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Everything posted by pro_imaj

  1. @Sherzod Unfortunately it doesn't work, you can see the example in the attachment. If there is this problem, how do people develop a screen with a frame? The example is attached. Test3.zip
  2. @Sherzod This time it doesn't match the TabOrder order, I searched the forum and couldn't find the solution. What should I do? I am attaching the test project. Test2.zip
  3. @Sherzod Thank you very much, my problem is solved. So glad to have you.
  4. Hi @Sherzod Thank you for your interest. I prepared the example you wanted, I cannot navigate between the tab and edits on the screen that opens as ShowModal when you press the button. Test.zip
  5. Could you help me to solve this problem? 😊
  6. @Darth Florus Hi, Thanks for the answer, I couldn't adapt it to the code I wrote above, could you please give the example accordingly. procedure TFShowModal.UniFormBeforeShow(Sender: TObject); var FCurrentFrame: TUniFrame; begin FCurrentFrame := TUniFrameClass(FrameAd).Create(Self); FCurrentFrame.Align := alClient; FCurrentFrame.Parent := UniTabSheet1; Refresh; end;
  7. Hi, I'm calling Frame inside a UniPageControl inside a form. When I press the tab key in the uniedits in the frame I call, the next edit is not positioned. I have tried almost every way but the result is negative. When I add uniedits on UnipageControl and compile it, when I press the tab key, it is positioned to the other uniedit. Why can this be a problem with the edits inside the frame. I am creating Frame in Unipagecontrol as below. procedure TFShowModal.UniFormBeforeShow(Sender: TObject); var FCurrentFrame: TUniFrame; begin FCurrentFrame := TUniFrameClass(FrameAd).Create(Self); FCurrentFrame.Align := alClient; FCurrentFrame.Parent := UniTabSheet1; Refresh; end;
  8. Hi, @Sherzod The solution you wrote works perfectly, thank you very much.
  9. No, I already know that. What I want to tell is; When the cursor is positioned in Edit, the user understands that the cursor is there with a color. Can this color be brought around the FieldTex part as well? *Color changes according to the theme. In the attached picture, there is a yellow color according to the aria theme, I want this color to be in the fieldtext so that the user can understand which field is filling.
  10. Hi , I'm printing a description with the FieldLabel property of the Uniedit component, can I make this description color according to the Theme when the edit is clicked? Thank you.
  11. I couldn't find out which setting has changed for now, but when I make the same settings with other projects, it doesn't work. I made a new mainmodule settings, and for now I solved the problem by not making the old settings. Thank you for your interest, Mr. Hayri. As always, I would like to express my gratitude to all concerned.
  12. When I change some settings on the Unimainmodule screen, it still does not ask for a password.
  13. I coded it exactly as you said. But again it didn't. unfortunately. Unfortunately, I solved them by creating a new project and copying the mainmodule and servermodule in the new project. Thank you.
  14. I copied the servermodule in a previously working project to the project, but the result is negative. So the screen comes directly without asking for a password, this little problem drove me crazy.
  15. Hi, I want to login with username and password in /server section. Username is logged in without asking for password even though I have added the code below, is there any need for another setting? procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleControlPanelLogin (ASession: TUniGUISession; const AUser, APassword: string; var LoginValid: Boolean; LoginAttempt: Integer); begin if SameText(AUser, 'demo') and SameText(APassword, 'demo') then LoginValid := True else begin if LoginAttempt = 3 then ASession.Terminate('Error!'); end; end;
  16. ServerModule=>I didn't find the solution for adding CSS data logical, because something that changes on a theme user basis should be done in this mainmodule, but there is no CSS there.
  17. I could not reach any conclusion on how to search in the menu, a problem arises as in the attached.
  18. Thank you, I solved it according to the example here.
  19. In this way, the scrolling problem is solved, but when I click on any menu, it becomes active.
  20. Even though I change the colors of the Items I add to UniTreeMenu, they always appear as gray, and when the mouse is hovered over, they are white. Is there any way to change this?
  21. When the UniTreeMenu component adds too much, the scroolbox does not appear. Is there a way to fix this?
  22. Hi, I am trying to provide easy access in UniTreeMenu1 with SearchEdit in the attached test file, but it does not search and adds the value it finds after the search as a new menu. What am I doing wrong? Thank you. Tablet Application.zip
  23. Thank you very much, it works perfectly.
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