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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Hi, My uniGUI application is very slow during start and the following errors are logged. LOTS.exe: 000015A0: 01:42:47 [indy]:EIdHTTPErrorParsingCommand : Error in parsing command. : Addr: $00000000008E5C3B LOTS.exe: 000026D4: 01:42:47 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $00000000009CF468 LOTS.exe: 000009D0: 17:29:21 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\lots\apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png LOTS.exe: 000013B0: 17:29:21 [HandleFileRequest[]]:File not found: C:\lots\apple-touch-icon.png LOTS.exe: 000017E4: 19:46:55 []:EUniSessionException : Invalid session or session Timeout. : Addr: $00000000009CF468 LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:21 [TUniServerModule]:Shutting Down Server. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Stopped. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Terminating Session manager. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Stopping Cache Eraser... LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Cache Eraser Stopped. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Destroying Worker Threads. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniGUISessionManager]:Session manager terminated. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 [TUniServerModule]:Server Shutdown Completed. LOTS.exe: 000019B8: 21:00:22 []:<--------------------------------------------------------------> LOTS.exe: 000019A4: 21:00:22 [Terminated]:Exit Code: 0 LOTS.exe: 00001590: 22:18:29 []:>--------------------------------------------------------------< LOTS.exe: 00001590: 22:18:29 [TUniServerModule]:Server First Init. LOTS.exe: 00001590: 22:18:29 [TUniServerModule]:Erasing Cache Folder... LOTS.exe: 00001590: 22:18:29 [TUniServerModule]:Cache Folder Erased. <0> Files deleted. LOTS.exe: 00001590: 22:18:29 [TUniServerModule]:Starting HTTP Server... LOTS.exe: 00001590: 22:18:29 [TUniServerModule]:HTTP Server Started. Port: 8090 Any idea what could cause this? I am using licensed version
  2. Thanks for the suggestions. I think indeed resolving at database level is the right track.
  3. I want to prevent that an user can open a certain form when it is already opened by another user.
  4. Hi, Would it be possible to lock a form in a user session so it can't be used in a different session (another user)?
  5. Hi, I am using version Got already a working solution. Ajax event on Mainform. if EventName = 'deactivate' then begin TfraTestFrame(MainForm.FindComponent('fraTestFrame')).TimerStop(True); end;
  6. How can a timer be disabled on a frame when the frame lost focus? function blur(sender, e, eOpts) { var me=sender; ajaxRequest(me, '_hide', []); } In Ajax event of frame is the following. if EventName = '_hide' then begin tiRefreshMonitor.Enabled := False; tiRefreshQueries.Enabled := False; end; However this doesn't work. Any suggestions how to get this working?
  7. Hi, Could you perhaps show some code how you integrated SGCWebSocket in an uniGUI application?
  8. I have already used a TuniThreadTimer and need to be sure it is safe to use.
  9. I have a table which each record contains a mail message. For sending out e-mails I would like to use a TuniThreadTimer placed on server module and a seperate database connection. Must I use some locking in the thread or is this setup sufficient enough?
  10. Thanks! I searched for button grid but didn't find anything. Will take a look at the links.
  11. Hi, How can I put a button in a uniDBgrid cell which calls an external URL? Thanks in advance.
  12. Hi Farshad, I am following discussion http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/8937-unigui-100/page-7and can also understand the hesitation from developers to use uniGUI in other projects. Especially because I would like to develop new projects with uniGUI but it depends from the availability of a source license (some customers demand full sources). Have you thought about providing source licenses or escrow service?
  13. Hi Farshad, I completely understand you want to protect your product but what my worries is that if for some reason FMSoft isn't able to keep the license servers online (company down, EU restrictions etc.) the uniGUI customers (developers) will have problems supporting uniGUI projects on customer sites. For now I have already invested a lot of time and money in developing a uniGUI project and don't want to take the risk to lose that. Maybe using some sort of escrow service or a source license would take most risks away but that is just my 2 cents
  14. Hope that Farshad or someone else from uniGUI could give a response.
  15. After updating my VM software (VMware) uniGUI reported an invalid license. So I uninstalled the current uniGUI version and installed the latest version. After that I could use it again. What me a litte bit worries is that VM or OS updates makes the uniGUI installation useless and reinstallation is needed. If for some reason FMSoft license server is no longer available how can we make sure uniGUI still can be used inside our development tool? I know there is some discussion about a licensing model with sources included. Would that solve this problem?
  16. Forget my question It is not a picklist column.
  17. Must correct. Should be not editable. I have a second picklist column. How can I set this also to not editable? Like below? with UniDBGrid1 do begin JSInterface.JSCall('getEditor().setEditable', [False], Columns[8].JSColumn); JSInterface.JSCall('getEditor().setEditable', [False], Columns[9].JSColumn); end;
  18. Hi, There is now an extra column which also must be set editable. How can I get this working? Thanks in advance.
  19. Thank you! That did the trick. Works fine now.
  20. Yes. If a picklist item is selected the text of the item shouldn't be modified.
  21. Hi, Is it possible to lock a picklist in a dbgrid so items can't be modified?
  22. Will the included version of FastReport in Delphi be sufficient for using with uniGUI? I will create all reports and templates so am not sure if it is necessary to buy an another version.
  23. Got a workaround but not yet satisfied. if Sender is TuniStringGrid then if LowerCase(EventName) = 'beforeedit' then if TUniStringGrid(sender).Col <> 3 then begin TUniStringGrid(sender).Col := 3; TUniStringGrid(sender).Row := Params['R'].AsInteger; end; An editable column will be selected but shows a flickering in the screen.
  24. I can't find a readonly property in stringgrid columns. Is there a workaround to set some columns to readonly?
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