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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Lena

  1. Lena

    Customize Sort Menu

    Thank you for your help. I try it but it does not work for me. Thank you very much! Now it works!
  2. Hi. Two questions about Sort Menu in the picture. Thanks.
  3. How I can check multiple rows in DBGrid? When I check with mouse + Ctrl the following line I lose the check of the previous row. How I can select multiple rows? Thanks.
  4. Hi. Add please add property columns in UniListBox. Thanks.
  5. Hi. I read in uniGUI.pdf: 2.1.3 VCL Application One of the unique features of uniGUI is its ability to create VCL applications which are a web server at the same time. This means that each VCL Application created with uniGUI library contains a Web Server. 1. How add in VCL Application uniGUI Web Server? Maybe this documentation is outdated? 2. Is it possible to convert VCL Application in uniGUI? Thanks.
  6. Hi. In PostgreSQL I have table: CREATE TABLE organizations ( id serial NOT NULL, name text NOT NULL, tel1 text, tel2 text, ********* In uniGrid I can see rows. Is it possible adding in future DisplayMemo in UniDBLookupComboBox? See my att… Thanks.
  7. Thank you. I will try.
  8. Hi. I have not found component uniGUI CheckListBox. It would be good to add. Thanks.
  9. Lena

    Pressing TAB

    Thank you very much! I will try.
  10. Lena

    Pressing TAB

    ОК, thank you!
  11. Lena

    Pressing TAB

    Hi. On Form: UniEdit1 TabOrder=1 UniEdit2 TabOrder=2 //OK focus UniEdit3 TabOrder=3 //OK focus UniBitBtn TabOrder=4 //I can not set the focus by pressing TAB I show this Form ShowModal() In event UniFormShow code UniEdit1->SetFocus(); Then I press key TAB 3 times. Button does not want to receive focus. How correctly? Thanks.
  12. Lena


    Thank you very much!
  13. Lena


    Hi. How center align header title in UniDBGrid? Only taLeftJustify. (See my att…).
  14. Hi. Please explain me why in the Object Inspector no events OnChange? See my attachment. Thanks.
  15. Lena

    Change icon server

    Thank you very much!
  16. Hi. How I can change icon server? I try Project -> Options -> Application -> Load Icon but icon not change in tray. Maybe it because I use trial edition? Can I translate into another language server pop up menu (Restore/Shutdown)? This is not very important but I am wondering. Thanks.
  17. Hi. I try your code in C++ Builder XE7 and I got error. Where my mistake? Thank you.
  18. Hi. I have one series. 1.How I can change the color of this series? 2.Can I change the color at the points of the series? For example temperature series. If the temperature is above 50 degrees is the point of the red, the other green. Is it possible? Thank you.
  19. Where more correct to open a database connection? In UniGUIMainModuleCreate or in UniFormShow? Thanks. //in UniMainModule void __fastcall TUniMainModule::UniGUIMainModuleCreate(TObject *Sender) { //FireDAC FDQuery1->Active = true; FDQuery1->FetchAll(); FDQuery1->First(); } //then in main form void __fastcall TMainForm::UniFormShow(TObject *Sender) { if(UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->RecordCount == 0) { ShowMessage(L"No data"); return; } UniMainModule()->ClientDataSet1->Active = true; } //************************************************* //Or all code in main form void __fastcall TMainForm::UniFormShow(TObject *Sender) { //FireDAC UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->First(); if(UniMainModule()->FDQuery1->RecordCount == 0) { ShowMessage(L"No data"); return; } UniMainModule()->ClientDataSet1->Active = true; }
  20. Lena

    News RAD XE6

    RAD XE6: What's New in Delphi and C++Builder XE6 http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE6/en/What%27s_New_in_Delphi_and_C%2B%2BBuilder_XE6 Fix list for RAD Studio XE6, Delphi XE6 and C++Builder XE6 http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/43754 Using App Tethering http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE6/en/Using_App_Tethering
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