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Everything posted by ice

  1. Thanks Delphi Developer, this is work in one cell, but i need two different color in one cell.
  2. Hi, is it possible to make different Color in dbgridcell with html tags like id, class or style ? (<t id="xyz" >10:00 - 12:00 aaaaa</t><br> <t id="abc" >13:00 - 18:00 bbbbb</t>) one Cell: 10:00 - 12:00 aaaaa < red backcolor 13:00 - 18:00 bbbbb < blue backcolor
  3. Thanks zilav not in uni, in unim.
  4. Hi, how can i open a new browser windows (on different systems iphone, android) in touch to show pdf files or Weblinks.
  5. Hi Delphi Developer, thank you very much. 1+*
  6. Hi zllav, thank you. In Unim(Touch) in no canvas componet.
  7. Hi, i make a canvas in unimhtmlframe and make a signatue-script in javascript. unimhtmlframe: <canvas id="signatur"> javascript:(signatur.js) by addjs. it work. now i like to save it to database. my idee is too put it in a unimimage and save it to a database.
  8. Hi, how can i put a unimhtmlframe-canvas to unimimage ? Thanks
  9. Hi, sorry about my englich. I found a function to make signature in touch. Is it possible to insert . https://gist.github.com/xjamundx/845351#file-sencha-touch-signature-js
  10. Thank you very much +1*
  11. hi, a new question about unicalendar how work setdisableddays() on runtime?
  12. Hi, i found it in sencha-doc. Datefield, disableddays :[0,6] but it does not work ? can you help me ?
  13. Hi, sorry about that english. The user can only click sundays and the other days not. All days are visible.
  14. Hi, it is possible to Calendar single day to disable ? Thanks​
  15. Hi, is it possible to use UniDBGrid Multigroup ?
  16. ice

    Word-Wrap in DBCell

    Thanks, it works.
  17. Hallo, how make word-wrap in a cell. UnimDBGrid or UnimDBListGrid ?
  18. Hallo, is there a way to refresh one record (or all) in the UnimDBGridList and UnimDBGridList does not scroll. Thanks !
  19. Hallo, its run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks
  20. Hallo, I have a Linux Apache2 Server. I proxypass to a windows iss. Webpage is starting. the first page is ok. i click on page -- > error 404. can you help me ? thanks!!!
  21. ice

    uniDBmemo hatch

    Thanks, but i mean like this https://css-tricks.com/stripes-css/
  22. ice

    uniDBmemo hatch

    Hallo, what is the best way too backcolor hatch a uniDBmemo by checkfield (yes,no). sorry for my english
  23. Hallo, doesn't work unitabcontrol.addobject ??? Trail
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