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Posts posted by lema

  1. 20 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    I couldn't reproduce. Works for me.

    I am testing with the original StringGrid Demo (attached is my test).
    The only change I made, is setting the property goRowSelect to True.
    The suspendEvent("select") doesn't work with me (v.

    Sherzod, I don't want to waste your time, don't bother with the issue.
    I think it's okay unless there's a problem in the application that I can't see right now...

    Thank you again !


    StringGrid Demo.zip

  2. 4 hours ago, Sherzod said:

    Okay, then try this approach:

    procedure TMainForm.UniFormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UniStringGrid1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('viewready', 'function(){this.getSelectionModel().suspendEvent("select")}');


    Yes! Thank you, Master !

    Note: It works only when Grid rowselect is NOT enabled.
    To cover this case as well -without knowing if it's the correct way-
    I changed it to 'suspendEvents(),' and it seems to be working.

    UniStringGrid1.JSInterface.JSAddListener('viewready', 'function(){this.getSelectionModel().suspendEvents()}');


  3. Hello to all !

    I think that the question is more about Delphi and less about UNIGUI.
    I searched the forum, but couldn't find anything related.

    How can we display NULL values in uniDBgrid with filters enabled?
    The parameter %% returns only the records that have values...

    I tried with both demos (GridFiltering, GridFiltering-2), after first enabling Grid editing.

  4. Hello dear @Sherzod

    I am sending a sample. I used the CalendarPanel example, adding the scripts above.

    You cannot use the UniDateTimePicker controls in "Add/Edit Event" form. They popup and close immediately....

    Obviously, the MainForm.Script causes this problem.

    Can you suggest any workaround?




  5. Hello dear Sherzod.
    I'm returning to this topic, because the code below seems to be affecting also the UniDateTimePicker components on the form.
    It works perfect for the uniCalendar, but the menu of the DateTimePicker control opens and closes automatically, not allowing the user to select a date.


    Ext.override(Ext.DatePicker, {
        update: function(date, forceRefresh) {
            var me = this;
            Ext.defer(function() {
            }, 200);




  6. I tried it without success...

    The PythonEngine doesn't seem to be able to operate in a multithreaded environment.
    The problem is probably the design of the interpreter and the limitation of the GIL.
    As workaround, I put it as a singleton in ServerModule....

  7. Hello to all !
    Do you have any experience with Python for Delphi in uniGUI?
    I am going to use P4D as scripting (server-side) in order to communicate and act with some network devices.
    What difficulties can I expect to cope with?

  8. 38 minutes ago, Sherzod said:


    Describe the situation in more detail, and how many requests?


    My wrong phrase, it's not "too many..". Nothing abnormal.

    It's just the normal behavior of one Event on every grid moving (scrolling).


    But in my case, I need the less network traffic and best optimization, so I disabled the events with your approach.

    The question is, how can I get the underlying db record without syncing?

    Is there any workaround to get the appropriate fields (e.g. ID) from grid itself?



    I am using v. Complete




    • Like 1
  9. Thank you !

    I didn't try it yet, but it is really impressive that you can analyze, find and implement it so fast.

    Also, I wish, I could understand that JavaScript stuff...


    I wonder, where can I find such information?

    Sencha Ext JS docs? forums? Could you please give me a hint?



  10. Hello !

    As title says,

    is there any way to select -or mark- a week in uniCalendar (as screenshot below).

    No need to get the range, or dynamically selection. I just want to use it in conjunction with uniCalendarPanel (in week mode).

    (running v.







    Hello, I have a strange behavior with the UniDateTimePicker.

    If you add the following code on uEdits of MegaDemo and play around for a while,

    the error "The time in this field must equal to or after 09:00:00" will popup !

    Delphi 10.2



    procedure TuEditsFrame.UniFrameCreate(Sender: TObject);
      UniDateTimePicker2.ClientEvents.UniEvents.Values['beforeInit'] :=
        'function beforeInit(sender, config)' +
        '{' +
        '  config.minValue  = ''09:00''; ' +
        '  config.maxValue  = ''15:00''; ' +



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