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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Woutero

  1. Sherzod I have upgraded to RAD 12.1 and UniGUI Professional V I have successfully installed UniGUI v1583, but when I compile my C++ project (previously compiled with RAD 10.4), I get an error: Fatal error: Unable to open file UniGui27Chart.bpi Why would the compiler be looking for UniGui27Chart.bpi? It should anyway be UniGui29Chart.bpi
  2. Thank you, that worked. I have placed my order to renew
  3. Hi Sherzod I ‘m very happy with uniGUI and would like to renew my uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition license. On your web-site it says that the price for renewal is around 60% of original price, but I cannot find a link where to renew?
  4. Sherzod I'm using a UniCanvas but the very first time I draw something on it, its starts off being black even though the Brush Color is clWhite? The following code always show a black Canvas the very first time its used. When the code is executed a second time thereafter the background is white as it should be. UniCanvas1.Clear; UniCanvas1.Brush.Color:=clWhite; UniCanvas1.MoveTo(X1, Y1); UniCanvas1.LineTo(X2, Y2); If I just execute the first two lines once: UniCanvas1.Clear; UniCanvas1.Brush.Color:=clWhite; I end up with a black canvas. The UniCanvas sits on a UniPanel. I'm using UniGUI Complete Professional V1.90.0.1560 Another question: Is there any way to display Text on a UniCanvas?
  5. So to summarize: All I want to do is to save a portion of the screen (e.g. a UniPanel containing UniChart etc.) to a file or stream.
  6. Sherzod I just did a test to draw something via UniCanvas.BitmapCanvas.Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100); and then the UniCanvas1.SaveToFile(fName,tiBMP); work correctly, so that has been resolved. But I still want to save a portion of the screen (whatever components are on the Canvas, e.g. UniPanel with UniChart etc.) to a file or stream. Can this be done using a UniCanvas or can one only draw to the UniCanvas?
  7. I'm not drawing anything on the UniCanvas. I have inserted a UniChart on the UniCanvas. I am using UniCanvas1.SubmitData but maybe the UniCanvas has not received the data of the UniChart? So what setting must I use on the UniCanvas to make sure the UniCanvas has received the data of all components/controls on the UniCanvas? Or how does one transfer/save the image of components on the UniCanvas, or is this not possible?
  8. Sherzod Within UniCanvas1AfterSubmit I'm trying to use UniCanvas1.SaveToFile(fName,tiBMP); But the file being saved is always zero bytes. Has this been resolved? This problem has been reported previously:
  9. Also, when using Image.SaveToStream() within procedure TMainForm.UniChart1ChartImage(Sender: TUniCustomChart; Image: TGraphic); what is the default image type, or how does one set it?
  10. Sherzod When using Image.SaveToFile(FileName), how does one set the file type? For example, if I want to use a jpg, how do I set JPG, or does UniGUI automatically look at the extension of the FileName?
  11. Irigsoft So when one select, Print to PDF via the Delphi PrintDialog (see below), where is the PDF file saved? Or rather, how can I set the folder where the PDF is saved?
  12. Thanks for the tip Irigsoft!
  13. Hi Sherzod Can you or anyone else recommend a PDF library/component that works well with UniGUI? I would like to export some graphs from a UniChart to a pdf.
  14. Sherzod I am able to trigger the UniChart1ChartImage event on demand by using a UniTimer set to RunOnce. Every time I update a chart, I enable this Timer which then calls UniChart.SaveImage which then triggers the ChartImage event.
  15. Copying all the correct BPL's from various locations was quite a mission, but having done that, I'm now able to successfully run the ISAPI dll with "Link with runtime packages" checked. Using this option, the size of the dll shrank from 550MB to 25MB, so I'm quite happy!
  16. Farshad Thanks, I found it. So how do I deploy the packages? Do I simply copy all the Bpl's to the same folder where the ISAPI dll is located?
  17. The ISAPI dll is massive, 550MB, so in my case it may make sense to deploy the packages. Where do I find the UniGUI BPL files? I looked, but could not find
  18. Farshad/Sherzod- I have noticed that using the option above, the size of the uniGUI dll is much larger (+-10x larger). Is it possible to install all the necessary runtime packages on the Server and then compile the DLL with the option above checked? If so, which run time packages should be installed as a minimum?
  19. Farshad it works, you are BRILLIANT!! Thanks so much!
  20. Thanks for your continued help Sherzod. I really appreciate it. As I understand, UniChart1.SaveImage; triggers the event: UniChart1ChartImage(Sender: TUniCustomChart; Image: TGraphic) All I want to do is to trigger this event on request. Is that possible? Is there any UniSession.AddJS() code that can do this?
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