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Everything posted by ThiagoFiorilli

  1. Hi, dear... I'm trynig to uses the procedure UniSession.SendFile but I get the erro "Erro 401 Unauthorized". The file extension is .rtf. I set the ServerModule create MimeTable.AddMimeType('rtf', 'Documentos RTF'); and in IIS configuitons I found .rtf permissions. What else can I do?
  2. Olá, amigos. Como posso retornar as informações de um documento PDF carregado no documento UniPDFFrame? Eu preciso pegar as informações Tamanho do arquivo e número de páginas. O código abaixo retorna o número de páginas, mas eu não conseguir atribuir em uma variável. Ou seja, preciso do pageNumber e FileSize UniPDFFrame1.JSInterface.JSCode('if ('#1'.iframe&&'#1'.iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("pageNumber")){alert('#1'.iframe.contentDocument.getElementById("pageNumber").value)};');
  3. In VLC, I select a directory using TOpenDialog. Is it possible to do this in Unigui projects?
  4. Hello, Sherzod! I performed tests and the solution fits my needs perfectly. Thanks for working on it.
  5. I would not like to use a button; only on the click or onselect of the unicheckComboBox.
  6. Thank you, Sherzod. I'll wait your answer...
  7. But i need run this code only if the user click on the item "All". If he check then select all, if uncheck, then, unselect all... Is it possibel?
  8. Example: I added in the list: All; A, B, C If checked "All", then check all items, if uncheck "All" then uncheck all items. That way, if I know that the clicked item was "All", then I can do what I need...
  9. This is doubt of many friends and mine too. The demo is very simple, it doesn't help. Anyway, how to get the text of the selected item. The ItemIndex property always returns -1
  10. Sherzod, thank you so much for being so quick! I look forward to the next version. Happy holidays everyone.
  11. As shown in the picture, it is bank if it is the same. It is the same in the case
  12. Hello, I'm not using the latest licensed version. FMSoft_uniGUI_Professional_1.90.0.1564 FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1564 We have several licenses here at the company.
  13. Good morning, could you help me with this question?
    I am in great need. Thanks in advance!


  14. I'm having the same problem in the tests done in IIS with the DLL, when sending a message using the command: BroadcastMessage('chat', ['chatText', S]); Displays the error: "Access violation at address 025EB20C in module" "Read of address 00000008" And also the command: UniServerModule.WebSocketStack.GetSessionSocket(UniSession.SessionId) Always returns "Nil" Could someone help us?
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