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Everything posted by Alessandro

  1. Nas Propriedades do uniEdit, opção CharEOL coloque #13 (que é o enter) e no onKeyPress do uniEdit em questão coloque uniEditSeguinte.setfocus;
  2. Alessandro

    Web Camera

    wheres link download?
  3. Hello everyone! I'm trying to use the keyPress DBEdit, but is not working. In a DBEdit, I have to create a formula (using parser.pas), but want the user to only enter numbers and some specific letters, the formula. I tried to do the following below, but is not working. procedure TForm.UniDBEdit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin // + - * / ^ [ ] ( ) if not (Key in ['0'..'9','Q','P','V', 'L','D', 'M', #43, #45, #42, #47, #94,#91, #93, #40, #41, #8]) then begin key := 0; <-- error char vs string //Key := chr('0'); <-- dont work end; end; When the letter that is not present in the function, it is accept by the procedure and allows inclusion in Edit. Can anyone help? Thanks.
  4. Marlon, esse exemplo está para DBGrid... Eu testei no String Grid e não ficou oculto. O exemplo serve para o stringGrid também e/ou tem um local específico para colocar o uniSession.addJS ?? Grato.
  5. Morning! How do I hide the scrollBar of a StringGrid? Hide vertical and horizontal. Thanks.
  6. [sOLVED] I had put the code in the Main Module. I wrote the code in the MainForm and is now ok. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone. I follow the example above, but I can not build the my project. I opened the ClientInfo Demo and perfect works. I did the entire procedure in my project, but not working. I forgot to declare somewhere some unit? XE5, uniGUI Version:0.95.0 build 1046 Code: procedure TMainForm.UniFormActivate(Sender: TObject); var C : TUniClientInfoRec; begin UniLabel7.Caption:=UniApplication.RemoteAddress; C:=UniApplication.ClientInfoRec; <----- PROBLEM: undeclared idenifier. UniLabel6.Caption:=C.BrowserType; UniLabel4.Caption:=IntToStr(C.BrowserVersion); UniLabel5.Caption:=C.OSType; end; Thanks.
  7. Thanks Delphi Developer! Perfect!
  8. Bugra Yener Sahinoglu, Thank you, it worked perfect!
  9. procedure TUniMainModule.MyFrxDownload(frxReport: TfrxReport); var fn:String; FormUrlView1: TFm_Rel; begin fn:= 'R-' + FormatDateTime('hhmmss.zzz', Now()) +'.pdf'; frxReport.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; frxReport.ShowProgress:=false; frxReport.PrintOptions.ShowDialog:=false; frxReport.EngineOptions.SilentMode:=True; frxPDFExport.Background:=True; frxPDFExport.ShowProgress:=False; frxPDFExport.ShowDialog:=False; frxPDFExport.FileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fn; frxPDFExport.DefaultPath := ''; frxReport.PrepareReport(); frxReport.Export(frxPDFExport); UniSession.SendFile(UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + fn, fn); FormUrlView1 := TFm_Rel.Create(UniApplication); FormUrlView1.uniURLFrame1.URL := UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + fn; FormUrlView1.Show; end;
  10. Good morning, I wonder if I can change the intensity of the shadow, after I open a form in ShowModal or Message. Today the shadow is clear, however like to make it darker. Thank you.
  11. Hello everybody, I would like to know how to work with CSS. What I do: Place a Hint customized as per attached. I have the following CSS code, which for all I know, we put in SeverModule. .tooltip { border-bottom: 1px dotted #000000; color: #000000; outline: none; cursor: help; text-decoration: none; position: relative; } .tooltip span { ; position: absolute; } .tooltip:hover span { border-radius: 5px 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; -webkit-border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); -moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); font-family: Calibri, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; position: absolute; left: 1em; top: 2em; z-index: 99; margin-left: 0; width: 250px; } .tooltip:hover img { border: 0; margin: -10px 0 0 -55px; float: left; position: absolute; } .tooltip:hover em { font-family: Candara, Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; display: block; padding: 0.2em 0 0.6em 0; } .classic { padding: 0.8em 1em; } .custom { padding: 0.5em 0.8em 0.8em 2em; } * html a:hover { background: transparent; } .classic {background: #FFFFAA; border: 1px solid #FFAD33; } .critical { background: #FFCCAA; border: 1px solid #FF3334; } .help { background: #9FDAEE; border: 1px solid #2BB0D7; } .info { background: #9FDAEE; border: 1px solid #2BB0D7; } .warning { background: #FFFFAA; border: 1px solid #FFAD33; } Now, how to make my UniLabel1 to show you the hint as the attached? Grateful for the help ================================================ COMO TRABALHAR COM CSS? Olá pessoal, eu gostaria de saber como trabalhar com o CSS. O que quero fazer: Colocar um Hint personalizado conforme a figura em anexo. Eu tenho o Código CSS a seguir, que pelo que sei, nós colocamos no SeverModule. Agora, como fazer com que meu UniLabel1 mostre para o usuário o hint como a figura em anexo? Grato pela ajuda Fonte: http://sixrevisions.com/css/css-only-tooltips/
  12. Hello, how do I change the background color of a button? The TuniSpeedButton component has the Color option, however, the selected color does not. Thank you.
  13. Hi guys! It is to disable resizing a form when I set in form: borderStyle = bsNone Because, the user can resize the form, and I want to lock this option. Thks
  14. Hello guys! Does anyone have an example to sources, even if simples, how to work with frames? If yes, it would be possible provide me? Thanks --------------------------------------------- Olá pessoal! Alguém tem um exemplo com fontes, mesmo que simples, de como trabalhar com Frames? Se sim, seria possível me disponibilizar? Obrigado
  15. Hi! I created a report generator FastReport in my system. When show (PDF) file, appears in another browser tab. Its ok. It turns out that when the generator creates the report, the file is saved in "UniServerModule.LocalCachePath" site server. I want the report generator to create the file and save this on the local machine of the client, perhaps in a specified folder (I create) or in the customer's own cache folders. How to do this? Thank you. ----------------------------------- Olá! Eu criei um gerador de relatórios em FastReport para meu sistema. Quando mando visualizar o arquivo (PDF), aparece em uma outra aba do browser. Até aí tudo certo. Acontece que, quando o gerador cria o relatório, o arquivo é salvo no local UniServerModule.LocalCachePath, servidor. Eu quero que quando o gerador do relatório criar o arquivo, este salve na maquina local do cliente, talvez numa pasta específica (que eu mande criar) ou nas pastas cache do próprio cliente. Como fazer isso? Obrigado.
  16. Farshad Mohajeri What I see is this: When I run the application on the server, it consumes very little memory. Once the first user accesses the system, the memory consumption goes to 150Mb, and for each user who accesses the system it adds plus 150Mb. 10 users logged into the system, my memory consumption reaches 1GB! And even after the user closes the browser, consumption does not decrease. How do I solve this problem? Thank you.
  17. Farshad Mohajeri I'm sorry, because I'm new to uniGUI. could you tell me where I should put this command?
  18. Good afternoon. Before, in Delphi 7 for desktop I created the forms at runtime with the following command: if Fm_Client = nil then Fm_Client: = TFm_Client.Create (Application); Fm_Client.ShowModal; And to close the form I released the memory with the command: Fm_Client: = nil; How to do this same procedure in uniGUI? I tried to do and XE5 did not accept the command. Just like the previous Delphi, I create forms at runtime. Tks, see ya later. ------------------------------------- Boa tarde. Galera, antes, no Delphi 7 para desktop eu criava os formulários em tempo de execução com o seguinte comando: if Fm_Client = Nil then Fm_Client := TFm_Client.Create(Application); Fm_Client.ShowModal; E ao fechar o formulário eu liberava da memória com o comando: Fm_Client := nil; Como fazer esse mesmo procedimento no uniGUI? Eu tentei fazer e o XE5 não aceitou o comando. Assim como o delphi anterior, quero criar os formulários em tempo de execução. Obrigado, até mais.
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