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Rodrigo Baltazar

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Rodrigo Baltazar last won the day on November 27 2021

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  1. OK everything that plays inside the timer thread will be considered a thead then. I understood. Thanks!
  2. It's updating a dashboard. I would like to read the queries in the thread and only update at the end when everything has been done. grateful
  3. I created a thread, but when I use the Synchronize command to synchronize with the main mainform, it returns an access violation error. Synchronize( procedure begin mainform.labSales.Caption:= FormatFloat('0,.00', StrToFloat(Qry.FieldByName('VALORPAGOS').AsString)); end); What am I doing wrong? Grateful
  4. as I am very late in my service, I will not be able to do this now, but I will do it as soon as possible. Grateful
  5. I already solved it, I got a pirated copy, installed it on another computer, and pulled only the unibutton.pas file, and everything worked again. So it's unfortunate, instead of receiving help from support, we have to download a pirated copy to not be out of work, having an original version.
  6. I already did that, however, it damaged the librarypath of delphi. Lucky I do full backup of windows. I'm using the backup ssd now, I'm afraid to reinstall and have a problem again. Is there a way to just send a copy of UNIBUTTON.PAS? Grateful
  7. If it's defective, do you have a copy to send to me?
  8. how do i inspect? I don't understand what you need..
  9. I already tried to uninstall and install again, but it gave the same problem, I tried to use ssd backup from 7 days ago and it gave the same problem. I don't know what else to do, I need help.
  10. I have no idea, I went to compile yesterday and it was like this.
  11. goodnight! Today this error message started to appear when compiling projects made in unigui. Checking project dependencies... Compiling naturacenter.dproj (Debug, Win64) dcc64 command line for "naturacenter.dpr" c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\bin\dcc64.exe -$O- -$W+ --no-config -M -Q -TX.dll -AGenerics.Collections=System.Generics.Collections; Generics.Defaults=System.Generics.Defaults;WinTypes=Winapi.Windows;WinProcs=Winapi.Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE -DDEBUG -EC:\Sites\naturacenter -I"c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\18.0\lib\Win64\debug"; --- here several dependencies --- Files (x86)\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog 7\Lib\Win64\Debug\Studio24";C:\ibo5_10_1_b2808_Eval\lib\d10_1\Win64\Debug; [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(28): E2029 '=' expected but identifier 'protected' found [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(30): E2029 ';' expected but 'PROCEDURE' found [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(30): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(31): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(33): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(34): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(35): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(36): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(37): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(38): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(39): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(41): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(42): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(44): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TJSControl' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(44): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(45): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(47): E2029 Declaration expected but 'PROPERTY' found [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(51): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TUniStringArray' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(51): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(53): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(54): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'Create' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(54): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(55): E2029 'IMPLEMENTATION' expected but ';' found [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(70): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TImageIndex' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(71): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TUniIconAlign' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(72): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TUniCustomImageList' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(77): E2070 Unknown directive: 'protected' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(79): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(80): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(81): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(82): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(83): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(84): E2070 Unknown directive: 'virtual' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(87): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(88): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(89): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(90): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(91): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(92): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(93): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(95): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TJSObject' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(95): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TUniStrings' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(96): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(97): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(98): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(99): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(101): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(103): E2029 Declaration expected but 'PROPERTY' found [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(114): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'Create' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(114): E2070 Unknown directive: 'override' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(117): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'uniCurrentPlatforms' [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(118): E2029 Declaration expected but identifier 'TUniButton' found [dcc64 Error] uniButton.pas(165): E2029 Declaration expected but 'IMPLEMENTATION' found [dcc64 Fatal Error] uniButton.pas(165): E2226 Compilation terminated; too many errors Failed Elapsed time: 00:00:00.7 occurs in the unibutton unit. What could be going wrong? Grateful
  12. When I close the browser, shouldn't I close what is highlighted in the image? It's not closing. Grateful
  13. Good afternoon! I'm creating my first test application in Unigui and I'm migrating it to a server using unigui's hyperserver. I'm the only user for now, but after I stop using the system, the instances are still open on the server, as in the photo below: What could be going wrong? Grateful
  14. With this change it worked! Thank you!
  15. Any prevision? I have a customer waiting for this feature for more than 7 days and is charging me for a solution.
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