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Everything posted by yakup

  1. yakup

    Google Map

    1.90.0 build 1547
  2. yakup

    Google Map

    O demoyu bulamadım. elinizde varsa zipleyip atabilir misiniz.
  3. yakup

    Google Map

    Yes I saw,but i want to draw a line
  4. yakup

    Google Map

    Merhabalar, uniqui de Google Map kullanan oldu mu ? YandexMap'de olur. Elimde bir dizi lat,lng kayıtları var bir gezi rotası bunu haritada çizerek göstermek istiyorum.
  5. for an example of a label box , so the user can add as many options as they want for example,
  6. Sorry, are you asking how you got the random photo? ı use this service https://source.unsplash.com/random/1280x720
  7. i can't now it changes every time the page is refreshed
  8. Hi, I have a background photo that changes randomly every time I login, I do this with UniMainModule.LoginBackground.Url While waiting on the login screen, I want to change it every 5-10 seconds. Changing the url doesn't work, how can I get it to call that photo again?
  9. Bu unitagfileld'deki özelliği bir edittextte kullanabilir miyim ? bu amaca hizmet eden bir komponent var mı.
  10. the source of the problem is this line Report.EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList := False;
  11. There is no problem with vcl applications but
  12. Hi, Fastreport summary band not working , i use it the way i always use it but it doesn't work
  13. So strange. I used TVirtualTable instead of TdxMemData same problem did not happen. unigui2.mp4
  14. Let me check what is a standard component that does the same thing.
  15. files added , video and project unigui.mp4 testcase.zip
  16. v : 1.90.0. 1547 Is that the problem? Shall we update
  17. Another problem is that when such a field is exported to excel, it breaks down like this.
  18. Hi, one field is set to boolean , but it is not getting the text it should receive after drag-drop , but it looks right if i mark it or remove it.
  19. https://stackoverflow.com/a/21458021/6744524 Here it can be done with jscript. I think it can be done with unigui as well.
  20. I made the above recipe but, I don't understand how to do this
  21. this is exactly what i want
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