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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Woutero

  1. Sherzod Can you please confirm with which C++ Builder versions the UniChart component works?
  2. Any update? Is there anything wrong with my code? Is this a bug? Can anyone provide a short C++ example for UniChart that works in C++ Builder? Thanks in advance
  3. Forgot to say that I'm using the Complete Professional version
  4. Hi Sherzod! I'm using uniGUI 1.90 Build 1535 Any suggestions? Everything works fine in Delphi 10.4 but not in C++ Builder 10.4? Thanks so much
  5. I cannot get UniCharts to work in C++ Builder 10.4, target windows 64bit. I have done the following: In Main.h I have class TForm1 : public TUniForm { __published: // IDE-managed Components TUniChart *UniChart1; TUniButton *UniButton1; private: // User declarations public: // User declarations __fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TForm1 *Form1(void); TUniLineSeries *LineSeries; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Main.cpp I have: void __fastcall TForm1::UniButton1Click(TObject *Sender) { int I,Val; String Header; TUniLineSeries *LineSeries = new TUniLineSeries(UniChart1); LineSeries->Parent = UniChart1; for (I=0; I<=11; I++) { Header = IntToStr(2000 + I); Val = Random(100) + 50; LineSeries->Add(Val, Header); } } Similar code in Delphi 10.4 worked fine, but not in C++ Builder 10.4?
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