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Everything posted by Alf

  1. Anytime you want. Thanks in advance,
  2. Hi Sherzod, can you please explain a little bit the code? My comments: - If you are positioned on a cell and type anything it will go to edit mode. This is what is needed of course but after you do that anytime you double click on a cell to edit it, the content is erased from the cell. In case you click in another cell you will get the exception in the image and it shows like the cell is not empty but at data level it is false. What is the function of needToClear ??? Maybe this is the reason for this behavoir Wen you use the arrows keys to move in a row of the same column the columns lost the focus after an edition. It should be great if in a middle of an edition you could use the arrows instead of clicking. Now you can't. How can I just press a button and put the cell in edit mode? Of course the active record? Thanks...
  3. Invert the order in the Test project and you will see they won't work.
  4. There is not an example for this... What I'm asking is how access color values from Themes and use them to the Grid. From example I want to get the color from the Panel's Title Bar and use it to the DBGrid Title bar.
  5. Hi I prepared the TestProject and realized that the order or the CSS matters. When I copy the CSS in the different order it worked. My questions... how can I know that the order matters? .x-column-header-text-wrapper { vertical-align: top; } .x-column-header { line-height: normal; }
  6. Hi, I never got answered this. This is pretty important for application coherent look and feel. .
  7. I tried it and doesn't work. I had to press enter to activate edition. What I understand and what personally need is that the control enters in edition mode by pressing any key and by the way when focus to the next element it will be the next NOT READONLY element to do a correct edition or append flow. For intensive data manipulation this is a MUST. I cannot beleive that something that simple is not developed for this components.
  8. Didn't work this time. The text is still on the center. How can I activate the cell editor by code? For examplo DBGrid.setFocus; DBGrid.Column[1].Edit or something? Of course double clicking it activates but I need to make it active to speed up the process or typing. Thanks in advance,
  9. Choosing the color myself is not a solution. If the user changes the There that color won't change. What I'm asking for is the minimum parametrization for a Grid to have a coherent application. Yes I would like to align all text to the top. If you watch the image "Precio" is lower then "Barcode" and it looks bad.
  10. Thanks again Sherzod, how can I access the colors of the Themes? For example I would like to make the Grid Title Background with the same color as the Panel Title Background. Also, how can I do a vertical alingn of the Titles to make the image looks better?
  11. Sherzod, now it works. Thank you. Any plans to add a configuration property to object inspector for Title? How can I change the color for example? Where can I find information about CSS class to modify uniDBGrid? And BTW I know nothing about CSS. Thanks in advance,
  12. Hi, at design time I can change the TitleFont.height of the title and the fonts but when I run the App the fonts stays at that size but the Height returns to it original size no matters what I do. Is it Theme dependent? If so, how can I modify the theme? Also I would like to modify themes in case it is possible. Thanks in advance,
  13. Hi I'm new to uniGUI and I working on the learning curve more for extJS than for Delphi. It have been a nightmare just to make layouts works using uniAlignmentClient in the form (of course on the server it is easy but it require a roundtrip). So I have one reques, could it be possible to include the Sencha Architect IDE on the release so we can make the design in it and copy properties values and paste it in LayoutConfig and LayoutAttribs? Actually the uniGUI form is not WYSIWYG and it could change using the other tool. BTW where can I find a tutorial about how to work with Panels and Layouts? Some help will be appreciate. Also I realize that the themes don't modify the uniDBGrid. Maybe I missed something? Finally it would be nice to open the columns editor of the uniDBGrid doing double click as usual in Delphi. Thanks in advance, Al
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