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Posts posted by Bresler

  1. Hi guys


    I'm using LDAP authentication too. Firstly I was using LDAPAdmin but it seems this project was abandoned and doesn't work for 64 bits. So I decided to find other solution which was Ararat Synapse and works perfect in 64 bits, very light and easy to use. Here is an example:

    function TUniLoginForm1.LDAPAuth(AUsername, APassword: String): Boolean;
      LLdap: TLDAPsend;
      Result := false;
      LLdap := TLDAPsend.Create;
        LLdap.TargetHost := 'ldap_server_name_or_ip';
        if not AUsuario.ToLower.StartsWith('domainname') then
          AUsuario := Format('domainname\%s', [AUsername.ToLower]);
        LLdap.UserName := AUsername;
        LLdap.Password := APassword;
        Result := LLdap.Bind;

    The official LDAP sample is here

  2. Hi valadi


    I tested this case yesterday and is working perfectly, the concept of BMUniDBGrid is not remaking the wheel and not suppressing any of TUniDBGrid functions, but adding those things that are needed or are not implemented yet (like Action Column, Popup Menu, Progress Bar pager, Paging Toolbar Resizer, MultiSelect, Search feature). Please check if you installed the last version published here, and added it to the path (Options\Library) and check RowEditor in Object Inspector.


    Best regards

  3. Hi skepsis


    Well, I already tested the component in 64 bits and is working very well. Here is what I did:

    1. Change the platform to 64 bits in the runtime package: rtBMUniDBGrid. The designtime package most to be in 32 bits due to the compiler.
    2. Add to the path (Options/Library) the 64 bits DCUs folder (Library\XE7\Win64 in my case) or the Sources folder.
    3. Compile the component (runtime and designtime packages)
    4. Open the Sample Project and change the platform to the project
    5. Enjoy your 64 bits application.

    Best regards


    PD: Did you compiled UNIGUI's packages for 64 bits? It must to be done before all these steps. (Sorry for the wrong step 1 before.)

  4. Hi ldb68


    Thanks for report it. Stefan Glienke renamed the repository to Knockoff so I. I already updated the links. In few days I will update it with last changes and more components.


    PD: With this approach, is implemented a kind of LiveBinding between visual components and objects in ViewModel based on Observable pattern, and it works in UNIGUI.



  5. Hi guys


    Here is an update of BMUniDBGrid.



    Added new feature: Configurable Search options

    Source code prepared for 32 and 64 bits


    There is still needed some code cleaning but it is functional and useful. We hope this component be as useful to you as it is for us.


    Best regards


    PS: Updated 10/05/2017

    PS: Updated 18/10/2016

    PS: Updated 05/10/2015

    PS: Updated 14/08/2015

    PS: Updated 23/07/2015




    • Upvote 1
  6. Hi guys


    I want to share with you something that I was waiting for a long time, a very simple MVVM approach for understanding how this design pattern works. Firstly, this work is from Stefan Glienke, the brilliant man behind Spring4D and DSharp, published on Bitbucket. So following Stefan's steps, I adapted the SimpleMVVM (this is how he called it), created for VCL components to UNIGUI componets. This work is on his very first stage, as you will see, there are many things that are hardcoded right now and a very few componets (TEdit, TLabel, TCombobox and TButton), but will be solved in a future. It depends on (IMO) how interested is the community for this subject. The original post is in google. Well, no more words. The SimpleMVVM for UNIGUI is here, on UNIGUI branch.


    I hope you enjoy it like I'm.


    Best regards

    • Upvote 2
  7. There are many other ways to put the APK in your smartphone. RAD Studio install the APK directly to the smartphone when you compile the project, you just need to have the smartphone connected and mapped in Platforms on Project Manager window.


    Sorry my English.

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