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  1. Hi, can you tell me something about the request I made? Thanks. Marco
  2. Hi ABAKSOFT, meanwhile thanks for the sample file. However I use a DataModule with all the reporting and data loading functions of the datasets (the one I posted in the previous messages). I call this DataModule to have the file created and then I destroy it; returning the path of the file, I load the report using the function "UniSession.BrowserWindow" Do you think it is better to show the file in the same form in which it is created and then destroy everything on closing? Please note that this program is used by multiple users at the same time (obviously each with their own session). Thanks!!! Marco
  3. Hi, sorry for the insistence, but i hope to solve this problem?
  4. Ok. I changed the forum account email
  5. no, I use a licensed version. The email on which the license is active is not the same one on which I registered. Is it a problem?
  6. Hello, I'm sorry I still haven't received any answers that help me. However, I wanted to add that the application just in these days continues to process reports showing inside them the data of another report, ie the data obtained from the stored procedure do not coincide with those represented in the report. I remember that mine is a server application used simultaneously by many users. I hope I can get some suggestions. Hello. Marco
  7. Hi, I simplified the procedure by putting all the steps in a single procedure procedure TMDL_REPORT.CaricaReport(ID,Modalita:Integer;var FileReport:String;ParametriFissi:String;FixedFileName,FixedFilePath:String); var FileName:String; begin report.Destroy; report:=TfrxReport.Create(Self); report.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; report.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; report.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; report.ShowProgress:=false; report.LoadFromFile(SRV_MAIN.StartPath+'images\report\' + rsREPORTREP_CODICE.AsString + '.fr3'); //Esecuzione STORED LoadStoredReport(ParametriFissi); report.EnabledDataSets.Clear; //Caricamento dataset if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=1 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati1); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=2 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati2); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=3 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati3); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=4 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati4); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=5 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati5); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=6 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati6); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=7 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati7); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=8 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati8); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=9 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati9); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=10 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.Dati10); FileName:='Stampa_' + rsREPORTREP_ID.AsString + '_' + FormatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnzzz.zzz', Now()); FileName:=FileName + '.pdf'; ExpPDF.FileName := FileName; ExpPDF.DefaultPath := SRV_MAIN.LocalCachePath; // Export Path; report.Export(ExpPDF); FileName:= SRV_MAIN.LocalCachePath + FileName; FileName:=Copy(FileName,Pos(SRV_MAIN.CacheFolderPath,FileName)+length(SRV_MAIN.CacheFolderPath),1000000); FileReport:=FileName; end; The MDL_MAIN module is the MainModule in which I declared both the ClientDataset and the frxDBDataset connected to them. Running the application in localhost, I have no problems. when it is online and used by multiple users, it happens, but not always, that the reports come out empty or even with data that does not correspond to those recalled in the query. Am I wrong in declaring the TClientDataset and TfrxDBDataset components? Is it right to declare them on MainModule which should be the only module for the active session? However the module that performs the creation of the report (the one I posted) is created and destroyed at each call. I hope I was clearer. Thanks and I look forward to your response. Marco
  8. Hi everyone, I don't write much in this forum but I follow all the problems that are exposed and you have often solved me many problems about creating code with unigui objects. I wanted to ask you a question about a problem that I just can't solve: I use Fast Report to create reports. I set all the parameters correctly (so it seems to me), even taking inspiration from the Demo projects and from the advice of other users. Only that the first time the report is loaded, it shows a blank page, just the page with the report header, with no data. If I reload the report again, the data also comes out and the report is displayed correctly. Below is the procedure created to generate the report: procedure TMDL_REPORT.CaricaReport(ID,Modalita:Integer;var FileReport:String;ParametriFissi:String;FixedFileName,FixedFilePath:String); var I,contImg:Integer; FileName,nameImg:String; appoPicture:TfrxPictureView; begin CloseDS; //Carico il report dalla tabella LoadDati(ID); report.Destroy; report:=TfrxReport.Create(Self); report.EngineOptions.SilentMode := True; report.EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe := True; report.EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; report.ShowProgress:=false; report.LoadFromFile(SRV_MAIN.StartPath+'images\report\' + rsREPORTREP_CODICE.AsString + '.fr3'); //Caricamento parametri di avvio report if (rsPARVISPAR_VISIBLE.AsString='1') then if DGL_REPORT_PARAMETER.GetParametri(rsPARAMETER,rsREPORTREP_NOME.AsString,ID)=False then Exit; try //Esecuzione STORED LoadStoredReport(ParametriFissi); report.EnabledDataSets.Clear; //Caricamento dataset CaricaDataset; AssignLinkFields; //Inizializzo i valori delle variabili if (report.Variables.Count>0) and (rsPARAMETER.RecordCount>0) then begin for I:=0 to report.Variables.Count-1 do begin //Ricerco nella tabella rsPARAMETER.First; while not rsPARAMETER.Eof do begin if rsPARAMETERPAR_NOME.Value=report.Variables.Items[I].Name then begin //Assegno il valore if (rsPARAMETERPAR_NASCOSTO.Value) and (rsPARAMETERPAR_DISPLAYDEF.AsString<>'') then report.Variables.Items[I].Value:='''' + rsPARAMETERPAR_DISPLAYDEF.AsString + '''' else if (rsPARAMETERPAR_NASCOSTO.Value=False) and (rsPARAMETERPAR_VALORE.AsString<>'') then report.Variables.Items[I].Value:='''' + rsPARAMETERPAR_VALORE.AsString + ''''; end; rsPARAMETER.Next; end; end; end; //caricamento immagini loghi for contImg := 0 to report.ComponentCount-1 do begin if report.Components[contImg] is TfrxPictureView then begin nameImg:=TfrxPictureView(report.Components[contImg]).Name; //ricerco nella cartella immagine se è presente il file con questo nome if FileExists(SRV_MAIN.StartPath+'images\report\'+nameImg+'.png') then begin AppoPicture:=report.FindObject(nameImg) as TfrxPictureView; if appoPicture<>nil then appoPicture.Picture.LoadFromFile(SRV_MAIN.StartPath+'images\report\'+nameImg+'.png'); end; appoPicture:=nil; end; end; MDL_MAIN.SetActivationRSReport(False); report.PrepareReport; if FixedFileName<>'' then FileName:=FixedFileName else FileName:='Stampa_' + rsREPORTREP_ID.AsString + '_' + FormatDateTime('yyyymmddhhnnzzz.zzz', Now()); case Modalita of 0://PDF begin if FixedFileName='' then FileName:=FileName + '.pdf'; ExpPDF.FileName := FileName; if FixedFilePath<>'' then ExpPDF.DefaultPath := FixedFilePath + '/' else ExpPDF.DefaultPath := SRV_MAIN.LocalCachePath; // Export Path; report.Export(ExpPDF); FileName:= SRV_MAIN.LocalCachePath + FileName; FileName:=Copy(FileName,Pos(SRV_MAIN.CacheFolderPath,FileName)+length(SRV_MAIN.CacheFolderPath),1000000); FileReport:=FileName; end; 1://XLSX begin ExpExcel.ShowDialog:=False; ExpExcel.ShowProgress:=False; ExpExcel.OpenAfterExport:=False; FileName:=FileName + '.xls'; ExpExcel.FileName := FileName; ExpExcel.DefaultPath := SRV_MAIN.LocalCachePath; // Export Path; report.Export(ExpExcel); FileName:= SRV_MAIN.LocalCachePath + FileName; FileName:=Copy(FileName,Pos(SRV_MAIN.CacheFolderPath,FileName)+length(SRV_MAIN.CacheFolderPath),1000000); FileReport:=FileName; end; 2://PRINT begin report.PrintOptions.ShowDialog:=True; report.Print; end; end; MDL_MAIN.SetActivationRSReport(True); finally CloseDS; end; end; procedure TMDL_REPORT.CaricaDataset; begin if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=1 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(1)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=2 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(2)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=3 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(3)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=4 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(4)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=5 then begin report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(5)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=6 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(6)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=7 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(7)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=8 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(8)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=9 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(9)); if rsREPORTREP_NDATASET.AsInteger>=10 then report.EnabledDataSets.Add(MDL_MAIN.CreateDBReport(10)); end; Can you give me some indication on how to solve the problem? Thank you Marco
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