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Everything posted by erich.wanker

  1. Hello, does anyone know how i can modify the optic of the screenmask message panel ? ( i want to change borders and colors) does anyone know how i can change the darkness of the mask, which disables the background ( i think it uses opacity ?) Thank you
  2. Hallo Gerhard, danke :-) Now i create pdf´s with Reportbuilder in a standard 32bit Delphi application - store this pdf´s in Webserver/htdocs/unigui_isapi/temp folder... In unigui-isapi: ShellExecute(handle,'open', PChar(UniServerModule.TempFolderPath+'\vprint.exe'),nil, nil, sw_show); form_print.ShowModal; form_print.UniURLFrame1.URL:=UniServerModule.TempFolderURL + '/report.pdf'; UniServerModule.TempFolderPath
  3. Hello, i have a question: Does someone use: Delphi XE4 UniGui Firebird 2.5 SQL Engine ZEOS 7.1 (for connection to the Database.fdb) and Reportbuilder .. i can not print something with this combination .. If I store a ppDBPipeline and a PPReport on the MainModule - the UniGui-dll is not longer working :-( OR another question to Delphi XE4 Users: which kind of: Database Components for connection to the database and which Reporting tool does work with Delphi XE4 in combination with UniGui - WEBMODE on a Apache Webserver? thanx
  4. ... a litte bit more informations... If i put ppDBPipeline and ppReport on MainModule OR on other Forms - the uniGUI Application ist not longer working after i try to print something... i use a Firebird 2.5 Database i use ZeosLib7 / ZConnection /ZQuery i changed the Database connection to: Interbase / TIBDatabase / TIBQuery - but same error... if i delete the Reportbuilder Components and the used units (..ppParameter, ppProd, ppClass, ppReport, ppComm, ppRelatv, ppDB, ppDBPipe) then the Testapplication works.. Does anyone use the "Reportbuilder" from digital metaphors successfully ? which kind of Database do you use ? which components do you use to connect to the database ? Thank you
  5. Hello, can somebody tell me, why this does not work ? Thank you with UniMainModule do begin ReportName := 'report_' + FormatDateTime('ddmmyy_hhmmss', Now) + '.pdf'; ppReport1.AllowPrintToFile := True; ppReport1.ShowPrintDialog := False; ppReport1.DeviceType:='PDF'; ppReport1.TextFileName := UniServerModule.LocalCachePath + ReportName; ppReport1.Print; form_print.ShowModal; form_print.UniURLFrame1.URL:=UniServerModule.LocalCacheURL + '/' + ReportName; end;
  6. ok ... i made a dirty workaround for the TUniFrame - thing ;-) procedure TMainForm.InsertFrame1(Name: string;wo:TuniPanel); var i:Integer; begin if FFrameName1=Name then Exit; FFrameName1:=Name; FreeAndNil(FCurrentFrame1); FCurrentFrame1:=TUniFrameClass(FindClass(Name)).Create(self); FCurrentFrame1.Align:=alClient; FCurrentFrame1.Parent:=wo; for i:=0 to FCurrentFrame1.ComponentCount-1 do begin if FCurrentFrame1.Components[i].ClassName = 'TUniPanel' then begin if (FCurrentFrame1.Components[i] as TUniPanel).Collapsible = true then begin UniSession.AddJS((FCurrentFrame1.Components[i] as TUniPanel).JSName+'.collapse();'); end; end; end; end; hope anybody can use this .. :-) ..or has a better solution ..
  7. .. as dirty workaround i put all controls in the unvisible area ... var i:Integer;begin for i:=0 to self.ComponentCount-1 do begin if self.Components[i].ClassName = 'TUniPanel' then (self.Components[i] as TUniPanel).Left:=-4000; ... .. .
  8. i aswer myselfe ;-) to show or hide a Mask during loading a TuniFrame i use: UniSession.AddJS(panel_display.JSName+'.showMask();'); if menuepunkt = 1 Then InsertFrame1('tframe_verwaltung',panel_display); UniSession.AddJS(panel_display.JSName+'.hideMask();'); hope someonoe can use it ;-) nice greetings from Salzburg Land
  9. Hello, i have a uniPanel (called panel_display) on my Mainform... if i click a Image, one of my different UniFrames will be displayed in "panel_display" ..i use "insertframe" like the MegaDemo.. Is where a way to use a screenmask on panel_display - while the UniFrame is loading? i am searching something like: Procedure TMainForm...OnClick(Sender:TObject); begin panel_display.masked = true or something else.. InsertFrame('tframe_verwaltung',panel_display); panel_display.masked = false.. end; and how can i change the Screenmask optic and text ? Thank you
  10. If i use TuniPanel.collapsible=true then the UniPanel starts at runtime "open" .. I use a workarround in my Mainform-onCreate: UniSession.AddJS((self.Components[i] as TUniPanel).JSName+'.collapse();'); to close all TuniPanels with collapsible=true; But this doesnt´t work in TUniFrames - onCreate ... cause "UniSession" ... is unknowen Any suggestions ... Thank you
  11. Hello, If a component of type: uniDBGrid uniPanel (collapsible=true uniPageControl ... is BEHIND a uniPanel - then parts of the behind controls are still visible ... Any suggestions or workArounds possible ? Thank you
  12. Hello Bruno, can you explane this a little bit more please ? if i have 2 dll,s - the JS-Library must be load in every dll ? - so i have the "sencha logo with the text:loading.." and this is a time issue ? .. is there a way to communicate between the two dll´s on the client side ? Thank you for your help Erich
  13. Hello, if i place a unipanel OVER Collapsible Panels OR Tabsheets of PageControl OR DBGrids - parts of the behind controls are shine through the unipanel. "Bring to front" doesnt´help..) Any suggestions, how i can fix this? Thank you
  14. Hello, i have no solution for the borderless-TuniForm ... BUT: i found informations, how to hide the borders using extjs directly: "Just put a Panel in a Window with no frame. Style it using regular methods as you like. Where's the mystery? Like this, just paste the following code into Firebug and run it.:" Code: new Ext.Window({ title: 'Form Window', height: 400, width: 600, layout: 'fit', items: { xtype: 'form', bodyCssClass: 'x-border-layout-ct', bodyStyle: { padding: '5px' }, border: false, items: { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'A text field' }, buttons: [{ text: 'Submit' }] } }).show(); Can somehow tell me, how to use this information with delphi/uniGUI ?
  15. Hello, i want to disable the borders of a TuniForm .. At designtime i set: borderStyle = bsNone FormStyle = fsStayOnTop BorderIcons = [] but i allways get borders ? ... My target is: i want to screenmask the Mainform (also a problem for me!) then i want to show the TuniForm without borders the tuniForm has a unipanel with align = alClient - thats more pretty :-) i tryed the idee without a TuniForm - just with a uniPanel, but behind the uniPanel is a unipanel with collapsible= true and the collabsible toolbar is shine through the front unipanel - so i am using the UniForm where the controls behind are not shine through ...
  16. Hello, i have a mainform and i want to mask the hole form: i set at designtime: Mainform.screenMask.Target = MainForm and at runtime i have: procedure TMainForm.UniImage7MouseEnter(Sender: TObject); begin mainform.ScreenMask.Enabled:=true; uniform4.Show;... but the Mainform didn´t get a mask - and ideas ?
  17. please try "recalculatealign"
  18. OK ... it works .. :-) in MainForm / Script: <script type="text/javascript"> WebFontConfig = { google: { families: [ 'Denk+One::latin' ] } }; (function() { var wf = document.createElement('script'); wf.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + '://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1/webfont.js'; wf.type = 'text/javascript'; wf.async = 'true'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s); })(); </script> and in uniLabel.font.name manualy write "Denk One, Tahome" ..
  19. Hello, i can manually type "Denk One,Tahoma, Arial" in TUniFont.Name property. On http://www.google.com/fonts/ you can find a lot of webfonts provided by google. To use the Webfont, google creats a import funktion (3 differnt ways): @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Denk+One); But where can i store the "@import..." ? (i tried out ServerModule / CustomMeta.. but didn´t work ..) Thanks for suggestion Erich
  20. Hello, is there a way to collapse the unipanel with code? or is there a way to start in "closed mode" .. like Mainmodle.oncreate -> unipanel.CollapseState:= closed; or something like: if unibutton1.clicked then unipanel.CollapseState:= closed; And the arrows of the unipanel (align:altop) are in the wrong direction in my view .. thanks for help Erich
  21. Hello rsanford.. Change color and font of label: change color of panel: change to round corners and color of panel: change color on mouseover: change color on mouseover and round corners: and the colorToHtml thing: hth erich
  22. I get - if i move the mouse over controls - the Error: Hello, i have a problem: i create one unipanel named: mainmenupanel i create lot of unipanels named menupoint_x at runtime - parent:= mainmenupanel every menupoint-panel becomes Javascripts: procedure TUniMainModule.funktion_panel_hoover_dunkelgrau_zu_grau(was:TUniPanel); begin was.Cursor:=crHandPoint; was.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('OnAfterrender=function OnAfterrender(sender)'+ ' { sender.setBodyStyle("background-color:'+ColorToHtml(dunkelgrau)+'"); }'); was.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('OnMouseout=function Onmouseout(sender)'+ ' { sender.body.applyStyles("background-color:'+ColorToHtml(dunkelgrau)+'"); }'); was.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Add ('Onmouseover=function Onmouseover(sender)'+ ' {sender.body.applyStyles("background-color:'+ColorToHtml(grau)+'"); }'); end; and every menupoint-panel becomes onmouseclick: menupoint_x.OnMouseEnter :=meinMouseEnter; menupoint_x.OnMouseLeave :=meinMouseLeave; menupoint_xl.OnClick :=meinOnClick; situation: if i click on a menupoint-panel the following steps are: mainmenupanel. free meinmenupanel.create create new menupoint-panels depending on what was clicked... i think: if i move the mouse after clicking over the mainmenupanel, some still visible menupoint-panels are fireing the onMouseover Event - but the "free" killed all panels, so the error comes and the same situation in another case: Mainform has one panel Project has 2 Uniframes - the 2 Uniframes are create per: procedure TMainForm.InsertFrame1(Name: string;wo:TuniPanel); begin if FFrameName1=Name then Exit; FFrameName1:=Name; FreeAndNil(FCurrentFrame1); FCurrentFrame1:=TUniFrameClass(FindClass(Name)).Create(self); FCurrentFrame1.Align:=alClient; FCurrentFrame1.Parent:=wo; end; in uniframe2 i call "MainForm.InsertFrame1('tUniFrame1',MainForm.panel_main);" to display uniframe1 uniframe2 has also javascripts - and sometimes i get Error: "Object O72B not found in session list. it could be timed out, refresh page and try again...." how can i fix this ? any suggestions ? Thank you Erich
  23. hello duser, works fine .. thank you :-) Best regards Erich
  24. Hello, i want to hide the horizontal scrollbar of uniDBGrid .. i tryed out: function OnAfterrender(sender) { sender.setBodyStyle("overflowX:hidden"); } but doesn´t work... any suggestions ? Thank you Erich
  25. hello, is where a little demo how i can save and restore the visible colums (what the user selected in uniDBGrid..) and the size of uniDGBrid.. and how can i aktivate the "sort ascending or descending" funktion in the titlebar of uniDBGrid-Colums thank you for information Erich
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