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Posts posted by Bresler


    I see as three scenarios:
    1) good for unigui: In this scenario Unigui will have a partner much closer to its "single" Delphi compiler, as Sencha is a fundamental part of Unigui, maybe there is a good partnership in the future.
    2) bad for Unigui: In this scenario Idera realized the interesting technology developed by FMSoft and decided to acquire Sencha and then create its own engine between Delphi and Sencha, this would be a new competitor to Unigui.
    3) bad: In this scenario Idera decides to buy Unigui too, after all already bought
    Sencha, why not Unigui?
    Anyway I hope it serves as a meditation point for Farshad, if you want to continue with Unigui, maybe you should think of an independent compiler "freepascal lazarus" and an independent javascript / jquery mobile web api, so it would not have Problems of seeing your partner being acquired by a bigger predator.
    Now if our friend Farshad wants to generate a valuable product (as he has done) and intends every day to increase his "golden egg hen" so that he can have a greater value every day and who knows how to make a good sale of Unigui in the Future, I believe this scenario is getting closer and closer.


    Agree with you. All possibilities should be evaluated...

  2. Hi


    Thanks for ask. I was talking about this feature: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.5/#!/api/Ext.grid.feature.RowBody


    Thanks God I already solved it, here was the solution I found (maybe could there a better one):

    RepDBGrid.JSControl.JSCode('features:[{' + '      ftype: "rowbody", ' +
        '      getAdditionalData: function (data, idx, record, orig) { ' +
        '          return {' +
        '              rowBody: ''<div style="padding: 3; font-size:9px"><b>Chapa:</b>'' + record.get("5") + ''<br/>'' + ' +
        '                                                                   ''<b>CI:</b> '' + record.get("4") + ''<br/>'' + ' +
        '                                                                   ''<b>Cargo:</b> '' + record.get("8") + ''</div>''' +
        '          };' +
        '      }' +
        '  }]');

    Any suggestion will well receibed.

  3. Hola Jaime


    El señor Farshad aconseja que los Datasets sean colocados en sus respectivos formularios, de manera que se haga uso solamente de los recursos necesarios. Irte por la via de los DataModules provocaría que por cada sesión abierta se creen los DataModules, y si, te recargaria mucho la memoria del server con un montón de recursos innecesarios.


    Saludos  y que tengas un buen día.

  4. Hi


    I was having something like that, not downloading the DLL but error 500. So I disabled 32 bits apps in the pool too and it is working perfect.


    Thanks for share

  5. Hi Mr. Farshad


    I would like to control how to create or resolve the MainForm. There is any way to do it??? I'm using Spring4D on my project and I want to register all the TUniForms in the Spring4D Container allowing me resolve them by a ServiceName(String) for better uncoupled code...


    Thanks for your time

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