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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/19 in Posts

  1. Always seeking to help the developers, we held on September 9, 10, 11 in-person training for 5 people from Rondônia at the headquarters of Angel Sistemas in Cuiabá-MT-BR. Let's go, uniGUI in the vein, uniGUI forever.
    1 point
  2. Hello uniguisyriusz i made something like yours, but i create html-DIV s in a UniHTMLFrame ... it is very fast and clean :-) in my example - the "cell" is very big (i use it in many ways - here as menu-point display) ... highlite, image scale funtions and so on are "classic CSS things" but you can create hundreds of small div´s for your solution grid.webm Here is my code - so you can see what i mean and how i solved it: by the way - for the"click-event" on a div - i send the event to mainform-OnAjaxEvent !!!! sent -> onclick="javascript:MainForm.mask.show();ajaxRequest(MainForm.form,'''+ajax_befehl+''',[''param0='+ziel+'''])">'); to -> procedure TMainForm.UniFormAjaxEvent(Sender: TComponent; EventName: string; Params: TUniStrings); -----> if EventName='xxx' then begin procedure TMAINMENU.zeichne_Small_Picture; var panel_width:Integer; panel_height:Integer; image_width:Integer; image_height:Integer; begin setze_farben; panel_width:=245; panel_height:=138; image_width:=245; image_height:=138; abszand_panel:=10; abstand_zeile:=30; if last_thing = 1 then begin m_left:=m_left - panel_width; m_top:=m_top+ 145; last_thing:=2; end else begin m_left:=m_left + abszand_panel; last_thing:=1; if m_left + abszand_panel+ panel_width > mainform.display.Width-10 then // och passe nicht rein ! begin m_left:= 10; m_top:=m_top+last_top+abstand_zeile; last_top:=0; end; end; if m_left=10 then m_left:=20; if m_left <0 then m_left:=20; UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <div class="newspanel"'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' style="position: absolute; top: '+inttostr(m_top)+'px; left: '+inttostr(m_left)+'px; width: '+inttostr(panel_width)+'px; height: '+inttostr(panel_height)+'px" '); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' onclick="javascript:MainForm.mask.show();ajaxRequest(MainForm.form,'''+ajax_befehl+''',[''param0='+ziel+'''])">'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <IMG STYLE="position: absolute;TOP:0px; LEFT:0px; WIDTH:'+inttostr(image_width)+'px; HEIGHT:'+inttostr(image_height)+'px" SRC="'+bilderquelle+'">'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <div class="start_abgedunkelt" STYLE="position: absolute;TOP:'+inttostr(trunc(image_height/3))+'px; LEFT:0px; WIDTH:'+inttostr(trunc(image_width))+'px; HEIGHT:'+inttostr(trunc( (image_height/3)*2 ))+'px"></div>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <div class="'+kategorieklasse+'"'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 10px; width:200px; height: 50px">'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <span>'+kategorie+'<span>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' </div>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <div class="berichttext textpunkte"'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' style="position: absolute; top: 70px; left: 10px; width:200px; height: 60px; overflow: hidden">'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <b><FONT face="Roboto" SIZE="4" COLOR="'+textfarbe1+'">'+beschriftung+'</FONT></b><br><FONT face="Arial" SIZE="3" COLOR="'+textfarbe2+'">'+zusatz+'</FONT>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' </div>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' <div class="aufhellen"'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append(' style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: '+inttostr(panel_width)+'px; height: '+inttostr(panel_height)+'px"> '); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</div>'); UniHTMLFrame1.HTML.Append('</div>'); if last_thing = 1 then begin if 136 > last_top then last_top:=135; end; if last_thing = 2 then begin m_top:=m_top-146; last_top:=279; end; m_left:=m_left+ panel_width; end;
    1 point
  3. Also if you are interested, there is this other option, Web and Mobile https://store.falconsistemas.com.br/ https://demos.falconsistemas.com.br/?tela=tfrmtoggle
    1 point
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