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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Point

  1. Does uniGUI have Error Code for every Exception or Does UniGUI have Constanta Message unit file like DBConst.pas so we could customize Exception Message procedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleException( Sender: TUniGUIMainModule; AException: Exception; var Handled: Boolean); begin if AException.ErrorCode = 10001 then AException.Message = 'bla bla bla...'; end;
  2. Hi Sherzod, seem it didn't mistake in creating the url link, it is proven by using a right click, the link leads to the intended url. After I reset the url link by deleting and recreate the url link, it worked fine. i don't know what caused it. Many thanks for support.
  3. Yes, I tried to click several url link in unidbhtmlmemo, work nice
  4. Hi @Sherzod, I modified the code above, so when i click the url link can open a new browser tab. after i implemented this code only works occasionally. function initialize(sender, eOpts) { sender.iframeEl.dom.contentDocument.body.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if (e.target.href !== undefined) { e.preventDefault(); window.open(e.target.href, "_blank"); }; }); } something wrong with my code?
  5. Base this link: https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/7.4.0/classic/src/HtmlEditor.js-1.html hope usefull for other. @Sherzod, please correct this code if wrong. uniDBHTMLMemo -> extEvent -> uniEvent -> beforeInit : function beforeInit(sender, config) { this.changeFont = function(fontName) { this.win.focus(); this.relayCmd('fontName', fontName); this.deferFocus(); }; this.setColor = function(color) { this.execCmd('forecolor', Ext.isWebKit || Ext.isIE ? '#' + color : color); this.deferFocus(); }; this.setBGColor = function(color) { if (Ext.isGecko) { this.execCmd('useCSS', false); this.execCmd('hilitecolor', color); this.execCmd('useCSS', true); this.deferFocus(); } else { this.execCmd(Ext.isOpera ? 'hilitecolor' : 'backcolor', Ext.isWebKit || Ext.isIE ? '#' + color : color); this.deferFocus(); } }; this.adjustFont = function(adjust) { var size = this.getDoc().queryCommandValue('FontSize') || '2', isPxSize = Ext.isString(size) && size.indexOf('px') !== -1, isSafari; size = parseInt(size, 10); if (isPxSize) { if (size <= 10) { size = 1 + adjust; } else if (size <= 13) { size = 2 + adjust; } else if (size <= 16) { size = 3 + adjust; } else if (size <= 18) { size = 4 + adjust; } else if (size <= 24) { size = 5 + adjust; } else { size = 6 + adjust; } size = Ext.Number.constrain(size, 1, 6); } else { isSafari = Ext.isSafari; if (isSafari) { adjust *= 2; } size = Math.max(1, size + adjust) + (isSafari ? 'px' : 0); } this.relayCmd('FontSize', size); }; this.createLink = function() { var url = prompt(this.createLinkText, this.defaultLinkValue); if (url && url !== 'http:/' + '/') { this.relayCmd('createlink', url); } }; this.toggleSourceEdit = function(sourceEditMode) { var me = this, iframe = me.iframeEl, textarea = me.textareaEl, hiddenCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hidden', btn = me.getToolbar().getComponent('sourceedit'); if (!Ext.isBoolean(sourceEditMode)) { sourceEditMode = !me.sourceEditMode; } me.sourceEditMode = sourceEditMode; if (btn.pressed !== sourceEditMode) { btn.toggle(sourceEditMode); } if (sourceEditMode) { me.disableItems(true); me.syncValue(); iframe.addCls(hiddenCls); textarea.removeCls(hiddenCls); textarea.dom.removeAttribute('tabIndex'); textarea.focus(); me.inputEl = textarea; } else { if (me.initialized) { me.disableItems(me.readOnly); } me.pushValue(); iframe.removeCls(hiddenCls); textarea.addCls(hiddenCls); textarea.dom.setAttribute('tabIndex', -1); me.deferFocus(); me.inputEl = iframe; } me.fireEvent('editmodechange', me, sourceEditMode); me.updateLayout(); }; } ToolBar Button Click : procedure TMainForm.MemoToolBarClick(Sender: TObject); begin with edtCodeContent, JSInterface do begin case TUniButton(Sender).Tag of 0 : JSCall('execCmd', ['bold']); 1 : JSCall('execCmd', ['italic']); 2 : JSCall('execCmd', ['underline']); 3 : JSCall('adjustFont', [1]); 4 : JSCall('adjustFont', [-1]); 5 : JSCall('execCmd', ['justifyleft']); 6 : JSCall('execCmd', ['justifycenter']); 7 : JSCall('execCmd', ['justifyright']); 8 : JSCall('createLink', []); 9 : JSCall('execCmd', ['insertorderedlist']); 10 : JSCall('execCmd', ['insertunorderedlist']); 11 : JSCall('toggleSourceEdit', [spdSourceMode.Down]); end; end; end; Fore color, Background color and Change Font : procedure TMainForm.btcBgColorSelect(Sender: TObject; Color: TColor); var Aclr : string; begin Aclr := ReplaceText(uniColor2Web(Color),'#',''); with edtCodeContent, JSInterface do begin JSCall('setBGColor', [Aclr]); end; end; procedure TMainForm.btcFontColorSelect(Sender: TObject; Color: TColor); var Aclr : string; begin Aclr := ReplaceText(uniColor2Web(Color),'#',''); with edtCodeContent, JSInterface do begin JSCall('setColor', [Aclr]); end; end; procedure TMainForm.cbFontNameSelect(Sender: TObject); begin with edtCodeContent, JSInterface do begin JSCall('changeFont', [LowerCase(cbFontName.Text)]); end; end;
  6. Hi Sherzod, Previously I had an idea to create a panel containing tools instead of toolbar on unidbHtmlMemo (show toolbar = false), but I don't know what functions for each tool in extjs. and i dont how to execute that function. For example, in Delphi I usually make something like this: case TButton(sender).tag of //change font to bold 0 : ChangeFontBold; //-> call procedure to bold memo text; //change font to italic 1 : ChangeFontItalic; //-> call procedure to italicmemo text //change font to underline 2 : ChangeFontUnderline; //-> call procedure to underlinememo text; . . . //and so on end; best regard.
  7. For example I will insert a sentence on the end paragraph. I will change the style of this text. I have to scroll up first because the toolbar is covered. if the toolbar is sticky or floating. I don't need to scroll up. like the record navigator's panel that I made beside this uniDBHTMLmemo. see this video : floating toolbar_x264.mp4
  8. almost ten years I joined this forum, but no progress in mastering javascript/extjs. I decided to make this application, trying to record all topics. I didn't think, why wasn't it done earlier
  9. doesn't matter, with horizontally or vertically
  10. hi sherzod, like this : floating_edit_x264.mp4
  11. is it possible to make the toolbar in uniDBHTMLMemo to be floated
  12. Just install 1554, Hint still not showing. Is hint's property of TuniMenuItems not applicable for TuniTreeMenu ?
  13. Below is the incremental changelog for uniGUI - v1.90.0.1554: 1.90.0 (Equinox) +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Bug [UNG-3277] - Emerald theme is missing. [UNG-3278] - Method enable() of undefined property. looks like it was fixed in release 1554
  14. fyi, i've set hint properties on TUniMenuItems as source menu for TuniMenuMenu but hint not showing.
  15. sorry sherzod, my english makes you confused, i hope you understand what i mean. for example i have 3 menu item on unitreemenu like this: menu 1 menu 2 menu 3 sub menu 31 sub menu 32 sub menu 33 i want show tooltip in menu 2 or sub menu 32. 1. how to display tooltip with extjs code/ext Event 2. if using CSS like in that thread, what kind selector should be modified
  16. on one menu item only for example : menu 1 menu 2 -> show hint here menu 3
  17. If you don't mind, I'd like to know how to work around the two methods above. so i can learn extjs too.
  18. Hi, Base on this thread : http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/9773-hint-exttiptooltip/ i try to add hint/tooltip on one of treemenu item but still not working: function afterrender(sender, eOpts) { sender.tip = Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', { target: sender.el, //delegate: sender.getElementById(MainForm.UniMenuItems1.Test1.id); html: '<span class="hintClass">MyHint</span>' }); and i try this code in one of menu item : UniMenuItems1.Test1.Caption := '<div id="anim"><span class="tooltip" data-tooltip="username must' + ' consist of 29 symbols.">Test 1</span></div>'; this hint always display inside menu item. how to resolve this. thanks you in advanced.
  19. whereas the design will be efficient if one aux control can be used for multiple unidbgrids. hopefully in the future this feature can do it. thx.
  20. hi, A control for Pagingbarauxcontrol on unidbgrid not align properly when use for multi unidbgrid. best regard. testcase.7z
  21. Hi irigsoft, thanks for reply. i meant change gray color to another color when unispeedbutton has selected or clicked uspdbtn.mp4
  22. Yes, and i modified your code that i get in another thread. but still not work. please check for my test case project. i wanna change gray color after unispeedbutton click/selected.
  23. hello, how to change color on selected unispeedbutton thanks in advance. testcase.7z
  24. ._x-item-disabled .x-treelist{ opacity: 1; -moz-opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); color: black; background-color: red; } why disabled's color opacity (gray color) keep remain ?
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