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Posts posted by Woutero

  1. Hi Farshad / Sherzod
    I have upgraded to RAD 12.1 and UniGUI Professional V

    I have successfully installed UniGUI v1583, but when I compile my C++ project (previously compiled with RAD 10.4), I get an error:

    Ambiguity between Idtcpclient::TidTCPClient and Uidtcpclient:TidTCPClient

    I have a RAD IdTCPClient component on my UniGUi form and this seems to be clashing with the TCPClient used by UniGui framework.
    How do I resolve this ambiguity?

  2. Hi Farshad

    Thank you for your adivce, I resolved that problem.

    However I have one error left: Ambiguity between Idtcpclient::TidTCPClient and Uidtcpclient:TidTCPClient

    I will create a new thread for that error.

  3. Sherzod
    I have upgraded to RAD 12.1 and UniGUI Professional V

    I have successfully installed UniGUI v1583, but when I compile my C++ project (previously compiled with RAD 10.4), I get an error:
    Fatal error: Unable to open file UniGui27Chart.bpi

    Why would the compiler be looking for UniGui27Chart.bpi?
    It should anyway be  UniGui29Chart.bpi

  4. Hi Sherzod

    I ‘m very happy with uniGUI and would like to renew my uniGUI Complete - Professional Edition license.

    On your web-site it says that the price for renewal is around 60% of original price, but I cannot find a link where to renew?

  5. Sherzod

    I'm using a UniCanvas but the very first time I draw something on it, its starts off being black even though the Brush Color is clWhite?

    The following code always show a black Canvas the very first time its used. When the code is executed a second time thereafter the background is white as it should be.

    UniCanvas1.MoveTo(X1, Y1);
    UniCanvas1.LineTo(X2, Y2);


    If I just execute the first two lines once:


    I end up with a black canvas.

    The UniCanvas sits on a UniPanel.

    I'm using UniGUI Complete Professional V1.90.0.1560 


    Another question: Is there any way to display Text on a UniCanvas?


  6. Sherzod

    I just did a test to draw something via

    UniCanvas.BitmapCanvas.Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100);

    and then the UniCanvas1.SaveToFile(fName,tiBMP);

    work correctly, so that has been resolved.

    But I still want to save a portion of the screen (whatever components are on the Canvas, e.g. UniPanel with UniChart etc.) to a file or stream.

    Can this be done using a UniCanvas or can one only draw to the UniCanvas?


  7. I'm not drawing anything on the UniCanvas.
    I have inserted a UniChart on the UniCanvas.
    I am using UniCanvas1.SubmitData but
    maybe the UniCanvas has not received the data of the UniChart?

    So what setting must I use on the UniCanvas to make sure the UniCanvas has received the data of all components/controls on the UniCanvas?

    Or how does one transfer/save the image of components on the UniCanvas, or is this not possible?

  8. On 4/13/2024 at 4:55 PM, Sherzod said:


    procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure TMainForm.UniChart1ChartImage(Sender: TUniCustomChart; Image: TGraphic);
      fName : string;
      fName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + 'Chart.png';



    When using Image.SaveToFile(FileName), how does one set the file type?

    For example, if I want to use a jpg, how do I set JPG, or does UniGUI automatically look at the extension of the FileName?

  9. 3 hours ago, irigsoft said:


    So when one select, Print to PDF via the Delphi PrintDialog (see below), where is the PDF file saved?

    Or rather, how can I set the folder where the PDF is saved?




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