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Posts posted by xxxpilot

  1. Just tried the code to change table layout columns to amount of 2:

    some_grid.JSInterface.JSCall('updateLayout', []);

    Aaaand.. nope, all added components appearing in one row (as by default). All other properties of some_grid (TUniContainerPanel) are default.

  2. Hello,

    By default the number of columns in table layout is 0. So, I have TUniContainerPanel object named "some_panel" and I wish to adjust amount of columns at runtime, setting :

    some_panel.LayoutAttribs.Columns = 5;

    .. and it does nothing. Any objects added to that "some_panel" placed in single row. Is there some "tricks" for this? Because if I set the amount of columns = 5 in design time - it obviously has 5 columns.

  3. 1 hour ago, Sherzod said:


    18 hours ago, xxxpilot said:

    but still must be shown.

    Can you please explain in more details?

    Idea is to show a tree of folders, even "empty" (using [folder_caption] field as caption (text) of node), and in case if there are records - column [record_id] not null - put them accordingly.

  4. Perfecto! Works. Thanks a lot for this tip.

    Your suggestion is way better than setting in inspector control's property Enabled:=False (I found yesterday that it makes same effect) but in design-time it applies "disabled" effect..

    Am I understand correctly that JSConfig method applies values to ExtJS component config (JSProperty will correspond to ExtJS properties) and related information in details can be taken from ExtJS API docs https://docs.sencha.com/extjs/6.7.0/modern/Ext.html)?


  5. Hello All,

    I would be grateful to get an idea on how to make child controls (in my case TUniLabel-type) to ignore all mouse events (such as clicks, move etc) since the parent control (TUniPageControl) is a handler for mouse events (FMX has HitTest for such situations).

    Thank you

  6. I finally found a solution.

    Instead of using JSInterface.JSConfig, what never gave me a positive result in the code:

    self.var_FBtnMenu.JSInterface.JSConfig('style', [self.var_FBtnMenu.JSControl.JSObject('opacity: 0.3')])

    I tried next code and got opacity of object at UI to required value:


    Below how it looks having some additional events coded:

    'function (sender, eOpts) {'+
    'sender.getEl().setStyle("position", "fixed");'+
    'sender.getEl().setStyle("left", "3px");'+
    'sender.getEl().setStyle("top", "3px");'+
    'sender.getEl().setStyle("z-index", 9999);}';
    'function (sender, e, eOpts){sender.getEl().setStyle("opacity", 0.3);}';
    'function (sender, e, eOpts){sender.getEl().setStyle("opacity", 1);}';

    If you have any suggestions in regards of above code optimization, I would be grateful to check :)

  7. I've modified a bit this event:


    function afterrender(sender, eOpts)
       sender.getEl().setStyle("position", "fixed");      
       sender.getEl().setStyle("left", "5px");
       sender.getEl().setStyle("top", "5px");  
       sender.getEl().setStyle("z-index", 9999);      


    But because button's parent form has AlignmentControl->Client and Layout->Fit, the button now covers all the display view :wacko:

    Any idea on how to override this behaviour?


    Meanwhile I set the main form Layout to absolute, and in OnScreenResize event put the code to control the dimensions of main container what is a Parent for all other elements (except the button).


    What is the corerct way changing CSS style of object injecting JS? I tried without success (var_FBtnMenu - name of TUniButton):

    self.var_FBtnMenu.JSInterface.JSConfig('style', [self.var_FBtnMenu.JSControl.JSObject('opacity: 0.3')]);

  8. Hey there.


    I have a form full of dynamically loaded frames with tons of objects on it.. :) The question is - HOW can I create a TUniButton, what can stay on top of all other objects having fixed coordinates (relatively to web browser window)?

    I tried to create the Button using standard method,setting main form as a Parent, and using BringToFront method, but the frame created before stays on top in any case..


    Thanks in advance


    Can you try this approach for now?!:

    procedure TMainForm.UniButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
      with TUniPanel.Create(self) do begin
        Caption:='Test label';
        JSInterface.JSConfig('style', [JSControl.JSObject('opacity: 0')]);
        JSInterface.JSCall('getEl().fadeIn', [JSControl.JSObject('duration: 1500')]);


    I tried.. the result is - immidiate creation of Panel object without any animation. I put 5 sec for animation:

    procedure Tfr_vnote.UniButton2Click(Sender: TObject);
    if self.FindComponent('test_sss')<> nil then self.FindComponent('test_sss').Free;
    with TUniPanel.Create(self) do begin
        Caption:='Test label';
        JSInterface.JSConfig('style', [JSControl.JSObject('opacity: 0')]);
        JSInterface.JSCall('getEl().fadeIn', [JSControl.JSObject('duration: 5000')]);

    Another question, where can I find explained JSConfig and JSCall use?

  10. Oh, thank you. May be you can point where I can find more information about other JS animation "effects"?


    What is correct way to destroy object after animation finished?


    And what you can suggest for next sequence:

    Creating UniPanel with fading in to it?


    Creation code is:

    if self.FindComponent('test_sss') = nil then
      with TUniPanel.Create(self) do begin
        Caption:='Test label';
  11. Hey All!


    Would be grateful if someone can provide an example of what is the most correct way showing animation on object creation/deletion.


    As a case, I am dynamically creating 5 UniImages in a row.. how can I apply an effect of "fading in"? .. or "zooming in"?

    And on deletion of object from the screen, how is possible nicely to fade them out?


    I understand that there is connection via ClientEvents->UniEvents to JS from Sencha lib, but I never done it before, so, hard to understand where to start "digging". It will be great if someone can explain the process.

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