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Everything posted by Ghilardi

  1. I have the feeling that load balancers will have a hard time detecting a UniGUI browser session and dispatching calls from the same browser session to the same back-end server. The reason is that UniGUI does not use cookies - instead it puts the session id in each request. Two workarounds come to my mind: 1) configure the load balancer to dispatch among the available back-end servers based on the browser IP address 2) modify UniGUI to set a cookie named JSESSIONID in the browser, without actually using it. This is what Tomcat does, and it should trigger Java-compatible load balancers into using "cookie based stickyness" i.e. always dispatch to the same server all requests containing a JSESSIONID cookie with the same contents. Of course any decent load balancer will have the option to configure the name of the cookie used for stickyness. See for example https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_balancer.html#stickyness https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_balancer.html#stickyness_implementation
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