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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, We are having trouble generating a stack trace for an AV error we are experiencing. We are using JCLDebug for this. Upon checking, we are not able to get jcldebugging to work, and JclExceptionTrackingActive is false. So when we want to get a stack trace to find what is executing there is no useful information. please help Thank you
  2. Can anyone suggest a good approach for debugging & tracing form creation, please? On a relatively simple form, I am experiencing large periods of time from the time I create the form until it is displayed & ready to use by the user - pauses in the magnitude of 10 seconds. My form has a table and a UniDBGrid so there's many things that can happen here, however, my table operations (opening, filtering) only appear to account for a 1-2 seconds of the delay. Right now, I've added a logging in many critical UniDBGrid, Table & Form events, however, even when I have a suspicious gap in time between 2 logged events, I really don't know what else has happened in between. Combine this with ajax communications between browser and server, and it's very difficult to pinpoint the cause. At this point, I'm just trying to understand where the root cause is... my use of tables/ queries... my misunderstanding of the rendering to browsers... event handlers taking too much time etc... Any ideas, tips, or tricks of things I can do to zero in on a cause? Thanks in advance.
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