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Everything posted by erich.wanker

  1. :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) sorry for this simple error ... you are right ... i am a idiot ... i read this line 100 times .. and it is 100% clear that i must use my formname .. Thank you again :-)
  2. Hello and thank you again for your time and help :-) ... but i can not bring it to run :-( ... the Ext.dd.DDProxy works fine .. i can move different panels .. works fine :-) but the second part .. the "afterDrag" .. i tried a little bit to bring it to run ..but no success ... Thanx for suggestions and nice greetings from gastein Erich
  3. Hello and thanX Works great ... thank you ! please -can i ask another question? after i move a panel - i want to read his new position but with delphi-code it didnt work.. if i read (sender as TuniPanel).left i get allways the same value (the "onCreate"-value..) procedure Tfenster.click_objekt(Sender:TObject); begin //(sender as TuniPanel) showmessage(inttostr((sender as TuniPanel).left)); end; do you have a idea how i can output the new value after clicking one of the buttons ? thank you Erich
  4. hello :-) i want to move different Tunipanels with mouse.. i think, the OnMouseDown event is perfect ;-) .. but how can i send the mousemovement to the uniPanel? .. any Ideas? ThanX for help i create a lot of TuniPanels in a loop: .. tag-value amd hint value of TuniPanel are used for identivication ... aktuell_button:=TuniPanel.Create(self); aktuell_button.Cursor:=crHandPoint; aktuell_button.Top:=10; aktuell_button.Left:=10; aktuell_button.Width:=10; aktuell_button.Height:=10; aktuell_button.BorderStyle:=ubsnone; aktuell_button.ShowCaption:=false; aktuell_button.Color:=$00EBEBEB; aktuell_button.Parent:=mainpanel; aktuell_button.OnClick:=click_objekt; aktuell_button.OnMouseDown:=down_objekt; my OnClick procedure Tfenster.click_objekt(Sender:TObject); begin showmessage('buttonklick '+(sender as TuniPanel).hint); end; my OnMouseDown: procedure Tfenster.down_objekt(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin (sender as TuniPanel). ????? end;
  5. .. your product is like allways: .. perfect! :-) ThanX !
  6. hello folks :-) how can i write a string in the logfile? Thanx for help and nice greetings from Austria Erich
  7. Hello, Can i include Reportbuilder15 directly in UniGui? Where should i drop the tppDBPipelines TppReport - MainModule? Thanks for suggestions and nice greetings from Gastein Erich P.S.: - Since now: i made a "normal" stand-alone 32bit exe file with: Zeos-Lib to conntect to a firebird database ZQuerys and TDatasource to connect to the tables tppDBPipelines TppReport to create reports... in my uniGui test - i start the exefile via shellexecute and parameters to generate reports ..
  8. hello Oliver, now it works :-) ... the ZConnection.disconnect /connect .. and open all querys again was the solution :-) ThanX very much and nice greetings from gastein Erich
  9. yes .. old problem ... no solution since now .. now I put the ZConnection (Version 7.1.2) on MainModule .. AutoCommit = true TransactIsolationLevel = tiReadCommited / -> now i see records from other clients .. the "TransactIsolationLevel" was the point ;-) ..but the new fields created with "Alter Table add feldname char(200) .." are just accessible after restart of Apache ...
  10. Hello Farshad, if i put the ZConnection to MainModule - different clients see no "new records" of other clients since the client restarts the unigui.dll in webbrowser ..
  11. Hello Folks, at runtime, i add fields to my firebird 2.5 sql database .. Problem: ... i can access the new fields only after restart of webserver in uniservermodule - i have ZConnection1 (ZeosLib Component to access the firebird sql Database) in unimainmodule - i have different ZQuerys and TDatasource Comonents at runtime - i add field with: if i create a new table with a lot of fields - i can access the fields without restart of webserver if i create a new field in a existing table - i must restart the webserver to access the field Has anyone a solution for this problem ? ThanX
  12. ok .. found it ;-) HTMLEncode Unit: HTTPApp have a nice day :-)
  13. Hello folks, short question: is where a delphi funktion or something else to convert a string into a "websave" string? .. my problem: if i output a string a example String:=' <h1>TEXT</h1>'; i want to see the string .. but i see: TEXT i want to convert the string into: String:='<h1>TEXT<h1>'; ThanX for suggestions Erich
  14. Hello folks ... can someone please tell me what i have to do on a apache Webserver to use openSSL - what must i do in Windows/in Apache/in Delphi /in uniGui... ThankX for helping Erich P.S.:Which Apache Webserver (including openSSL) should i use? on http://www.apache.org/ - i found in ...mirror/apache/httpd/binaries/win32/ the MSI Pakage: httpd-2.2.25-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8y.msi ... is it the last and best solution ?
  15. hello eelias, i am not sure if i understand you correctly - but: Serverside: the UniGui.dll with all the things ;-) ... For a spezial-report, i wrote a win32bit-standard-delphi-exe - nothing with UniGui (the programm must be threadsave !!!!!!!!) the program creates (with infos from startparameter) reports and safe the results in a subfolder of c:/apache/htdocs/.../ and closes itself.. Clientside: the user clicks on a button in the browser - to start a procedure .. the procedure starts the exe-file with parameters: filename ect.. (shellexecute..) the uniGui.dll creates a uniURLFrame and a uniTimer the uniTimer checks every second - if c:/apache/htdocs/.../filename exists if the file is created by the Windows-exe - the "if fileexists-function" findes the file -> the uniHTMLFrame shows the file.. Is this a way you are looking for ? hth Erich My Problem was the Execute - this works for me: var reportname:String; reportparameter:String; reportnummer:Integer; SEInfo: TShellExecuteInfo; ExitCode: DWORD; ExecuteFile, ParamString, StartInString: string; begin reportnummer:=Random(99999999); reportname:=inttostr(reportnummer); reportparameter:='"'+inttostr(reportnummer)+'"'; reportparameter:= reportparameter +unimainmodule.aktueller_exporttyp; ExecuteFile:=UniServerModule.TempFolderPath+'\vprint2.exe'; FillChar(SEInfo, SizeOf(SEInfo), 0) ; SEInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(TShellExecuteInfo) ; with SEInfo do begin fMask := SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; Wnd := Application.Handle; lpFile := PChar(ExecuteFile) ; lpParameters := PChar(reportparameter) ; // lpDirectory := PChar(StartInString) ; nShow := SW_HIDE; end; ShellExecuteEx(@SEInfo); the "timer based loop" (aktueller_reporttyp = a String) procedure Tform_print.UniTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin if fileexists(unimainmodule.aktueller_reportname) then begin UniURLFrame1.URL:='/temp/'+unimainmodule.reportname_ohne_pfad; UniTimer1.Enabled:=false; if unimainmodule.aktueller_reporttyp <> '.pdf' then begin unipanel1.Caption:='..Document was created and was downloaded'; end; if unimainmodule.aktueller_reporttyp = '.pdf' then UniPanel1.Visible:=false; if unimainmodule.aktueller_reporttyp = '.jpg' then UniPanel1.Visible:=false; end; end;
  16. Hello folks, i have a little question: Has anyone a sampleCode or a little demo how to create a small and simple 2D-simulations-game i think somthing like: a png as backgroung .. the "world" .. with zoom in / zoom out / movement a lot of png´s with automaticaly movement .. some png´s what i can move per drag and drop and so on ;-) Thanks for suggestions Erich
  17. all right ... :-) ... i will wait ;-) ... nice greetings to you from austria i am very happy about your good work .. thnX Erich
  18. Hello Ahmet, if i understand you correctly? You want to start your Webapplication with url: www.xxx.com.tr You want NOT to start your Webapplication with url: www.xxx.com.tr/myweb/myweb.dll You can create a index.html - page on www.xxx.com.tr In your index.html-page: create a iFrame - and the target adress of the Iframe is www.xxx.com.tr/myweb/myweb.dll or you create a redirection in the apache server config ... o.t.: ... you should use english language like we do ;-) nice greetings Erich
  19. Thank you very much :-) and ... gleichfalls schöne Grüße aus dem verschneiten Gasteinertal :-) .. Erich
  20. thanks for infos .. a last question ;-) ... i had problems with "ZConnection1" placed in the uniMainModule ... the unigui-testapplication worked - but if i created a new record .. the new record was just visible on the machine, where the new record was created .. on a other machine no refresh or some code was able to show the new record .. just a "load the uniGui.DLL new" showed the new record ... So i placed the "ZConnection1" on the uniservermodule and all ZQuerys on uniMainModule ... and new records where shown on all machines . QUESTION: If i use the delphi intebase components .. where should i put the connection and the querys ? have i a problem with new records again ? ThanX for your support Erich
  21. hmmm... i use ZeosLib a long time ... for small and simple Database applications .. no threads or something ... i use Delphi XE4 Professional ... and i did never use the included Interbase components like Tables, Querys and so on .. Question: ...what kind of components do you recommend in this case (uniGui webapplication and a Firebird Database) ..if possible: a cheap suggestion ;-) ? thanx for suggestion :-) Erich p.s.: this "thread-problem-thing" could explain a lot of "strange" foible.. you remind http://forums.unigui.com/index.php?/topic/3637-bug-unisessionaddjs-produces-access-violations/ ? .. i tryed to reproduce the problem in a small testcase (for farshad..) .. but was not able to reproduce the error in a simple small demo ...
  22. i think: yes ... http://zeoslib.sourceforge.net/viewtopic.php?t=429&p=1516
  23. Hello folks, i have a little question: If i use a sql statement "ALTER TABLE" to create a new field at runtime - the new generated field seems to be "write protected" since i RESTART THE APACHE WEBSERVER ? .. The Statement: "Create Table with different fields" works normal ... Delpi XE4 with a Firebird 2.5 Database and ZeosLib-Components (7.1) the ZConnection to the database is in the uniservermodule ( if not here - the database is not refreshing "to and from" other clients ! ..) the ZQuerys and Datasource Components are in MainModule i tested differnet statements... allways the same result: "Create table" works normal .. "Alter Table" just works correct after i reload the unigui.dll Any ideas, why this happens ? .. Example: I create a new field at runtime (alter table) - after this step - i create a ZQuery at runtime - after this step - i create a Dataset at runtime (connected with the ZQuery) - after this step - i create a uniDbEdit field with datasource and datafield .. now the uniDbEdit is "locked" .. and if i try to write in the field - i get a browser-message "the field "XY" can not be changed" After RESTART of the WEBSERVER ..the new field exists allready i create a ZQuery at runtime - after this step - i create a Dataset at runtime (connected with the ZQuery) - after this step - i create a uniDbEdit field with datasource and datafield .. now the uniDbEdit is working perfect how i try to create fields: Way I ASQL :='ALTER TABLE '+tabellenname+' ADD "'+feldname+'" CHAR(200) CHARACTER SET ISO8859_1 COLLATE DE_DE'; uniservermodule.ZConnection1.ExecuteDirect( ASQL ) ; Way II unimainmodule.ZUPDATE.SQL.add('ALTER TABLE '+tabellenname+' ADD "'+feldname+'" CHAR(200) CHARACTER SET ISO8859_1 COLLATE DE_DE'); unimainmodule.ZUPDATE.ExecSQL;
  24. hello Farshad, i made the same with a UniHTMLFrame.. and it is (of course) very fast .. my Phantasie is there a way for the future to create a especial simple "UniRuntimeContainer" with one uniRuntimePanel"? "UniRuntimeContainer" with a DatasourceProperty and a "uniRuntimePanel" in this uniRuntimePanel i drop uniRuntimeLabel, uniRuntimeImage, uniRuntimeCheckbox and a uniRuntimeButton ....and so on.. this uniRuntimePanel will loop trough the database and makes copy of itselfe and the dropped components, since the EOF is reached .. a cool property for this UniRuntimeContainer would be a "spezialAlig" of the created uniRuntimePanels like "horizontal" or "vertical" Stringgrids, Imagegrids, Datagrids and so one could be created very easy and would work very fast on clientside ... Do you know the famouse "DBCtrlGrid" of Delphi7 ? var i :Integer; s :String; output :String; begin UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Clear; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<div>'); unimainmodule.ZVERTRAG.first; while not unimainmodule.ZVERTRAG.Eof do begin s:= unimainmodule.ZVERTRAG.fieldbyname('OBJECT_NAME').AsString; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<p class="hoverpanel myUnselectable" onclick="ajaxRequest(data_vertragsverwaltung_vertrag.UniMemo1,''Panelclick'' , [ ''Parameter01=03'' , ''Parameter02=03'' ])";>'+s+''); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('<input class="x-btn hoverbutton myUnselectable" type="button" value="Delet test" onclick="ajaxRequest(data_vertragsverwaltung_vertrag.UniMemo1,''delete Record'' , [ ''Parameter01=93'' , ''Parameter02=93'' ])"; />'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</p>'); unimainmodule.ZVERTRAG.Next; end; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</div>'); end;
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