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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/19 in Posts

  1. To add client side validation on a UniEdit with the error provider icon/red underline simply add the following code: 1) For an Email validation UniEdit1 -> ClientEvents -> UniEvents add the following beforeinit code: function beforeInit(sender, config) { Ext.apply(sender,{allowBlank:false,vtype:'email',msgTarget : 'side'}); } 2) For a custom Time validation on a UniEdit control add the following beforeinit code: function beforeInit(sender, config) { var timeTest = /^([1-9]|1[0-9])[0-5][0-9])(\s[a|p]m)$/i; Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, { // vtype validation function time: function(val, field) { return timeTest.test(val); }, // vtype Text property: The error text to display when the validation function returns false timeText: 'Not a valid time. Must be in the format "12:34 PM".', // vtype Mask property: The keystroke filter mask timeMask: /[\d\s:amp]/i }); Ext.apply(sender,{ name: 'departureTime', vtype: 'time', msgTarget : 'side' }); } 3) For client side IPAddress validation on a UniEdit do the following: function beforeInit(sender, config) { // custom Vtype for vtype:'IPAddress' Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, { IPAddress: function(v) { return /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/.test(v); }, IPAddressText: 'Must be a numeric IP address', IPAddressMask: /[\d\.]/i }); Ext.apply(sender,{ name: 'IPAddress', vtype: 'IPAddress', msgTarget : 'side' }); } 4) For clientside AlphaNum validation on a UniEdit do the following: function beforeInit(sender, config) { // custom Vtype for vtype:'AlphaNum' Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, { AlphaNum: function(v) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/i.test(v); }, AlphaNumText: 'Must be an alphanumeric word', // This mask filter invalid keystrokes AlphaNumMask: /[a-z0-9]/i }); Ext.apply(sender,{ vtype: 'AlphaNum', msgTarget : 'side' }); } 5) For clientside URL validation on a UniEdit do the following: function beforeInit(sender, config) { var url = /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*\/?)/i; // custom Vtype for vtype:'url' Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.VTypes, { url: function(v) { return url.test(v); }, urlText: 'Must be a valid URL (ie. http, https or ftp)' }); Ext.apply(sender,{ vtype: 'url', msgTarget : 'side' }); } ***Note*** msgTarget: 'side' shows the round red icon with the white exclamation mark in it. Next step.. A UniEdit control with validation type = 'Email' or 'Time' or 'Date' or etc etc.. or 'Custom' with Regular expression. Min/Max length etc etc.
    1 point
  2. I have the same question,desktop application have uniMainFrame,but mobile how to approve that????
    1 point
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