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Everything posted by ITGuy

  1. Thanks, but the reason I create a new post/forum is because I can't find the help I need already, I searched every where. And if you read in that post you linked, you never answered his question below. Can you assist please? His question is also the one I have.
  2. Does anyone know the answer to this? I want to save the order of the columns or filters in a cookie and call it again when form is activated
  3. Hi there As stated, I want to be able to move, resize, or filter my columns then it must auto save as a cookie. Then when user/client opens the page again it must keep that settings.
  4. object StockTakeGrid: TUniDBGrid Left = 16 Top = 306 Width = 729 Height = 337 Hint = '' CreateOrder = 6 DataSource = DataSource1 Options = [dgEditing, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgColumnResize, dgColumnMove, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgAlwaysShowSelection, dgMultiSelect, dgDontReloadAfterEdit] WebOptions.Paged = False WebOptions.PageSize = 100000 WebOptions.KeyNavigation = knDisabled WebOptions.FetchAll = True WebOptions.RetainCursorOnSort = True LoadMask.Message = 'Loading data...' LayoutConfig.Region = 'center' TabOrder = 3 Exporter.Enabled = True Exporter.FileName = 'Stocktake' Exporter.Title = 'Stocktake' OnKeyDown = StockTakeGridKeyDown OnClearFilters = StockTakeGridClearFilters OnSetCellValue = StockTakeGridSetCellValue OnColumnFilter = StockTakeGridColumnFilter OnAfterLoad = StockTakeGridAfterLoad Columns = < item FieldName = 'PRODUCTNAME' Filtering.Enabled = True Filtering.Editor = UniEdit10 Title.Caption = 'Item Name' Width = 255 ReadOnly = True end item FieldName = 'QUANTITYTOTAL' Filtering.Enabled = True Filtering.Editor = UniEdit12 Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Counted' Width = 80 Color = 1551867 Alignment = taCenter end item FieldName = 'MOVEOUT' Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Move Out' Width = 80 Color = 1551867 Alignment = taCenter end item FieldName = 'MOVEIN' Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Move In' Width = 80 Color = 1551867 Alignment = taCenter end item FieldName = 'UNIT' Filtering.Enabled = True Filtering.Editor = UniEdit11 Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Unit' Width = 75 Alignment = taCenter end item FieldName = 'ST_COUNTED' Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Adjusted' Width = 60 Alignment = taCenter ReadOnly = True end item FieldName = 'STOCKDATE' Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Last Count' Width = 100 Alignment = taCenter ReadOnly = True end item FieldName = 'CATEGORIE' Filtering.Enabled = True Filtering.Editor = UniEdit14 Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Category' Width = 150 Alignment = taCenter ReadOnly = True end item FieldName = 'COSTPRICE' Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Cost Price' Width = 80 Alignment = taCenter ReadOnly = True end item FieldName = 'RETAILPRICE' Title.Alignment = taCenter Title.Caption = 'Retail Price' Width = 80 Alignment = taCenter ReadOnly = True end> end Only the quantitytotal column is editable
  5. Hello there. I have been struggling with this for days and have searched everywhere on the form. I want my enter key to move focus to the cell below it (next row) and immediately start editing it (almost like Excel). At this moment, when I press enter, it goes to the cell below but doesn't open the cell for editing. So I have to tap enter again. I just want to tap enter once, then move down, edit and tap enter again. I am using Delphi 10.2 and UniGUI 1.90.0 build 1566. Thanks for your assistance.
  6. Is it possible to embed the Zendesk web widget in Uni Desktop?
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