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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Lena

  1. Может и смешная, но на все практически вопросы есть ответы в стандартных примерах.
  2. Поражаюсь выдержки, тонкости и терпимости Delphi Developer. Я бы... Спасибо Delphi Developer за вашу помощь на форуме!
  3. Lena


    Здравствуйте, Delphi Developer. Существует ли возможность с помощью uniGUI реализовать этот сервис: https://asprise.com/document-scan-upload-image-browser/direct-to-server-php-asp.net-overview.html а именно определить на клиенте все доступные сканеры и использовать один из них пожеланию пользователя? Насколько я понимаю это не возможно. Надо искать ActiveX, но это только для браузера IE, поэтому не жизнеспособно в современных условиях, когда много разных браузеров и IE мало кто использует. Дайте, пожалуйста, разъяснения по поводу этого, чтобы я точно знала, что это не возможно на uniGUI. А если это возможно - определение сканеров/принтеров на клиенте, то скажите как это реализовать на uniGUI? Большое спасибо.
  4. Как установить в новую версию 10.2.2?
  5. uniGUI.pdf: After starting a new C++ project you must disable Linker->Dynamic RTL. Currently building with Run Time Packages doesn't work properly. You must statically link all libs and create a single EXE. (Simply unselect Build with runtime packages option.)
  6. Is it possible install in C++ Builder 10.1? Thanks.
  7. http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/44715
  8. Lena


    Hi. I install in C++ Builder 10.1. All works good. I try uninstall uniGUI. In PDF: Before installing a new version remove all design packages from Delphi and uninstall uniGUI from Windows Program Add/Remove. I open Windows Program Add/Remove and found only: FMSoft uniGUI Theme Pack How correct uninstall now? Thanks.
  9. Lena


    http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/44675 http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Berlin/en/What%27s_New
  10. http://community.embarcadero.com/article/news/16211-embarcadero-rad-studio-2016-product-approach-and-roadmap-2
  11. I do excel reports in uniGUI. I use FastReport 5 component TfrxBIFFExport and C++ Builder XE7.
  12. I debugged my code. Breakpoint in line ShowMessage(L"I am here!"); I see this message. Then I press F8 and I see UnimFormDat. if(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->RecordCount == 0) { ShowMessage(L"I am here!");//I see this message. Press F8 for the next line } else { UnimFormDat()->ShowModal();//and I see this form in my app. }
  13. Hi. v.1211 My SQL for FDQuery (FireDAC) return one record. Why FDQuery->RecordCount != ClientDataSet->RecordCount? FDConnection1->FDQueryRooms->DataSetProviderRooms->ClientDataSetRooms->DataSourceRooms void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimDBGrid1Click(TObject *Sender) { try { UniMainModule()->FDQueryRooms->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetRooms->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryRooms->ParamByName(L"ORGANIZATIONSID")->AsInteger = UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->FieldByName(L"id")->AsInteger; UniMainModule()->FDQueryRooms->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQueryRooms->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQueryRooms->First(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetRooms->Active = true; UnimFormRooms()->UnimDBGridRooms->HeaderTitle = L"Room in " + UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->FieldByName(L"name")->AsString; if(UniMainModule()->FDQueryRooms->RecordCount == 0)//Why here RecordCount = 0? { ShowMessage(L"FDQueryRooms->RecordCount"); } if(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetRooms->RecordCount == 0)//I see here RecordCount = 1 { ShowMessage(L"ClientDataSetRooms->RecordCount"); } } catch (const Exception &E) { String mis = L"Error: " + E.ClassName() + L" Mes: " + E.Message; ShowMessage(mis); } }
  14. The same problem if I use else void __fastcall TUnimFormRooms::UnimDBGridRoomsClick(TObject *Sender) { UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->ParamByName(L"ROOMSID")->AsInteger = UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetRooms->FieldByName(L"id")->AsInteger; UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->First(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->Active = true; if(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->RecordCount == 0) { ShowMessage(L"I am here!");//I see this message //return; } else { UnimFormDat()->ShowModal();//Why I see this form? } }
  15. Hi Can we use return in mobile application? I see form. Why is that? void __fastcall TUnimFormRooms::UnimDBGridRoomsClick(TObject *Sender) { UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->ParamByName(L"ROOMSID")->AsInteger = UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetRooms->FieldByName(L"id")->AsInteger; UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQueryDat->First(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->Active = true; if(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetDat->RecordCount == 0) { ShowMessage(L"I am here!");//I see this message return;//does not work } UnimFormDat()->ShowModal();//Why I see this form? }
  16. Hi. How create link in mobile project? For example TUnimLabel (no event Click, no property Font /need a blue underlined font/). Thanks.
  17. Hi. Please add property Text in the Object Inspector. v.1211
  18. Hi. In MainModule (mobile project): /FireDAC/ FDConnection1->FDQueryOrgan->DataSetProviderOrgan->ClientDataSetOrgan->DataSourceOrgan In FDQueryOrgan->SQL: SELECT * FROM organizations ORDER BY name; In Main Form UnimDBList1: DataSource= UniMainModule.DataSourceOrgan DataField=name After press button Enter in Login Form my code in Main Form: void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimFormBeforeShow(TObject *Sender) { UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->First(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Active = true; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Last(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->First(); ShowMessage(IntToStr(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->RecordCount));//<-I see 2 } Main Form open but UnimDBList1 is empty. How get data in UnimDBList1? I need to see the data column name (DataField=name) in UnimDBList1. Please help advice. v. 1211. P.S. I try to use standart TUniDBLookupListBox/TUniDBLookupComboBox in mobile project but got error.
  19. Hi. I have two records with different id (№28 and №29). When I change my records in event OnChange, I see only one id. Why? void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimDBSelect1Change(TObject *Sender) { //always №28 ShowMessage(IntToStr(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->FieldByName("id")->AsInteger)); }
  20. I got all records in UnimDBSelect if I add two lines of ugly code: void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimFormBeforeShow(TObject *Sender) { UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->First(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Active = true; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Last();//add UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->First();//add ShowMessage(IntToStr(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->RecordCount)); }
  21. Hi. I meet with components for mobile development. I can’t get all the records upon SQL request (FireDAC). 1. UnimDBList Set DataSource Set DataField Open SQL but UnimDBList empty. 2. UnimDBSelect Set DataSource Set DataField Open SQL but I see only one record. How get all records? Thanks. //my code after close login form: void __fastcall TMainmForm::UnimFormBeforeShow(TObject *Sender) { UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->Active = false; UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Active = false; UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->Active = true; UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->FetchAll(); UniMainModule()->FDQueryOrgan->First(); UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->Active = true; ShowMessage(IntToStr(UniMainModule()->ClientDataSetOrgan->RecordCount));//<- 2 records }
  22. I tried to fully noty demo. _rsov_(O73D,0);var n = noty({ layout: 'topleft', theme: 'defaultTheme', type: 'information', text: 'Noty Text', dismissQueue: true, template: '<div class="noty_message"><span class="noty_text"></span><div class="noty_close"></div></div>', animation: { open: {height: 'toggle'}, close: {height: 'toggle'}, easing: 'swing', speed: 500 }, timeout: 0, force: false, modal: false, maxVisible: 5, killer: true, closeWith: ['click'], buttons: false, callback : { onShow: function() { ajaxRequest(O77D, "onShow", ["notyid=+"noty_976033]); }, afterShow: function() { ajaxRequest(O77D, "afterShow", ["notyid=+"noty_976033]); }, onClose: function() { ajaxRequest(O77D, "onClose", ["notyid=+"noty_976033]); }, afterClose: function() { ajaxRequest(O77D, "afterClose", ["notyid=+"noty_976033]); }, onCloseClick: function() { ajaxRequest(O77D, "onCloseClick", ["notyid=+"noty_976033]); } } });
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