,bas,cls,mdb,prj Compres: zip,rar,7z,sql,tar,gz,7zip,iso,ape,bin,cab NOT this jpeg jpg gif png bmp ico tif tiff ppt pdf txt rtf doc docx xls xlsx acs bas cls mdb prj zip rar 7z sql tar gz 7zip iso ape bin cab
  12. hi how to remove "AllFiles" in unifileuploader?
  13. I when scroll with scrollbar in form, form is moving
  14. This isn't Solution, you will fix that in future version of UNIGUI?
  15. i have a new problam @Sherzod @Farshad Mohajeri
  16. to this case is not working ... and can not make similar case please remote to my pc
  17. function window.afterrender(sender, eOpts) { var me = sender; me.dd = new Ext.dd.DDProxy(me, { delegate: me.id }); me.dd.afterDrag = (function() { me.updateLayout() }); Ext.onReady(function() { me.dd.setHandleElId(sender.owner.UniPanel1.id); }); }  doesn't work ... Behind another form falls and not work @Sherzod @Farshad Mohajeri
  18. tnx but new bug I upload a file the first time and it's not a problem, but the problem starts when I upload two or more files, and next time I want to upload fewer files, this time high(files) has the previous value in memory and gives access voliation @Sherzod @Farshad Mohajeri
  19. I want to get the number of uploaded files and rename the file and store it in a folder on the server and save it in the database. DestFolder:=UniServerModule.StartPath+'UploadFolder\'; DestName:=DestFolder+ExtractFileName(UniFileUpload1.FileName); UniLabel4.Caption:='File Name: '+UniFileUpload1.FileName; CopyFile(PChar(AStream.FileName), PChar(DestName), False); @Sherzod please help me ...
  20. procedure TUniOpinionRequestFrm.UniFileUpload1MultiCompleted(Sender: TObject; Files: TUniFileInfoArray); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to High(Files)+1 do Do you mean?
  21. hi @Sherzod i use UNIGUI 1506 and use new uniuploader with multiply upload How to check how many files uploaded is a few? Take a Sample to work with the new version of UNIGUI 1506 UniFileUpload1.Files[2].FileName
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