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Wade Zhao

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Everything posted by Wade Zhao

  1. I save the image file in some subdirectory, if I use this code UniSession.SendFile([exact path],[filename]); Then browser's behavior is start to download it. If I use this code UniSession.AddJS('window.open('''+[image url]+'''',''_blank'');'') I can get the browser to open in a new tab, that is what I want. But my question is: how do I confirm this [image url]? If I put my application‘s .exe file in the c:\app and save the image file in the c:\app\image directory, the [image url] should be "\image\xxx.jpg", but if I compile my application as an ISAPI DLL, will the application still recognize which directory it is in? Since what I want is to click a button and perform different operations for different types of files, so I can't simply add a label with a link to achieve this goal.
  2. For example, I put a uniFileuploadButton and a uniEdit on a form. When the user clicks on the uniFileuploadButton, I want the user to HAVE TO keyin something into the uniEdit first, otherwise I will prevent the user from selecting a file to upload. How can I achieve this goal? Thanks.
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