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Posts posted by patmap

  1. Hi Mr. Farshad


    I found a very good script for change LTR pages with all element to RTL pages on fly.




    with only adding two line in UniServerModule.CustomFiles




    this script seach all elements and convert all LEFT style to RIGHT (with calculate from right) and RIGHT style to LEFT.


    this work very very good on TreeView and DBGrid,

    but i have a problem with TUnuiButton.


    only this elelment and any other button types (toolbar buttons) after chnage styles with this script LEFT style added in element again and all buttons have both LEFT and RIGHT styles


    can you help me for solving this problem ?


    Best Regards

  2. Hi Mr. Farshad


    I test this functionality many many time, and some times in ISAPI mode Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] equal with AMethodName and cause a same problem,

    I change this function source, and test it with VCL mode and ISAPI mode and it seem no problem,


    function TIdExtSession.MethodURI(AMethodName : string) : string;
    var Protocol: String ;
    ScriptName: String;
     ScriptName := StringReplace( Query['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
     if (ScriptName = AMethodName) or (ScriptName = '' )then
    Protocol := 'http://' ;
    If Pos('HTTPS',  FCurrentRequest.RawHTTPCommand) > 0 Then Protocol := 'https://' ;
    Result := Protocol + StringReplace( FCurrentRequest.Host + '/' + AMethodName, '//', '/', [rfReplaceAll]) ;
    Result := StringReplace( Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + '/' + AMethodName, '//', '/', [rfReplaceAll] );


    Best Regards

  3. Hi Mr. Farshad


    I change this method and i test it with MyDLL.DLL script name and without MyDLL.DLL and it work good .


    function TIdExtSession.MethodURI(AMethodName : string) : string;
    var Protocol: String ;
     if AMethodName[1] <> '/' then AMethodName := '/' + AMethodName;
     if (Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '' ) or (Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/') then
    Protocol := 'http://' ;
    If Pos('HTTPS',  FCurrentRequest.RawHTTPCommand) > 0 Then
     	Protocol := 'https://' ;
     	Result := Protocol + FCurrentRequest.Host + StringReplace('/' + Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName, '//' , '/', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName;


    Best Regards

  4. Hi Mr. Farshad


    This is very good. Thanks. you use a rewrite url.


    But i think this is not a professional job ! all your request send with DLL (See attach.)


    I found this problem resource:


    In this ExtPascal.pas unit and Line 659 ( TIdExtSession.MethodURI ) this is a Wrong way for relative path of url.

    i change this ( for Temporarily. because must me support https too )


    Result := 'Http://' + FCurrentRequest.Host + Query['SCRIPT_NAME'] + AMethodName;


    Can you test it ?


    Best Regards


  5. Hi, Mr. Farshad


    But i think this request have a problem :


    HandleEvent used in htt*://myserver/GeoTracker.dll/HandleEvent


    I think HandleEvent request added into end of ScriptName of URL and it seem must be added in Full URL(Protocol + Host + ScriptName )


    So, This is a opinion.


    Thank you.


    Best Regards

  6. AFAICT, this way of mapping is not correct. You must first setup a regular URL for your ISAPI module then use Url-Rewriting to redirect it to a user-friendly URL.




    Hi, Mr. farshad


    I did not define any rewrite url !

    Only i map my dll with *. or * just this !



    Best Regards

  7. Requests come from client not server. I need more info. You can start with a basic project with a blank form and adding features until problem starts.


    Most of ISAPI issues come from access to system resources which are not accessible from IIS built-in account.


    Hi, Mr. Farshad


    I start with basic project and send PM message to you my demo site.


    Best Regards

  8. Hello !!!


    I was trying to install this component and it was not possible. It compile well, but I could not install due to this error:




    PS: I install the last release of UNIGUI today and I use Delphi 2009.




    I think you install both unitools12 and unitools15 , if this right , you must be use one of them.



  9. Thank you very much patmap,

    it works.


    You made new function setZoom,

    As I can see is also new GMap.js,


    Is maybe possible to call some other Gmap function,

    or must be every function defined inside of UniGoogleMap component?


    Thank you again,


    Best regards,

    Marko Kastelic




    I must be define any function in GMap.js and GoogleMap.pas component.


    Best Regrads

  10. Hi all,


    I am testing UniGoogleMap component, and it is great.

    But I have maybe stuppied question, how is possible to call other GMap functions.


    does not work:





    also does not work:




    What could be reason?


    Thank's for help in advance,


    Best regards,

    Marko Kastelic




    Update to ver 1.4.2

    Add SetZoom function


    See DrawLine Sample.


    Best Regards

    Babak Yaghoobi

  11. Hello


    How I can encrypt the password a user enters in the login window? I have seen that the password is sent in clear to the server.


    Thank you.






    ¿ Como puedo cifrar la contraseña que introduce un usuario, en la ventana de login ? Yo he visto que la contraseña se envia en claro al servidor.





    You can encrypt in javascript to MD5 or SHA and send to server, then check server side this encypted password. no need to decrypt in server side ! save all passwords with MD5 or SHA, in database or other storages.

  12. Hi patmap,


    I have problem in using the function RemoveMarkers.

    It doesn't seem to work for me.

    I am using and testing on your demo "OneMap".



    Also , is there any way to clear Lines and polygons?






    Hi Patman

    Please fix Google Map for Delphi XE2 and Unigui


    I Can't install component this version



    Thank U.



    Update Post #1


    1.4.1 2011-10-23


    * Update for uniGUI ver

    * Add XE2 Project

    * Fixed RemoveMarker

    * Add ClearLine for Clear Lines and Polygons

  13. Hi,

    The problem is in the conversion from Float to String.

    You must take aware that in some countries (including mine) the DecimalSeparator is ','

    so every FloatToStr results something like '35,737177' which is a wrong coordinate format.



    I can solve it , writing something like that:


    procedure TUniGoogleMap.PanTo(Lat, Lng: Double);
     ASaveSeparator: Char;
     ASaveSeparator := DecimalSeparator;
     DecimalSeparator := '.';
       if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
         UniSession.AddJS(MapName + '.panTo(' + FloatToStr(Lat) + ', ' + FloatToStr(Lng) + ');');
       DecimalSeparator := ASaveSeparator;









    This is good idea, but not in multi thread application !!!


    If you use multi thread application when you change DecimalSeparator value this effehct in all threads,


    I change source with local ( Only this class ) change DecimalSeparator and will put here new source.


    Best Regards

  14. Hi patmap.

    Thank you for the UniGoogleMap component.

    I succefully installed into D2010 and run the 3 demos.

    No problem at all , except the functions DrawLine and DrawPolygon at DrawLine demo.


    The DrawLine demo runs ,

    I can see the map and I can add a marker. However , when try to execute the DrawLine or DrawPolygon function , I only get a blank map.







    I fixed it, and repost in Post #1


    New Version: 1.3.4


    Best Regards

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