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Timothy lam

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Everything posted by Timothy lam

  1. Hi, If PageControl created 5 pagesheets, is it possible refresh the language of UniLabel caption in all pagesheets after user changes the language.
  2. Hi, I installed Crystal report and tried to copy the DLLs in application directory. But it still has this error.
  3. Hi all, I tried that has the error "Error:100 Error loading library : CRPE32.DLL". Anybody has advise for me? Or it is impossible running Crystal report under UniGui?
  4. I solved the problem. Thanks
  5. Hi, I create the frame inherit and got the following error. The following is creating the new sheet. The next coding is about the new frame. Anything is wrong? FCurrentFrame := TUniFrameClass(FindClass(FormClassName)).Create(sheet); type Tfrm_Department = class(TBaseFrame) private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; implementation {$R *.dfm} initialization RegisterClass(Tfrm_Department); finalization UnRegisterClass(Tfrm_Department); Thanks!!!
  6. Hi, I'm using the following code to set the icon. But it show the menu text without any icon in TreeView. Am I missing something? if (dm1.cdsMenu.FieldByName('Module_PID').Text = '0') or (dm1.cdsMenu.FieldByName('Module_ID').Text = dm1.cdsMenu.FieldByName('Module_PID').Text) then // add root node begin Node := UniTreeView1.Items.AddChild(nil, dm1.cdsMenu.FieldByName('Module_Name').Text); mainIconFile := Path+'Icons\main.ico'; if FileExists(mainIconFile) then begin mainindex := UniNativeImageList2.AddIconFile(mainIconFile); end else mainindex := -1; Node.ImageIndex := mainindex; end else begin // add child node Index := List.IndexOf(dm1.cdsMenu.FieldByName('Module_PID').Text); Node := UniTreeView1.Items.AddChild(TUniTreeNode(List.Objects[Index]), dm1.cdsMenu.FieldByName('Module_Name').Text); groupIconFile := Path+'Icons\Database.ico'; if FileExists(groupIconFile) then begin grpindex := UniNativeImageList2.AddIconFile(groupIconFile); end else grpindex := -1; Node.ImageIndex := grpindex; end;
  7. My solution is something like your solution. We want to achieve Industrial 4.0 & Enterprise 4.0. So I need to build the new platform that can collect the data between all systems. It can provide the consolidate information and let management to have fast decision making. Besides, this middleware platform need to assist all systems if those systems can't handle and communicate with other systems.
  8. Currently is using VCL application under 2-tier design that communicate with all systems. Now I want to migrate the application to 3-tier with multi-platforms. I want to doing C/S and B/S (Web & Mobile) because we have multi-branches in different countries. We can't using B/S for all applications because we have MES, ERP, EAM, FAM, WMS systems that may have performance issues. But B/S is a good solutions for management who can easy monitor the manufacturing status in anywhere. However, I haven't any experience for web platform design that so need always to ask for help.😅
  9. User can easy click other browser features because the their experience. Then it will cause some unknown issues such as press refresh button. I already set UniGUI to warn the user if press refresh. Besides, I disable the right click, backward button that minimize the human mistake. User can minimize the browser in normal mode.
  10. Hi Irigsoft, Great for help. Thanks a lot. But it can't using minimize feature under full screen. So I think I will give up this thinking.
  11. Thanks Tokay's advise. I haven't got any information for UniGui. It has information for TMS and IntraWeb. I'm a starter that may be too difficult for me😳
  12. I added "launchIntoFullscreen(document.documentElement);" in UniLabel.ClientEvents.ExtEvents and your Script in Main.Script. It hasn't any effect. I guess I may make something wrong and missing something.
  13. I tried the above code and only put "UniButtonLogIn.ClientEvents.ExtEvents.Values['click'] := 'function click(sender, eOpts){ launchIntoFullscreen(document.documentElement);}';". That is without any effect.
  14. Hi Sherzod, Thanks. I tried to using your suggestion. But it will apply to all UniEdit component with same icon. My expect result is different icon for each UniEdit that base on different situation.
  15. Is it using mfPage? This solution is not matched with my expected result. I want to like press "F11" result or hide the URL address bar.
  16. Hi, Is it possible to hide the browser address bar? I found the oldest post that using the following shortcut. But it is not my expected solution because we will not create any shortcut for users. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --app=http://yourSiteAddress:8077
  17. Hi, It works. Thanks. But am I need to set all components in UniFormReady? If my form has over 50 components, I need to put this kinds of statements in UniFormReady. Am I right?
  18. It works. Thanks. But it override the original width of UniEdit. Am I need to resign the width individually?
  19. Hi, I want to add image in UniEdit. Is it possible? If yes, how to add in front of UniEdit or the end of UniEdit? Thanks !
  20. Hi, I compared the different between new project and my project. Then I found the problem is I set dk_DisableAll = True in MainModule. Thanks
  21. Hi, I created the new UniGui standalone project. After I completed the login form, I try to input the data in UniEdit field. The cursor can focus on UniEdit. But I can't input anything in there. I tried to create the other new project without anything. Only put the UniEdit and then test it. I can input the data. So I don't know why I can't input the data in previous project. I remarked all custom CSS and test it. The result is the same. How can I check the problem and solve it. Please advise. Thanks
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