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Everything posted by ElCherchu

  1. Thank you Hayri. This works perfectly.
  2. Hi programers. I having the error as show below when I try to delete a Marker. I'm coding UniMap1.Markers.Delete(Trunc(UniNumberEdit4.Value)); And Argument out of rage error raise. Who can help me? Thank for your help.
  3. Hi programers I am working with UniMap and I realize that when I add a CustomIconText to the Marker it covers the entire Marker and I would like the CustomIconText to be as shown in the image, which is above the marker. How can you do that?, Thank you for your collaborations.
  4. Thank Hayri This realy work.
  5. Sorry Hayri in UniMap1MarkerCreated demo has procedure TMainForm.UniMap1MarkerCreated(Sender: TObject; var Marker: TUniMapMarker); begin with Marker do begin Popup.content:='A New Marker'; AddToMap; OpenPopup; end; end; I not see the way to access to the markers that I had created before. I try to explain again, I want to show, to see, to display all the markers that I had created into the map before. I don't know how to display the markers created before when I open the application. How can I do that? Thanks.
  6. Not, what is the most recommend way to do that?, How can I get the Lat and Lon in the map? thanks.
  7. Hi Hayri for your response. I explain.. I open my Unigui application, I add one or severals markers to a UniMap, I close my application and when I open the application again all the markers I had added before desapears from map. The question is, How to show the markers previosly added into the map. Thank again..
  8. Thank Hayri, I'll tryit as soom as I can. Trank again..
  9. Hello Changing the property collapsed to true o false we got For me is ok, but I'dont know how to add compass
  10. Hello developers I working a project with TUnimaps and after adding the markers on the map, when closing and open the application they aren't longer there. How can I show on the map the previously added markers? Tranks. I'm using delphi 10.2 Unigui
  11. Hi zhyro, thank for response. I really want it is to set the maptype by code. Thanks.
  12. Hi, in my application I'm starting using UniMap, the case is that I don't want to show the MapLayers in map, instead of that I want to do it by code, but I don't Know how to do it, Anyone can help me?, in other case how can I show the compass in map and change the direction? Thanks.. I'm using: Delphi 10.2 Unigui: FMSoft_uniGUI_Complete_Professional_1.90.0.1555 TUniMap
  13. Hello Markokas your right, I found the solution using: frxRep.Variables['Title'] := QuotedStr(Title); Thanks a lot.
  14. Hi Sherzod, How can I adjust my account to attach a test case? I review all the options Thanks
  15. Hello I'm trying to pass value to variable at runtime but when I pass text the band is not displayed. In Fast Report using Unigui I define 3 variables: FromDate ToDate Title I use this function: function TfrDM.GeneraReportePDF(const RepName: string; Rep, Title: string; FromDate, ToDate: TDateTime): string; begin frxRep.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; frxRep.ShowProgress := false; frxRep.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; frxRep.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; frxRep.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; frxRep.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; frxRep.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath + 'Reportes\' + RepName + '.fr3'); frxPDFExport.Background := True; frxPDFExport.ShowProgress := False; frxPDFExport.ShowDialog := False; frxPDFExport.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', Result, True); frxPDFExport.DefaultPath := ''; frxRep.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; frxRep.Variables['FromDate'] := FromDate; frxRep.Variables['ToDate'] := ToDate; frxRep.Variables['Title'] := Title; frxRep.PrepareReport; frxRep.Export(frxPDFExport); end; The frxRep.Variables['Title'] doesn't admit a text, I don't know why... I need your help. Thanks. I using Delphi 10.2 Unigui
  16. Hello Hayri I decide to get the records order by the fields I need from my DB until I update my Unigui to the last version to proof the solution you Suggest. Thank a lot.
  17. Hi, I think that is related to Unigui because using native delphi the code I posted before work, and just in Unigui doesn't work. I use the same component TFDMenTable in both cases.. Thank.
  18. Hello In my application I load data into a TFDMemTable table and if I try to put an order at runtime, using this code with TblMemDe.Indexes.Add do begin Name := 'by_origen'; Fields := 'ID_ORIGEN;GRUPO;CONCEPTO'; Active := True; end; TblMemDe.IndexName := 'by_origen'; Some records already loaded previously are remove, the strange thing is that if I put the index to the table in design time when I try to insert the records it does not load it. I have tried in several ways but it does not work for me, I have also tried: TblMemDe.IndexFieldNames := 'ID_ORIGEN;GRUPO;CONCEPTO'; But it doesn't work either. Could anyone give me a hand with this case? I use Delphi 10.2 Unigui: Thanks a lot.
  19. Hey mhmda for your reply, but the I solved the problem, I’m explain it for everybody, the lines in quotes I changed for if frxRep.Version >= '6.0.0' then begin frxRep.DataSets.Add(frxDSetRecibos); frxRep.DataSets.Add(frxDSetData2); ; Because I use 2 datasets in my report, it’s necessary to add all the dataset used in report. All is ok now. Thank.
  20. Hello programmers, I have a problem in Fast Report using Unigui, I can't understand, when I load the report at runtime the data from my dataset is not displayed, but if I do it directly without frxReport1.LoadFromFile(); everything goes well. I'm using Delphi 10.2, UniGui and Fast Report 6.9.12. The idea is to be able to load my reports at runtime and have the data displayed, I use function TfrDM.GeneraReportePDF(const RepName: string): string; begin try frxRep.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; frxRep.ShowProgress := false; frxRep.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; frxRep.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; frxRep.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; frxRep.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False; frxRep.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath + RepName + '.fr3'); if frxRep.Version >= '6.0.0' then frxRep.DataSets.Add(frxDSetRecibos); frxPDFExport.Background := True; frxPDFExport.ShowProgress := False; frxPDFExport.ShowDialog := False; frxPDFExport.FileName := UniServerModule.NewCacheFileUrl(False, 'pdf', '', '', Result, True); frxPDFExport.DefaultPath := ''; frxRep.PreviewOptions.AllowEdit := False; frxRep.PrepareReport; frxRep.Export(frxPDFExport); finally end; end; If I comment the line frxRep.LoadFromFile(UniServerModule.FilesFolderPath + RepName + '.fr3'); everything goes well but as I said before the idea is to load report at runtime Can anyone help me? I will be very grateful, thanks..
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