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Posts posted by zilav

  1. 2. It is the number of developers which counts. 10 developers 10 licenses. 1 developer 1 license.

    Will it be possible to install UniGUI on several devices using a single license key? For example a working PC, home PC and laptop when I'm away. Since you are going to sell it without providing source code, this question suddenly became very important.
  2. Define some function in javascript which will accept a sting (for example in some external js file linked by ServerModule.CustomFiles)

    function myfunc(s) {

    When you need some response from server, call uni's ajaxEvent() function from your client js code, on server side in OnAjaxEvent

    UniSession.AddJS('myfunc(' + StringToReturn + ');';

    Your function will be called with passed string as soon as response reaches client.

    Check ajax event demos that come with UniGUI.

  3. I need a group header which is a domain name to be a link (or have a glyph with a link next to it), but grouping unigrid by a field containing link doesn't work because grouping field value is used in ID of div element and screws the whole grid.

    Another method after checking extjs docs is changing view.features[0].groupHeaderTpl.html template, but I can't figure out what exactly and in what client event to put. Can anyone please help with it?

  4. Standard TADODataSet->dbGo works fine, using it in my unigui projects for 3 years. However I keep all data handling logic in stored procedures, unigui clients don't have a single query SELECT, UPDATE, etc, only EXEC.

    Can also recommend EhLib's EhMemTable->EhDataProvider->dbGo if you want more features.

  5. Is it possible to implement something like CharEOL property in grid similar to edits, where you set charcode and the KeyPress event is fired only for it?
    The reason I'm asking is to implement keyboard controlled editing of grid in a separate form. Now I'm using Grid.KeyDown event to check for Enter key, then show modal form to edit the current record. This works almost fine, the problem is Grid.ScreenMask which is activated for every grid event including pressing any key while grid is focused. Mask makes grid "flickering" while navigating with keyboard, that's why I want an event that is fired only on specific key and will use Grid.ScreenMask since need to protect against lags and latency especially when controlled with keyboard.


    The other feature is TUniDBGridColumn.Flexible property. Right now I'm using ExtEvent

    function beforereconfigure(sender, store, columns, oldStore, the, eOpts) { columns[1].flex=1;}

    but would be nice to have it built-in.


    And the last one is TUniDBGridColumn.AutoHeight property to wrap text inside a column. Again easily done with css and TField.GetText event, but having it in uniGUI will reduce boilerplate code.


    Thanks for a great framework!

  6. Can you also please change anonymous proc into function returning TCloseAction. For example when I post some updates into DB when result=mrOk, if there is an error like duplicate index, I want to show a message and prevent closing modal form.

    To make it work in 0.95 I'm using my own ShowModalCallback() method that stores anon callback inside form and calls it in OnClose event. it works, but would be nice to have a similar functionality built-in.

  7. I see that many applications are going to web, and they are using solutions that permit to write the web-style. Delphi desktop looking is not web-like and soon will be considered not acceptable for web.

    Sorry for interruption, but this is so wrong and subjective. What I see on your screenshots is just a mimic of MetroUI from Windows8. Needless to say it's design considered "questionable" to say the least, and that is objective and shared by millions of users.

    If you are writing a web application to work with loads of data where users are supposed to peer at the screen for hours, the last thing you should add are colors and animations. And UniGUI is perfect for that - data crunching web applications.

    You have chosen a wrong library for your needs and now want to turn it into something else. I suppose that upcoming UniGUI Sencha Touch framework is what you are actually looking for.

  8. Greetings!


    Is it possible to optionally get rid of TField's name when grouping is on in UniDBGrid? Right now it displays group header as "field_name: field_value", I need it to

    display only the value, since fields names are in english but values are localized.

    As a workaround I'm renaming field itself to be localized too, but it is inconvinient. And unfortunately TField.DisplayLabel is not used in group header by TUniDBGrid.

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