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uniGUI Subscriber
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Everything posted by Woutero

  1. Hi Tokay and FX Systems, how large is your Server? How many cores and how much memory and hard drive size?
  2. Thanks Tokay and FXSystems, this is very helpful information!
  3. Hi Can anyone give me an indication what is the typical maximum number of users that can be logged onto a UniGUI App (an ISAPI dll on a single server)? Lets assume we have a Large Server with enough memory, as much as we need. At what point would does one typically need to use the HyperServer? In other words, typically how many users maximum without HyperServer and plus/minus how many users with HyperServer? I know there is a lot of variables, so I'm only looking at rough estimates.
  4. Resolved. I just had to install the correct Runtime version on the Server
  5. Hi For some reason I suddenly just get Loading... in my browser when trying to run an ISAPI dll. I've even tried creating a new ISAPI dll with just a simple Form and button. Old ISAPI Dll's created previously works fine (so there's nothing wrong with my Server settings),but I cannot compile any new ISAPI DLL that works. Standalone server also works fine, but ISAPI dll just shows Loading.... Using Delphi 10.4 and UniGUI Professional V1.90 Build 1560, Windows 10
  6. Resolved. All I had to do was to add () after Form2: Form2()->ShowModal();
  7. Sherzod I'm using C++ Builder 10.4.2 and UniGUI Professional complete version. I'm trying to create a dialog form. I created a UniGUI "Application Form" and I named it Form2 and saved it as Unit2.cpp This is the code for Unit2.cpp //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <vcl.h> #pragma hdrstop #include "Unit2.h" #include "MainModule.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //#pragma package(smart_init) #pragma link "uniButton" #pragma link "uniEdit" #pragma link "uniGUIBaseClasses" #pragma link "uniGUIClasses" #pragma link "uniGroupBox" #pragma resource "*.dfm" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TForm2 *Form2(void) { return( (TForm2 *)UniMainModule()->GetFormInstance(__classid(TForm2))); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- __fastcall TForm2::TForm2(TComponent* Owner) : TUniForm(Owner) { } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm2::UniButton1Click(TObject *Sender) { ModalResult = mrOk; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Main.h I added #include "Unit2.h" Now I'm trying to show Form2 from a Button click in Main.cpp: void __fastcall TForm1::UniButtonClick(TObject *Sender) { Form2->ShowModal(); // this does not compile, Form2 is not recognized } But the code does not compile? It gives an error "base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it with no arguments?" What did I do wrong?
  8. I could not get it installed on RAD 11.3, so I'm back on RAD 10.4.2 where everything is working fine with uniGUI V1.90.0.1560. I'm using C++ Builder and I'm compiling with Win 64bit target
  9. P.S. there is no UniChartReg in ....uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2024
  10. Resolved that by adding ...uniGUI\Dcu\Delphi2023 to Library path But now I get an error: Could not compile used unit uniChartReg
  11. But now I get an error: File not found: uniChartReg.pas in uniGui28Chartdcl I'm using uniGUI Complete Professional
  12. Problem resolved by adding ..\uniTools\Dcu\Delphi2024 to Library path
  13. HI Sherzod I'm trying to install UniGUI Complete Professional V1.90.0.1567 for RAD 11.3 When I try to Build uniTools28.bpl I get an error: File not found: 'InstDecode.pas' ?
  14. Thank you. I was now able to download
  15. Hi Sherzod In my customer portal it shows that my last subscription ended on 5/5/2023. But why can't I download the last version just before my subscription expired? I am not allowed to download anything?
  16. Sherzod Can you please confirm that setting the Title for a Bar/Line/AreaSeries during run time has been implemented or not? e.g. BarSeries->Title = "2020"; In uniGUI 1.90 Build 1535, this is a protected member and the above line does not compile?
  17. Sherzod I'm not a trial user, I've purchased a Complete Professional version in 2020, you can check my account
  18. Fore some reason my posts have been ignored for 3 days. What's going on?
  19. This seems to be a bug. No matter what I do, the same code that works perfectly in the UniformCreate event, does not work when inside a UniButton1Click event. I have found the following workaround: I create 2 UniCharts, same size and on top of each other. For the first chart I manually create a LineSeries and for the second chart I manually create an AreaSeries. Then at run time, depending on which button is pressed, I make UniChart1->Visible = true, UniChart2->Visible = false, and vice versa as needed. Its a clumsy approach, but the only code that works with uniGUI 1.90 Build 1535 to allow me to choose at run time between different Series types for a UniChart.
  20. Sherzod I spoke to soon. When I put the code above in the UniFormCreate event, then everything works perfectly. But when I move the exact same code to a UniButton1Click event, then nothing happens on the UniChart. This is very weird? void __fastcall TForm1::UniButton1Click(TObject *Sender) { // Same code don't work here }
  21. I figured it out, thanks to The following C++ code works and creates a LineSeries and AreaSeries dynamically, exactly what I want: int I; TUniLineSeries *LineSeries; TUniAreaSeries *AreaSeries; LineSeries = new TUniLineSeries(UniChart1); LineSeries->Name = "NewLineSeries"; LineSeries->Parent = UniChart1; for (I=1; I<=25; I++) LineSeries->Add(Random(1000), IntToStr(I)); AreaSeries = new TUniAreaSeries(UniChart1); AreaSeries->Name = "NewAreaSeries"; AreaSeries->Parent = UniChart1; for (I=1; I<=25; I++) AreaSeries->Add(Random(1000), IntToStr(I));
  22. Sherzod I got it to work half way what I need. So at least I know the UniChart component does work with C++ Builder. When I manually add a LineSeries to the UniChart component, then the following code works: TUniChartSeries *LineSeries = UniChart1->SeriesList->Series[0] ; LineSeries->Parent = UniChart1; LineSeries->Clear(); But I want to create Series[0] dynamically at run time. How do I do that?
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