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Everything posted by AMIT

  1. I want to connect to Firebird database using TSQLConnection but I wonder where should I put this component to MainModule or Datamodule. What is the Different between them?
  2. AMIT

    Browser Scrollbars

    Thank you Farshad for your works! Anyway I test and I still found some problems. Here is the Position property of the form I set. poDesigned - It's OK poDefault - It's OK poDefaultPosOnly - It's OK poDefaultSizeOnly - It's OK poDesigned - It's OK poMainFormCenter - It's OK but the form is displayed Left Justified the same as all above OK condition but it's not in the center. poOwnerFormCenter - It's OK but the form is displayed Left Justified the same as all above OK condition but it's not in the center. poDesktopCenter and poScreenCenter - Still not OK because the form is displayed in the center of the browser area but you can not display the top of the form even you move the vertical scrollbar to fully top position.
  3. AMIT

    Browser Scrollbars

    Have you got a solution for this yet?
  4. I changed the color during creating form event. The code below I used to change the color to clWhite for all pages. for i:=0 to uniPageControl1.PageCount-1 do begin uniPageControl1.Pages.Color:=clWhite; end;
  5. AMIT

    Browser Scrollbars

    Thank you Farshad. Set Autoscroll to true, The scroll bar is appeared on the form but not on the browser. The one I need is the IE or Firefox scroll bar. Is there any way to do this.
  6. I have create main form but it does not fit on the client screen size. So the form is bigger than the display area. I would like to know if it is possible to enable the vertical and horizontal scrollbar of the browser instead of using the arrow keys to scroll it. Thank in advance.
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