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Jean-Marc Kiener

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Posts posted by Jean-Marc Kiener

  1. I already replaced the & with %26 and called my app in a browser with: http://myuniguiapp.com/?request_uri=http://domain2.com/?param1=1%26param2=2&myuniguiappparam1=1

    UniApplication.parameters will not recognize it. As result, two parameters are created in uniApplication.parameters.

    uniApplication.Parameters.Values['redirect_uri'] = "http://domain2.com/?param1=1"  // here, the second param is not present

    uniApplication.parameters.Values['param2'] = 2 // here we find the second parameter as a own parameter. Even if i use a & or %26

    uniApplication.parameters.Values['myuniguiappparam1'] = 1  //Correct







  2. Hi,
    My unigui app gets called by following URL: http://myuniguiapp.com/?request_uri=http://domain2.com/?param1=1&param2=2&myuniguiappparam1=1

    As you can see, the param "request_uri" represents a URL wtih two params.

    var test := UniApplication.Parameters.Values['redirect_uri']

    The variable test contains "http://domain2.com/?param1=1".

    But i need the whole text of the param "request_uri", includes all params in the url: http://domain2.com/?param1=1&param2=2

    ChatGPT says, i have to replace the & char in the param value with %26, somethinl like this: http://myuniguiapp.com/?request_uri=http://domain2.com/?param1=1%26param2=2&myuniguiappparam1=1

    But i get the same result in my test variable, param2 is detected as own parameter in UniApplication.Parameters.

    Does anybody have a hack for that?


  3. Hi forum users,
    I am searching for a HTML editor where the user can write text as any editor and additionally can use a @ char to tag a user from a list. Something like the jira editor can do (see the picture below). Knows anybody how i could implement this in UniGui? Or is there a standard unigui component who can do that already? Or has anybody already made a component with a functionallity like that?


    Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

  4. Hello unigui team,

    We need a solution to input and display big numbers like houndred thousands, millions and more. At moment, TuniNumberEdit does not support thousend separators. Big numbers are not readable:
    10000000 (vs. 10,000,000)
    Is there a solution to show thousend separators in a TuniNumberEdit?

  5. Same here. How to sort TuniTreeNode items by text? Is this possible? I want to write a function to move a TuniTreeNode to another place in a tree. I can use TuniTreeNode.MoveTo to move a node to another node as child , but i cannot figure it out how to set the node to the right place in order of the text.

  6. Hello,
    I have following small TThread class:

      TOnProgress = procedure( Sender: TObject; Value: integer; Msg: string ) of object;
      TWorker = class(TThread)
        { Private-Deklarationen }
        FMin: integer;
        FMax: integer;
        FOnProgress: TOnProgress;
        FProgressMsg: string;
        FPosition: integer;
        procedure DoOnProgress( aValue: integer; aMsg: string );
        procedure Execute; override;
        constructor Create( aOnProgress: TOnProgress ); reintroduce;
        property OnProgress: TOnProgress read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
        property ProgressMsg: string read FProgressMsg;
        property Position: integer read FPosition;

    When i create the TWorker Object in a unigui form with a aOnProgress procedure parameter it does not work properly ( per example  FWorker1 := TWorker.Create( UpdateGUI1 ); ). The TOnProgress method "UpdateGUI1" of the unigui form is called, but mostly it does nothing. I assume that i have to find the "right" unigui form instance from where the thread was called? 

  7. I found uni-xtheme.css in my version:

    /* common for uni custom themes */
    /* in future it must be moved to uni CSS of each theme separately */
    .x-form-trigger-btn {
      background-image: none !important;
      background: linear-gradient(#fff, #ddd) !important;
      border-radius: 1px 3px 0px 0px; 
    	border: 1px solid #bbb !important;
      padding-top: 1px;
    .x-uni-checkcolumn-text {
    	padding-left: 14px;

    "in future it must be moved to uni CSS of each theme separately"
    So i copied it from 1534 to my 1561 installation.

  8. Hello,

    We have an unigui website app here where the users can store files on our servers. Now we want include something like an "export to" or "share with" functionality. The user can mark some files in our unigui app and share (copy) them to dropbox, ICloud, OneDrive or Google Drive. Because we do not want to make this ourself for each cloud provider, i am searching for a component suite who works well thogeter with unigui to implement this. 

    Has anybody expericences with this and can recommand me some components?

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